Escaping the Fire

Summary: The gaang got a new companion in the group, the second to last person they would've ever thought of accepting, was no one other than the Prince of the Fire Nation. But when things starts to get difficult once again, the gaang learns the hard way of surviving the danger ahead of them…Trust. Who can they trust, who can they not? Danger is seeking them around every corner they turn. Can certain companions finally trust one another when their lives are at sake?


"Katara!?" the gaang looked around the temple searching for Katara; however she was nowhere to be seen.

"Sokka, are you sure Katara didn't just go for a walk?" asked Duke who pushed his helmet that was too big for him out of his face and looked around continuously.

"Make Zuko kidnapped-," began Haru as he turned to face the others.

"Don't even say that Prettyboy!" snapped the blind earthbender angrily, "Don't always put the blame on Zuko!"

Sokka who came around the corner shaking his head hopelessly replied quickly adding some more information to Toph's response, "She's not here. But Zuko couldn't have kidnapped her, besides he's training Aang firebending at the moment; though even if he tried to kidnap her, she's stronger than him. He fears her temper." Sokka shuddered at the last part, "I think everyone is afraid of her temper except for Gran Gran…"

Teo cocked his head to the side; "Is it really that bad?" he looked around once more as Aang and Zuko returned from their training. Aang grinned waving at the others, "Hey guys! What are you doing?"

Sokka looked at Aang and Zuko sharply, "We can't find Katara."

Aang looked instantly worried, "How long has she been gone?" he asked quietly.

"Since this afternoon. It's almost dark; she would've been back by now to make dinner." Replied Sokka as his stomached growled, "She better have not been kidnapped…she better just stomp back here and start making supper!"

Zuko frowned, "You don't know how to cook?"

Sokka shook his head, "Don't ever ask me to cook, I'll burn something, and it'll taste awful."

Toph and Aang made gagging expressions nodding.

Zuko sighed and paused for a second; his eyes trailed over spotting something in the distance, he suddenly felt himself panicking.

"Zuko, are you alright?" asked the young avatar who waved a hand in front of Zuko's face.

Snapping out of panic state he shouted with a surprisingly loud commanding voice, "RUN! FIND A PLACE TO HIDE! QUICKLY! FORGET ABOUT KATARA!"

"What!? Are you stupid? We can't stop-," exclaimed Sokka as Zuko turned the warrior's head to the direction he was previously looking at, "Do you see that? DO YOU SEE THAT!?" he shouted angrily.

"What about it?" Sokka snapped back.

"We're all going to get killed it we're spotted! My father probably sent his strongest men to make sure that he finishes us all up!"

The gaang quickly became silent. They all looked at Aang who paced for a second before nodding, "We will split into two groups. Sokka, Haru and I will be one, Teo, Duke, Toph and Zuko will be the second group."

"How is that equal?" asked Sokka.

Aang spoke up smartly, "It isn't! But, Zuko needs a partner too. Zuko knows how to sneak through places easily-,"

"Twinkletoes; we get it already, let's just get our butts out of here!" shouted Toph as she ran off calling over her shoulder, "Come on guys!"

Little did they know, they were already being watched by dangerous eyes.

A/N: Hi everyone, I'm back! Here is my new Zutara story. I think I am getting better at it. Please review! I LOVE TO HEAR YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT!

Here's Chapter 1!