ARGH Part 3

"AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!! It's right there!!" Babs was good with computers--heck, she was one of the best in the world! But now when she tried to run her own program, one which she has always run several times a day-- in fact she ran it less than an hour ago--she gets a file not found error. She was in the program's directory. She must have listed the directory 10 times. It was there! She typed the exact same command 40 minutes ago! She was so flustered that she wasn't thinking straight.

There was a knock at her door. "Come in!" She growled. Man, she really wasn't thinking straight--to let someone come in without first getting an identity? Well it was too late now. She turned her chair towards the door, and saw the man she loved--no wait, they were just friends--and his might-as-well-be little brother.

"Hey, Babs," Dick smiled warmly, "Bad day?"

Barbara glared at the pair, and then realizing her expression, softened her gaze. "This program isn't running! I ran it 40 minutes ago, and now I'm getting a file not found!" She noticed an extra twinkle in Dick's eye, but didn't think much of it until she looked at Tim. He looked like the cat who had just swallowed the canary. Dinah never did like that saying, she thought non-sequitorilly.

She narrowed her eyes. "Tim?"

"What?" He tried to look innocent, but he still needed some lessons on the skill from Dick. He looked at Dick, who nodded slightly, and was beginning to turn red at trying to hold in what looked like laughter. He was still mostly straight-faced--he had learned to hid his emotions from the best, Babs thought.

Tim said, "Check your path variable."

Babs narrowed her eyes even more, and wheeled herself back to the evil terminal. She displayed her path, "Looks ok to me..wait! The current directory isn't there! Tim! ..You! ...How! Dick!!" Both brothers released the laughter they had been hiding.

"I'm sorry, Babs! Dick made me do it!!" Tim said through laughter.

"Oh, no! Don't you go blaming me! You're just sore that I got you!"

"Batboys!" Dick and Tim calmed down enough to see that, while she didn't look completely pissed off, Barbara was *not* laughing. "*How* did you do it? My systems are set to alert me the minute someone telnets in."

"Simple. We didn't telnet it." Tim explained. "Remember that evening Dick took you to the circus? I..practiced my..skills."

Babs looked seethingly at Dick who raised his hands in mock surrender. "For what it's worth, Babs, the circus idea came before the cracker idea. No damage--we were just playing around." Dick gave her his famous ladykiller smile, and Babs felt her anger melting--she never could stay mad at Dick, especially when he wore that smile.

Babs shook her head, and wheeled herself to her living room. "Have a seat, boys. Tim, I'm not surprised you got in here, and I imagine you used crontab to put a 'fuse' on the sabotage, but how did you get into my system? How did you get my password?"

The brothers followed and sat. Tim explained, "We cracked it before we came. You've got a morbid password, by the way, anyone ever tell you that?" Babs glared at him. "No I guess not," Tim grinned. "Anyway, we knew you had an extra long password--you must have mentioned it before. We both recognized the first four digits that my decryption program found--the month and year that Bruce's parents were killed. I suggested to it the month and year that you were shot which it found as the last four . I was stuck on the middle four until Dick suggested them. He never did tell me what they were."

Dick noticed the questioning look from Tim, and the sorrowful one from Babs. He looked at Barbara as he mirrored her expression, and said, "The month and day that my parents were killed."

"Oh," Tim chided himself, "I'm sorry, Dick, I should have figured that out."

"It's ok. Why have those dates anyway, Babs?"

"Every time I type them in, it reminds me of why I'm Oracle."