A/N: Yay… this fic is a oneshot that I got by looking at my eyes in a mirror, its really random, so R&R please!!!!

It was Christmas eve and Race and Dice had been "going out" for a while now but Dice thinks Race doesn't care for her anymore. So she blocked him out, and here she is playing poker and flirting with a boy that she has no interests in, while Race is sitting right in front of her fighting back both tears, and the strong urge to punch the boy with Dice. Race finally stood up and said, "Well if you'll excuse me, I'm getting' tired of watchin' me goil chatin' on me. Cause I DO care."

With that he stormed off, then Dice said a little too loudly, "Don't worry about him, Shark, he's just jealous."

Race spun around with fire in his eyes saying. "I AM jealous cause I DO care 'bout ya, Dice."

"Then if you really care, whats da color of me eyes when I'm in love??"

"That's not fair, your eyes are always da same around me. 'Cept when you'se playin' pokah."

"That's what I mean, Race you can't even tell what I look like when I'm in love but you see it EVERY day!"

Dice stormed off and Race followed yelling, "Baby please! What can I do to prove it to you?"

"You can go away, then maybe, just maybe I might reconsider."

"I can't leave ya, I love ya."

"I've waited too long for you to say that, Tony, and now its too late."

"Dice, do ya love me?"

"Yes, but I can't…"

"Why not?"

"I just can't tell you!!"

The whole conversation Race was speaking to her back until that last comment then she whirled around revealing a sad tear-streaked face. Race hugged her and said, "You can tell me anythin'. I'll always listen."

Race walked Dice back to the lodging house and they were back together again… just in time for Christmas.

A/N: Did you like it??? Review please I thrive on reviews… so click the button… or… or race and dice will be very mad at you. Yeah! If enough people like this fic then I might add more chapters… but that means you NEED to review!