Esme's Cingular Texting

I leaned against the doorway between the kitchen and the living room, staring disapprovingly at my children, all of which had their cell phones in hand. No one spoke. The only noise was the slight beep as a message was sent.

"Excuse me?!" I said breaking the silence.

Jasper looked up. "PIR." He warned.

"Who cares if I am here!" I said my temper flaring. "Has anyone noticed that this is how many texts you have been sending this month."

I held out the phone bill. They all glanced up to see it.

"NW! AUS!" Rosalie said joyfully.

"OMC! INBD!" Alice said defensively.

"Yes, it is a …a …" I had to think. "….BD?"

"I can't see the #." Bella said.

"INBD, Bella." Edward said soothingly from beside her. "I'll Txt it 2 U."

"Who could you all be texting so much? You are vampires. You are not supposed to be 'bff' with humans. No offence, Bella."

"UGH!" muttered Emmett.

"Emmett who are you texting?"

"IDK. My bff Rosalie."

"Rosalie is right beside you! All you do any more is text. You never talk or go anywhere!"

Suddenly Edward reached out his hand and stroked Bella's face. My heart melted. I was so happy that Bella and Edward were together.

Edward leaned over toward her and whispered. "ILY."

Fury erupted inside of me. Edward and Bella were ruining their relationship with this obsession.

Bella giggled and whispered back. "I luv u, 2."

"Rosalie, lets go do something together." I said desperate to get someone away from his or her devise. "Lets go bake a pie."

"OMC, AUS?" She said sourly. "We don't eat."

Oh ya.

"Alice don't you want to give me a makeover." I was desperate.

"No thx. May b l8r."

Bella stood up. "I gtg. Charlie calls."

"TTYL" Edward said never lapsing from his perfect articulation. "ILY"

"LYLAS!" Alice said cheerily.

"C ya l8r." Bella said to everyone as she headed for the door. "TTFN, Esme."

I sighed angrily but, as I was walking out into the kitchen, I heard a calm male voice speak.

"Now too much texting is something the whole family can NJOY. Cingular brings you unlimited texting. Just $5 more a month."

Little Timmy blinked at the TV.

"OMG, Mom!"

"Wats up!?"

"Wats wit all da vampires?"

YAY...ok this is the sequal to Edward's YAY for the pain that Ed and Es had to go through in order for me to write this...sorry guys

anyway. I don't own twilight or AT&T/ Cingular

this is dedicated too my friend Beth who is a txting fiend...(i dont text and she gets mad at me)

Reviews are much welcome! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!