Author's Note:

Hey guys! Due to a random fit of nostalgia, I decided to log into my fanfiction account after approximately three years. The Graceful Assassin, was by far my most popular story on this site. Written in 2007, I was only about 12 years old when I published the first chapter. Rereading it now, I've realized that despite its popularity, my writing skills were not that developed. I have read through the reviews I've gotten since its publication, and I greatly appreciate the love this story has received. I also genuinely appreciate the criticisms and trust me, I already know what's wrong with this story. This was my very first attempt at writing fiction and understandably, it is not as well written as it could be. After around 15, I hit a bit of a rough patch in my life and I decided to leave writing and behind. Now 19, I'm planning on making a return to fanfiction, but for now, The Graceful Assassin will stay as it is. As embarrassing as some of this is to me now, I remember how happy twelve-year old me was knowing that people enjoyed what I worked so hard on. There may be a rewrite and a sequel in the future, or I may leave it as is and move towards new stories. Thank you all so much for the love and support you have given me throughout the years, even during my absence.



PS: For those of you that have tumblr and are interested, you can follow me there at .com!

Love ya.