Diapers, Bottles, and Chaos

This story is about the sonic gang as babies adorable right? Well they wont be so adorable once they cause chaos ( especially shadow!)

At Hewlett foster home there is the sonic gang as babies. The babies are Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge, Shadow, and Cream. Shadow and Rouge were the naughty children (A.N not perverted kids alright XD.) The good children were Sonic, Tails, and Cream. Amy and Knuckles could be bad and good sometimes so there in between. Sonic was a speedy little thing. He always wore his lucky shoes his shoes were similar to the older version of Sonic. Sonic always did good deeds around the foster home. Like for an example he once helped Cream look for her chao Cheese. He was a good kid but sometimes he was just to stubborn.

Tails was a cute little fox. He always breaks his toys apart then rebuild them just to see how smart he was. He was very clever he's the smartest baby in the foster home. The one thing he doesn't like is Shadows attitude he was sometimes frightened of him to. He is frightened of him because he always seemed mean and he was stronger than Knuckles he almost killed him to but he didn't because of Rouge.

Knuckles was always angry with everyone and everything. He was a short tempered baby. But there is one person he could get along with and that would have to be Rouge. They were friends/enemies at the same time. Sonic usually makes fun of them saying that there a couple or that they love each other. Then Knuckles would get mad and punch Sonic in the face.

Amy the lovely, bubbly little girl. She could get along with everyone even Shadow! She chases after Sonic hoping that he will love her but lately she gets tired of getting rejected and goes to Shadow to talk instead. No body knows how they get along so well. Sonic thinks that she likes him more than friends. But he keeps that to himself I mean he doesn't like Amy so why should he care.

Rouge she is a spoiled little girl. Recently she learned how to fly so she could cause more trouble. When she spots something and she wants it she gets it. She too has a close connection with Shadow. But she likes Knuckles.

Shadow he is a bad little boy. He cause destruction everywhere he goes. He doesn't care about if he broke something or not. He would just smirk. No body tries to piss him of cause he can fight well. Shadow doesn't listen to anyone not even the caretakers. If they talked to him he would just say Fuck off! But even though he seems like a bad kid he's very loyal to Rouge and Amy.

Last but no least Cream she was the most kindest sweetest kid that's in the foster home. She has good manors. She always helps a friend in need like Amy or Sonic. She stays far away from Shadow afraid that he will do something scary or something. Cream has a crush on Tails but no body really knows that except Amy of course

I'm tired of writing hurts…my….brain!