Tamarindo, this is for you. Your reviews and critiques mean a lot to me. Thanks so much for supporting me through this story and all of the others!


Tree Hill, NC 2008

The day was gorgeous, the type of day that Haley had adored. Nathan had one arm around Jamie's waist and was holding Mariah's hand as he smiled at the light gray tomb stone. It read: Haley James Scott, talented musician, extraordinary teacher, loving wife and mother. It seemed amazing that it had been close to two years since one of the worst days of his life. Two years and his children were steady growing up, nine and five, both in school and thriving.

"What do you want to say, Mariah," Nathan asked quietly.

She seemed hesitant and scrunched up her nose, so like Haley that Nathan had to smile. Finally she stepped forward and pecked the stone, "love you, Momma."

Nathan pulled her close to him and then kissed Jamie's head, "go ahead, son."

Jamie put a hand on the stone, "I think about you a lot still. Everyone says that's okay though. Auntie Peyton told me that her Momma died too. I miss you a lot. I love you, Momma."

"Hales," Nathan held his children closer, "I still miss you and love you. You're not forgotten, not for one moment."

"Nate," at the raspy voice Mariah ran from Nathan and Jamie followed at a slower pace. Nathan turned and smiled up at Brooke.

"We're done," Nathan told her.

Brooke rubbed her swollen belly and smiled, "take your time, I just had to sit for a while."

He went to her and put his hands on her pregnant belly, "the doctor said that you should be resting more often until the birth."

"I'm okay," she replied as she smiled down at Haley's grave stone.

Nathan only shook his head, Brooke was a beast, determined to keep her company going eight months pregnant with two kids and still get dinner on the table, "come on guys. Say good bye to your mother."

"Bye bye, Momma," Mariah told the stone cheerfully. She didn't remember Haley but Brooke had put a picture of Haley on her wedding day on her wall and it was the first thing she saw every morning.

"Bye, Momma," Jamie whispered. He still hurt when he thought of Haley but as the years wore on he was comforted by the stories his father and Brooke told him about his birth mother.

Nathan extended his hand to Brooke, his beautiful wife of nine months, "ready?"

Brooke kissed her fingers and pressed them to the cold stone, "I love you Hales, thank you."