
"Geoff's gonna be okay?" Sam asked as Dean ambled into the casting room that the youngest brother sat in as nurses wrapped his arm.

"Yeah, he'll be fine. You?" Dean asked.

"Arm's broken, they did a chest x-ray, found some kind of infection, they're gonna give me antibiotics." Sam replied simply.

Before Sam coudl speak Dean held up a hand. "I'm fine, Sam, healthy as a horse, nothing to worry about." The oldest brother grinned.

Sam rolled his eyes.

"So the others, Geoff and Ryan and them, they're..."Sam started.

"The men that have gone missing throughout the past fifteen years or so. They're back with their families now and Geoff's wife and kid are with him now."

Sam nodded as the nurse finished up the cast, patted his shoulder with an "all done," and left the room, saying that Sam could go when he was ready.

Prescription paper in hand, Sam followed his big brother out of the room and down the hall, stopping at the nurse's station to get directions to Geoff's room before they hit the road.

Geoff looked up from where his daughter sat happily on his bed, to his wife and beyond her to the Winchester brothers who were coming through the door.

"So, you're gonna live eh?" Dean joked.

Geoff grinned an nodded. "It looks that way."

"Good." Sam agreed.

Geoff's wife leaned over to kiss her husband on the cheek. "I'm going to the cafeteria to grab Leah a snack and some coffee, you want anything?" She questioned.

"No thanks, I'm fine babe." Geoff smiled and watched his wife pass the Winchesters with a thankful smile.

"She waited for me, for the past five years she wiated for me, can you believe it?" Geoff replied.

"That's love, my friend." Dean shot back.

Geoff nodded with a small smile that quickly vanished. "So it's over? That's it?" Geoff asked, he had to know.

The brothers nodded in unison. "Yeah, it's over, she's gone, Rockwell's gone and the castle is gone, it disappeared after we left. Ryan and Paul went back to chek on it themselves." Dean stated.

Geoff breathed a sigh of relief. "It was strange, y'know? Getting all of my memories back at once. And then seeing Leah again, who was only two the last time I saw her. Before it, well before it happened."

Leah looked up to her father with big blue eyes that matched his own. "You lost your memory, daddy?" The child asked, she couldn't have been any more than seven.

"Yeah, but it's back now." Geoff responded softly.

"That's good." Leah smiled and jumped softly off the bed. "I'm gonna go help mommy."

"Alright, I'll be here when you get back." Geoff said and watched his daughter scamper between the two brothers and down the hall.

"Glad to hear you're okay, we've gotta get going." Dean said.

"Going?" Geoff asked.

"Yeah we gotta hit the road, find another hunt, that kind of stuff." Dean stated, knowing that Geoff would understand since he was also a hunter.

"Look me up the next time you pass this way." Geoff responded and the brothers nodded.

"Will do." The oldest said.

"Get some rest and feel better." Sam replied with a smile and with a wave the Winchesters left the room and made their way back to the Impala.

The End!

A/N: There! After a while this piece got finished, I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know your thoughts!