Ah... Okay, when I first started this fic, my mind was set on not being determined on getting reviews, but I've got to admit, getting them is pretty damn nice. Thank you, everyone , you're awesome! (sorry for the update delay... my work load was unbelievable this week...)

((gives more baked goods))

The next few weeks passed quickly; hours turned into days, days turned into weeks. Late one night, I heard Charlus tell James to make me as comfortable as possible, to keep my mind off of the incident. He said that he and some others at the Ministry were working over the matter personally.

Unfortunately, Remus had chosen that precise moment to invite me to a game of chess, so I couldn't hear Mr. Potter's progress on my matter.

It felt slightly odd to have someone you hardly know care so much about you. Sure, it was a relief to know that someone was helping me, but it was also awkward, because I wasn't doing anything in return.

Eventually, I went home for the last week of summer. Unwillingly, I told my parents of my condition. Both of them broke into tears at the news, and I tried to reassure them with hugs and soothing words. Petunia simply looked out the window with an indifferent expression. I had to admit, it stung to see my sister's lack of concern.

For the remainder of that week, I received worried glances from my parents. They fluttered around me, making sure I was okay every second of the day. Much to my displeasure, my father demanded that he stay home from his job, so he could spend more time before I left for school. No matter the amount of convincing I tried, they wouldn't leave me alone. Petunia was the same; she took every moment to shove a crude remark at me. The only times I did not see her was when she was out with her boyfriend, a whale of a man, really. He had bulging eyes and poor humor.

Thankfully, Petunia's sardonic remarks were ended by the ride to King's Cross Station. She refused to "risk a chance of meeting one of those type."

After a tearful—on my parents' part—goodbye, I went looking about the train for an open compartment.

Large, pink, and sparkled signs were posted throughout the train's hall. Some people were observing them, wide grins on their faces. Much to my embarrassment, they turned to me and sniggered. Reluctant, I turned to read a sign.

To the lovely, fantastic, BEAUTIFUL, brilliant, amazing, winsomeravishing

marvelous, wonderful, outstanding, gorgeous, striking

magnificent, SENSATIONAL, and stunning Lily Evans:

Your compartment awaits towards the end of the train

James, Mary, Remus, Em, Penny, and Peter

With each sign I passed, they bursted into clouds of confetti, added to a sharp crack. Many heads peeked out of their compartments and started to giggle.

Lovely. I'd be talking to James about this soon.

I finally reached the compartment. It had many of those signs, among others saying "In here!" and "Lily!"

Taking a large breath, I slid open the door.

It was a wonder that all six fit in the small room. They were cooped up so they were each smashed against a wall or another person.

It was also oddly quiet.

"Where's Sirius?"

"Nice to see you, too, thanks," James smiled. "He's off with Rebecca. And Alice is off with Frank. They'll be back soon, though."

I laughed. "Of course. Hey, could you help me with my luggage?"

James hopped up immediately, slinging up my bags with the others. He sat back down, pulling me onto his lap.

"Interesting way of catching my eye today." I told him lightly, regarding the posters.

"Believe it or not, I didn't do them," he said. "Sirius did. He meant for it to be from me, though. All the adjectives are true, however."

He was taller than me, even sitting, so he planted a kiss on my head with ease.

I was about to say something when Remus suggested us going to the prefects meeting. Sadly, I stood up and kissed James. He tried to pull me back, but I tugged away, grinning. "Bye, James."

As we were walking out of the sliding door, I heard Emmeline exclaim, "Did Lily just call James James?" Turning to James, she said, "Did Lily just kiss you?"

Remus and I snickered as we walked down the lit hall. Through the windows, dark shadows surrounded us. The moon shone brightly, illuminating small clouds around it.

When we arrived back at the compartment, we were greeted by the faces of Sirius, Rebecca, Alice, and Frank. Along with the previous occupants. Eleven people. In one compartment. Some of them had to sit on the floor, due to the lack of space on the benches. Gulping gargoyles...

My mind whirled with claustrophobia. There was no air to breathe...

"Lily?" A soft and startled voice purred near my ear.


My eyes fluttered open...

"Oh, thank goodness," James heaved a sigh of relief. I could see eager faces behind him. Apparently, I was laying down. Something soft cradled my head. There was a bright light beyond their now happy faces, making some of them unidentifiable.

"Here, Lily, this'll help," Remus's voice put a name to the outstretched arm. James took something from him and chuckled.

"You have a curious infatuation with chocolate, mate."

"Alas, it's a cure-all."

Soft, milky slivers of chocolate were fed to me, slowly warming me to the core. The effects of the chocolate were amazing. I was willed into a sitting position, surveying the surroundings. We were still in the train, but someone had opened the window up a tinge, letting in sweet, fresh air. The train was still moving, but the moon was steadily elevating.

"Where are we?"

"Just arriving, actually," Penny piped up in the back. She seemed to be keeping her voice light, but had an edge that I couldn't decipher.

Silence shrouded the room, until, to my surprise, Peter asked, "What happened, Lily?"

"There was just too many people. Too little air." From the looks on people's faces, they didn't believe me in the slightest. "Honestly. Ask Sev. He'll know. He's dealt with my claustrophobia many times."

Then I remembered... Mudblood. The looks on my peers' faces instantly darkened. All of them had warned against Severus before... but I hadn't listened to them. My faith in him blinded me from who he really was.

