I was afraid of men right now. My body was sensitive and hurt really badly. So was my ego. I sat in my room, crying alone because I asked Edward to wait to come over until 10:00 PM and it was only 8:30 PM. Charlie had gone to be early, much to my extreme happiness. After yesterday night I knew things would never be the same. As much as I loved Edward, all men were terrifying me to death. I had no trust. I was afraid I would be scared when he came over.

I knew I looked horrible, a wreck just as bad as when Edward left, but this was a different matter. I needed a shower. I felt unclean and horrible. I also knew that all the scrubbing in the world would never make a difference. I unconsciously got up and grabbed some night clothes and headed red faced and sobbing to the bath room. I turned on the shower to full heat, which was normally blistering hot, but I ignored it completely. I was thinking about weather I should tell Edward or not, and how he would react. My head was pounding and my heart was frantic. What if he left me again?

No, Edward wouldn't do that. But what would he do? Seek revenge? I don't know who did it because I was crying with rage and fear at the time, and angry as hell. I had wanted to hurt them, in any way possible, and all I did good was manage to hurt myself further. I also wondered if he would find the big gash they had made in my arm, and the bruised all over my legs, back, chest, and well... down there. My body was aching all over. They treated me like a bag of sand! Sticking there junk all over me and inside me...

A new wave of tears washed over me. I couldn't breathe. I had to turn off the shower and get out before I feinted. I grabbed my towel and dried off. Then I changed and trudged into my room where Edward's dazzling smile took me off guard. I was still crying, and yet another wave crashed on me and I felt like I was drowning. Withing nanoseconds, he had grabbed me and we were on the bed. He was cradling me bridal style.

"What's wrong love?" He looked at me with horrible sadness to see me like this. I knew it reminded him of when he left. I didn't know how badly this was going to be. He had to wait for my sobs to stop. I was surprised to find that I wasn't scared around Edward, not at all. I even felt safe! That helped a little.

"I-I don't k-know how to t-tell you Edward." I managed to stammer through my sobs. Thank god he was the calm type.

"You can tell me anything. Anytime." He looked calmly into my eyes, but I saw through his rouse. He was panicking.

"I-I-I" I was stuttering like an idiot and finally my brain said it the easiest way possible. "I got raped!" Edward starred at me horrified. Absolutely horrified. We sat there starring at each other for a long time. Finally Edward spoke. He was mumbling to himself but I heard it.

"Oh God, why Bella?"

"Ed-Edward." I tried my hardest to be calm. "Your not mad at me, are you?"

"NEVER!" He growled. "Bella, I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself for-" I cut him off.

"Please don't be mad at yourself." I said crying again. I shifted off his lap onto the bed. I was still scared, but not of Edward. "I just wish I knew who they were." I said. I looked at his beautiful eyes. I sighed. This was going to be a rough night.

"Are you... physically hurt other then in -ehem- obvious places?" He asked trying not to be rude. I understood. I hope this wouldn't upset him too much, but I took my shirt and pants off to show him the damage. I kept my bra and panties on. This was scaring me to death, memories of the horrible night freshly embossed in my brain, but he needed to know. He gasped and stared at the huge gash, and all of my big sore bruises. At least I knew he wasn't a pervert.

"Oh Bella." His frame was shaking a lot. I knew mine was too. He leaned a little closer, then I leaned closer, too. He kissed me, I was automatically relaxed. I knew he wanted me to be healed, all better, but he and I both knew the damage was done. Right now it didn't matter. I was first to pull away for once, and he looked confused at first. I laid against my bed pillows as he kissed each of my individual bruises gently. It was nice, how I wasn't afraid of him. Each kiss left my skin tingling and joyful. Then he did something completely unexpected. He ran to my closet, but not before covering me with a blanket. I gave him a big pout but he explained.

"Sleep!" He mouthed the word to me, and I instantly knew what was up. Charlie must be awake or something. I obeyed. Just as I had guessed, Charlie stepped into my room the second after I had the blanket over me. He just wanted to check that I was ok. Now that's an A+ on Charlie's part. At least he could tell if something was up. As soon as he had come in, he had left again and Edward was by my side again.

"I'm sorry love, if I'm scaring you being so close." Edward said from the opposite side of my bed.

"Edward, maybe it's just our love bond, but I feel completely safe around you. Even after what happened. I trust you from the bottom of my heart to the tip of my toes, down to ever last fiber of my being. I love you." I said it in the simplest way my mind could put it.

"I love you too Bella, to ever last fiber of my being, too." He kissed me gently and I got caught up in the moment. I twisted and tangled my fingers in his hair, and I found him rubbing my back. All too soon he pulled away. "Time for all nice good girls to get their beauty sleep!" Edward said with a crooked smile that I loved. I was okay with this!

"Okay mister Vampire! No leaving my side ever again though! Promise me!" I teased. I really would be terrified without him in my eyesight at least.

"Forever and always." He assured me as he tucked me under the blankets. "Good night, love.

"Night." I barely whispered. He started humming my lullaby and I was out like a light.

A/N: Just a little one shot, unless you KIND and GENEROUS people are willing to review? Pretty please? Especially if you want MORE! Ily all! Enjoy!