Hiei's Little Secret

Hiei finally comes forth and decides to tell Yukina, his secret. He knows it's time, but he has mixed emotions about telling her. How will he feel afterwards once it's done with, will happiness turn to sadness.

Chapter 1

The radiant sun shining, a perfect blue sky, birds chirping to their own little song, and a soft cool breeze, all in all a flawless day. Yukina was sitting on the steps to Genkai's temple, simply enjoying this day. All since she was rescued from that greedy human and was forced to cry her rare tear gems, she was always wondering about him, her brother. She had no trace, no piece of evidence to lead her to him, so she can finally know, and that they can be together. The only thing she knew was that he was banished from the Ice Kingdom, because he was a male, he was a Forbidden Child, a evil spirit that would destroy them all. She didn't believe it was true, that her brother was evil. That's all she thought about, day in and day out. Yukina didn't want to ruin this beautiful day with too much worrying, so she went on a walk through the woods.

Every time she went in the woods she felt safe, like nothing could hurt her, it seemed magical, like someone was watching over her and protecting her. She stopped and looked at her Tear Gem((A/N: I don't know what it's called, sorry.)), She knew he was out there, but where?

She heard a rustling high above in the trees, she saw a dark blurred figure "danced" through the trees. Through the black blur, she could make out who it was, it was Hiei. She watched him as he stopped and stood on a high tree branch, with his back facing her. She called out to him. He was thrown off balance and almost fell, but regained his posture and turned around.

" Hello Hiei!" Yukina called out to him . He didn't do anything, but turned around fully to face her. He seemed a little tense, but then relaxed. He jumped down from the tree and stood right in front of her.

She smiled. "Hello, Hiei, how are you this fine day?" Yukina looked so innocent, so sweet, she's like an angel. Hiei felt so guilty when he looked into her eyes.

"Hello, Yukina…I am fine". Hiei responded plainly. He didn't put much enthusiasm in his words, he really never spoke often. It was just him.

Hiei noticed that Yukina was fingering her Tear Gem, he looked at it, and his memories were flashing by. He couldn't help but think about it, even though it was hard for him, he hated his past. Yukina was also staring at the stone, then at him as he was gazing at it. She broke the silence which seemed like forever, but was only a few long seconds.

"Oh, Hiei, I've been thinking about my lost brother a lot lately, more than usual. Since, you are always in Makai, do you have any hints on where he could be?" Yukina paused after her question and looked up at Hiei, who had a some what blank face. He knew now was not the time to reveal just yet.

"No, no, I'm sorry, I don't know where he could be." Hiei felt a little weird when he had to lie right there, to his sisters face. "The Demon World is pretty big, and it's hard to find one person in all of it".

"Oh, Yes, your right. But will you still help me look?"

"Yes, I will keep looking". Hiei started to turn and leave but was caught by Yukina.

"Hiei…Thank you for doing this for me, it means a lot. And one day, I hope to find him, she we can be together at last, brother and sister". With that Yukina took her gem and tucked it back into her kimono. She sighed and looked up at Hiei who was looking back at her, then bid him farewell, and left the forest to return to the temple.

Hiei stood their thinking. The time to tell had to be soon, he just couldn't see her search aimlessly for her brother when only he knew, that the person she has been looking for all these years was standing right in front of her the whole time, him. Hiei shook himself out of his thought to return to the trees where he was before. He had decided to visit Kurama, maybe he can help him overcome the thing that has been lost inside him for so long.


Author's Note: Finally! After thinking about writting a story like this it's happened. And don't worry, this is only chapter 1 of this storie, Fear Not! the other chapters will be coming soon! Yeah, their kind of short.