Chapter 1: Only the unthinkable

Serena walked in the house after study group with the girls at Rays'. Everything was going great. Darien was safe, the Starlights, Rini, and Chibi Chibi were all back. All the scouts were together and getting along. Even Helios came to visit once a week. The last time he had come, he had found a way to give Serena her super suit back and keep her eternal powers at the same time. (Sry ppl I didn't like the eternal suit.)

"Serena, is that you?" she heard her mother call.

"Yea, mom. I'm home." She replied as her mother walked into the dining room where Serena was putting her school stuff in the hallway closet.

"Serena…….. We need… to talk."

"What's wrong mom?" she asked, her voice full of worry.

"You've been staying out late a lot, Serena. And your father and I have been really worried about you."

Serena heard the front door open and close and then her mother continued.

"When ever your out, trouble always seems to come up. So……"

She heard her dad's voice. She spun around so fast she almost hit the floor.

"So either you tell us what's been going on Serena, or, as much as we don't want to……………. We will be forced to send you to military school."

Chapter 2: You wouldn't believe

Serena's heart began to race, "YOU CAN'T!" If they send me there I can't help the scouts with the new enemies. I'm their leader; they couldn't do it with out me.

"We can, and we will, now tell us what's been going on." Her father's voice getting higher.

"Is it Darien, or Seyia maybe?" her mother asked.

"No, mom. I wish I could tell you guys but I can't. I just can't. You wouldn't understand."

"Sure we will honey, please, all we want to do is help." Her mother said soothingly.

Yea help ruin my life and everything I've worked so hard to prove in the last... what, 5 years.

"I can't." she said hanging her head.

"Alright, we'll give you a week. If you change your mind, we're here to listen…" her mother said in a sad voice.

"But if not, have your bags packed and ready to go."

"Yes, daddy." Was all she could think of to say, as a tear slid down her face.