a/n I know that I should be working on my other fic. , but this stupid plot bunny has been bothering me for about a week now. Plus it's a Christmas fic. Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays and enjoy.

Warning.- Twincest. Shonen-ai. Possible OOCness and fluff. (Too much angst in this category it couldn't hurt to make readers giggle and get that warm feeling once in a while.) Please read and Review

Disclaimers- I don't own Ouran Bisco Hatori does.

It was in the middle of December, and it was Christmas eve . Every place in Paris was full of Christmas Spirit. White and fluffy snow blanketed the entire ground not missing a single spot. All the trees were bare and dead, not attractive compared to the green and bright glow that they showed during the Spring and Summer. The Christmas lights ran along the edges of the skyscrapers giving the entire city its lively characteristic. The Eiffel Tower stood tall and proud in the background. Cars were driving crazily in every direction possible, and people were on the sidewalks trying to complete some last minute shopping. The only people that didn't seem in a rush to be were the Hitachiin Twins. They walked down the street at a calm cadence, their fingers laced with one another. They received strange looks, but they could care less.

They were brothers yes, but they were also more than that. They were also in a lover's relationship with each other, a taboo relationship, but they didn't care.

"Screw society! It's not like we need them anyway" That's what they would always say when people came up to them and asked them about it. All that they cared about was the other and the love that they shared with each other.

They came to Paris because they were both complaining to the other that they didn't spend enough time with the other plus they had been in their relationship for about 5 months now. Ouran had let out for Winter Break and everybody in the Host Club had plans for break of their own. So things had worked out in their favor, they agreed that taking a trip to Paris would be a more than perfect solution. So now here they were walking hand in hand without a care in the world. Kaoru suddenly commented

"I never noticed how pretty Paris is during Christmas." He gazed up at the star filled sky, causing his eyes to sparkle. "It's even better because I'm here with you." He gave his brother a sweet smile, the only kind of smile that Hikaru got to see.

" That maybe be true ,but… I think your much prettier, Kaoru and not just during Christmas it's all year round." At that moment, he didn't care who was looking, he leaned in and gave Kaoru a quick kiss on his mouth. A full blush bloomed on Kaoru's face, but that went away as soon as a cold breeze blew by. This caused Kaoru to shiver, Hikaru's instincts kicked in and he wrapped his arm around his love's shoulders. He really was skinny, if someone dressed him up, he bet that Kaoru really would have been mistaken for a girl.

Guilt suddenly made its ugly apperance into Hikaru's head, what was he going to give Kaoru for Christmas? Here it was Christmas Eve and he didn't even have a present for his lover. What kind of person was he?

Kaoru face sudden lit up and he ran to a store window automatically attaching his face to it.

Hikaru was soon behind him, his arms wrapped around Kaoru's waist and his head resting on Kaoru's shoulder. He looked up at the sign, taking notice that it was a jewelry store.

"What're you looking at?" He then followed Kaoru's gaze and saw what his brother was so breath taken at.

There in the case, sat a beautiful ring. The band was made of 24k Silver with a big diamond in the center with two opals one each side of it. Hikaru gaze fell to his brother and his eyes were pleading with want. Not taking his eyes off of the jewelry Kaoru gave a soft smile and commented

" It's so beautiful, I'll be so happy for the lucky person who gets it." A light bulb went off in Hikaru's head and he thanked the lord or whoever above for giving him a sign for the solution for his problem.

Hikaru gave a sweet smile and gently pulled Kaoru away from the window. He whispered into his ear

"Hey, how about we hit a few more stores and then go back to the hotel." Kaoru nodded and brought his hand down to his brother's interlacing their fingers and giving them a small squeeze that was returned not a second later. Kaoru suddenly felt sleepy and leaned his head on his twin's shoulder.

After settling in their room, Kaoru changed into his pajamas, and snuggled into the covers, falling asleep instantly. When Hikaru was sure that his young lover had fallen asleep, he quietly snuck a quick kiss on his forehead and tip-toed out the door back into the frozen paradise that was Paris.

a/n - yea I told you that it would be a little cheesy but I still love it none the less.