ARGH Part 1

"AAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!" A syntax error! A *syntax* error!! He hadn't had so much trouble with a syntax error since he was 11! He could deal with pointer errors, pointer to array errors, pointer to pointer errors, but he couldn't deal with a syntax error?! He knew classes, inheritance, polymorphism, templates, but a *syntax* error has him down??

He knows the syntax! class::method() his line was maze::search()..nothing hard in that! He's tried moving the line, no luck, he's checked his bracket-matching, no luck..there's nothing complicated about this line! "ARGH!!"

"Hey, Dick, how's it going?" Tim. Dick hadn't heard him come in to his small apartment.

"I'm about to throw this computer out the window! My search program won't compile because of a syntax error, and I don't see it!"

"Let me take a look," Tim walked over to look over Dick's shoulder, "um, most people spell search with an 'r'"

Dick looked again. That line actually said "maze:seach()" "ARGH!!" Dick dropped his head on the desk, while Tim gave a knowing grin.