On the turnbuckle he jumped,
And all he heard was a sickening crunch,
His eyes glazed over,
He slumped to the ground,
The arena was spinning round and round.

A hushed gasp was heard,
The peremedics sounded far and away,
All he knew was the he wanted to stay.
Stay in the world he was born into years before,
Stay in the world so he wasn't alone.

They rushed him in the ambulance,
To the nearest hospital stop,
They urged him to stay awake,
But that was becoming too tough.

All he thought of was how he got into this mess,
He remembered so fondly in the morning when he dressed,
Fully ready for the match happening that night.
He hung with his friends,
Talked animatedly about things so unimportant to him now,
And found himself full of smiles.

But now things were getting bad,
His head was spinning,
Everything was black.
All he heard was the urging on,
That told him not to quit and to carry his life on.

If only he had not been so cocky that night,
He thought he could pull it off,
But, sadly mistaken,
He only hurt himself more.
He was took weak to do the move,
Too tired and all,
Still, he tried it,
And all he did was fall.

It was his fault this had happened,
Not anyone else's,
But he did not think this,
As he lay on the hospital stretcher.
All he thought about,
All he saw,
Was his mom and dad,
In the fog of his head.

He wanted to impress them,
Wanted them to be proud,
And now he was going to die,
And he knew his parents were gonna cry.

Slowly he closed his eyes,
The pain to horrible to describe.
He wished he could tell his parents how much he loved them,
Wish he told his friends how much he cared,
But now he found himself unable to communicate.
Slowly, he slipped away,

That night he left the world and went to a new one,
And his parents did cry,
As did his friends.
The fans mourned the loss,
Their favorite dead at only 31.
It was a sad thing to witness,
And worse to go through,
But all they knew was he was still there,
Watching over them without a care,
And he smiled as they made him proud,
Because even though he was gone,
They were the ones who kept his soul living on.