Disclaimer: I don't own any of the HP books or any of the characters, if I did I would be Scottish and live in a castle and roll in my money all day!...and buy a pony.

Chapter 1: Sun-kissed Knickers

It was a funny thing how happy one could be when their life was just about perfect. She was a head girl, beginning her final year at Hogwarts at the top of the class. She was practically promised a spot at London's top Healer school. Voldemort was loosing support and power daily. She finally had Ron after years of wishing and dreaming of him. Yes, life was just about perfect for Hermione Granger.

Her eyes were closed, she pictured last night by the lake with Ron...how shy he had been, timid, gentle...and if Harry hadn't interrupted them they might have actually gotten somewhere! It had certainly been going better than when she had snuck into Ron's room the night before. They had gently kissed, Ron still half asleep, and she had lain down next to him. She drew him deeper and then he had suddenly kissed her harder, biting her lips painfully. Trying to distract him she toke his hands in hers and brought them under her shirt up to her breasts and immediately Ron had pushed her away, murmuring something that sounded a lot like 'slut', leaving Hermione to return ashamed to her own room without so much as a goodnight

As bookish as Hermione was she did recognize that she was "blossoming into adulthood" as her mother put it...and with that came certain...ummmm desires? Admit it. She was horny...and she wanted Ron, but she was so confused by what was going on. She hadn't ever had that many relationships…did all of them work like this? Was she really going to fast? Did she make him angry by being so forward because it made him think that she had done it before?

She looked down at his red haired head resting on her lap, moving ever so slightly as the train bounced along. There was something a little awkward about it, she had to admit. maybe it was because they were so used to being just friends that the intimate things would take sometime to get used to...surely it wouldn't feel like she was snogging her brother the next time they were alone together. Right?

She gazed out the window, watching the bright blue and then the quickly passing fields and trees. She wondered how long she had been asleep for and whether she should change into her school robes. Slowly getting up and gently lifting Ron's head to then place it back down on the seat she lifted her bag down and looked around. No one else was in the compartment except the sleeping Ron, and she didn't care if he saw her changing...right? If they were boyfriend and girlfriend they should be able to do that sort of thing around each other. She wondered if he thought the same.

She pulled the shade down over the window on the door but neglected the windows, assuming that the passing cows in the field wouldn't be phased by a flash of a girl in her knickers. She squiggled out of her jeans and pulled the sweatshirt over her head. With only a plain pinkt-shirt and panties on she walked over to where she dumped her bag and rummaged through it until locating her uniform and pulling it out. She undid the clasp keeping her waves of curly brown hair back and let fall in loose disorder. Ron was snoring slightly and here she was getting naked in his presence, how romantic...

With a quick tug, she pulled the shirt over her head and stood for a moment in her blue cotton panties and pink bra, her hair framing her face, her dark eyes closed and the sun warming her back.

"Granger we need to meet with the prefects and-"

She spun around, her heart pumping and met the gaze of Draco Malfoy.

A little gasp escaped her lips as she stared at him and he stared at her standing there like a deer in headlights. She could feel him taking her in with his eyes never leaving hers and for a moment she forgot who he was and lost herself in the sensuality of the situation. The sun warming her and highlighting her hair, the sound of Ron's unknowing and innocent breathing, Draco's piercing blue eyes.

Ron let out a tremendous snore and the spell was broken. Hermione flushed and looked down, snatching sideways for her shirt.

Draco's face bore a look of someone who had just been completely thrown off and, as if trying to restore some order to his world he sneered, "Only changing when Weasels sleeping? Still so prude, or can he not handle women these days?"

"What do you want? Get out!" Hermione seethed, moving quicker and pulling her cloak around her.

"Don't worry, he's not missing much" Draco scoffed…still eyeing her, "and believe me when I say that I did not come to search you out to enjoy your company…"

"Well then what?" Hermione hissed, trying not to wake Ron

"We have to go meet the prefects and then Dumbledore when we get off the train" he said backing out of the compartment and then, "OY WEASEL! WHAT A RACK YOUR GIRLFRIENDS GOT!"

Ron jumped about 2 feet into the air as Draco walked away laughing and several passers by peaked in curiously before Hermione ran to the door and closed it.

"What the….bloody hell?" Ron muffled and then as his sleepy vision cleared and he took in Hermione, "bloody hell Hermione! Why…cant you…just" He was lost for words

"Sorry, I was changing…I didn't think anyone would come in"

"But…I'm in here"

"You were asleep and I didn't think you would mind anyway" She walked over to him, still using her cloak as a wrap-around, and put her hand on his face

Ron plunged his hands into his pockets and pointedly stared at the ground, "I supposed I better go change to…I'll see you later" He got to his feet, pulled open the door and left, leaving Hermione alone.

She was so embarrassed. What had she been thinking, of course she couldn't just change in broad daylight. The door hadn't been locked; Ron was still in the room…she had been stupid to think that…

Oh fuck. She rubbed her eyes and blinked back some tears. Malfoy had probably already forgotten about it, and Ron would forgive her…even though she didn't see what she had done wrong, she'd make it up to him…somehow


A/N: First chappie of a new fic! Woooohooo!!! This is going to be difficult because I think I've used almost all I've got on my first fic Ta Douleur, which still isn't done! This one I think is going to be a bit more fluffy…with maybe a twist of bad guy in there somewhere, who knows!

If you like what you've read review it so I know to keep going!


Luv Charlito