I shivered and tried to change the direction of the conversation. "So... we should be changing now, eh?" Once again, my observation skills failed me. Everyone else had already switched to their long, dark robes. I was going to get up to change but realized my attire mirrored theirs. "Wha...?"

"I dressed you, Lily," Penny said. "Hope you don't mind."

I smiled in appreciation. I couldn't wait until we reached Hogwarts. In some ways, it was my home. Of course, I loved my home. But here, there was an indescribable air about it. It was homey, comforting, and lovable. Like homemade, chocolate biscuits.


As always, the feast in the Great Hall was splendid. It was full of jokes and laughter and joy. Many people looked on in awe to see James Potter sitting with the adamant Lily Evans. Great. I hated all of this attention. Even the seventh years knew about my notorious quarrels with James, which happened quite... frequently last year. There was a part of me, which I hated to admit, that reveled in the unhappy expressions on other girls' faces.

I cradled my head in my arms when I was finished with my meal. A pound ing headache was approaching steadily.

A voice whispered close to my ear, caressing my hair back, "Lily."

I grunted.

"Remus says you're to help the first-years. Finding the common room."

I lifted my head. Some students were starting to leave. Remus looked toward me expectantly, a swarm of first-years behind him.

This year's group of first-years were especially rowdy. They seemed to enjoy...hitting each other. I snickered as Remus tried to tell them about Hogwarts's history. When a portrait started talking to the group, they were so mesmerized, they stood there listening to how Gimble the Gallant defeated a swarm of five thousand billywigs. Remus attempted to catch their attention by turning my hair blue, but they remained fixed on the exaggerated tale. Finally, the story ended, and they trampled up to the portrait hole. Remus told and explained the password, and led the group inside.

Ten minutes later, I was happily situated next to James, staring into the fireplace. Remus was sitting in an armchair, reading a large book with a haggard look upon his face. Sirius and Rebecca were cuddled up in some corner of the common room, unknowingly being much entertainment to a group of second-years.

"Lily," James's voice broke me out of my reverie. "You do know you have a bunch of blue hairs?"

He was looking closely at my hair, pulling out several locks of blue.

I glared at Remus's now retreating figure. It was shaking with laughter. James followed my gaze.

"Aguamenti!" James whispered, sending a jet of water towards Remus.

Now soaking, Remus turned to face us. "Honestly! You know the charm to take it off. You don't need me for it."

James grinned. "Oh, I know."

With a mocking glare, Remus stomped up the stairs to the boys' dormitories.

Laughing, James changed my hair back to its normal color. "Lovely..." He buried his face in my hair.

"Mmm... James, I'm going to head up to bed now. See you tomorrow." I kissed him on the cheek and headed up to bed. My room was shared with Alice, Rebecca, Penny, Mary, and Emmeline, but was currently empty. How strange. Normally, on the first day of school we would sit in our room talking all night. I knew Rebecca and Penny were downstairs and Alice was probably with Frank. Emmeline was most likely snogging some stranger in a dark hallway... which left Mary. Perhaps she was with a boy, too. I laughed softly to myself. Who would have thought our unbreakable friendship could be effected so by the male population? These thoughts were still on my mind as I drifted to sleep.


I woke early that morning. Everyone's curtains were closed but Mary's. Her bed was made and untouched. Curious, I looked under her bed, seeing her locked luggage. Usually by the first night everything was strewn out across our room.

Frowning, I went down to the common room, seeing if she was there. It was completely vacant. Glancing up at the clock I realized that there was still three hours until breakfast would be served. I went back upstairs and got dressed; there was no way I would be able to fall asleep now. I visited all the places I could think of. The library, the kitchens, everywhere.

Eventually, I slumped down onto a bench in the Great Hall. Several Ravenclaws were huddled in a group at their table and some Hufflepuffs congregated in the entrance of the hall. A crowd of Slytherins sat at their table, not talking. I was the only Gryffindor there. I sighed, bringing out a book that I had in my messenger bag.

An hour and ninety-three pages later, Sirius skipped through the doors.

"Miss Evaaans!" he called.

I looked toward him, chagrined. He located me and started to bound over.

"Lovely day, eh?" He smiled, leaning down on his elbow. His grey eyes flashed excitedly. Next, he ruffled his hair, the annoying habit that James had acquired over the years. Flocks of girls giggled and looked toward him as he did so. Completely unaware of the flirtatious actions behind him, Sirius grabbed my hand somewhat roughly. I missed the feeling of another hand in mine. It sounds utterly cliched, but it felt as if James's hand was meant to be there. Like a piece out of my soul that needed fulfilling.

With a start, I realized that Sirius was watching my daydreaming with a goofy expression.

"Thinking of James again, Lily?" his tone was teasing. "Merlin, how you can concentrate on anything is beyond me."

He pulled me out of the seat, dragging me out of the hall.

"Sirius!" I said with a laugh. "Where are we going?"

He turned around, grinning. "You'll see."

The corridors passed by quickly as we ran through the halls, provoking strange glances from wandering students.

Finally, we stopped at a door that I hadn't seen before.

Sirius pushed me toward it, gesturing to open it. I did so, cautiously opening the door.

I peered inside.

"What the bloody hell?"