Atonement – The Cottage on the Beach.

Plot summary:

What if Robbie and Cecilia both survived WWII? What if Briony found them and made her apologies? That's where this fanfiction of mine is about.

I'm sorry if my English and Grammar are bad. I live in The Netherlands, so English is not my native language.

Chapter one – Dunkirk evacuation.

1 June, 1940.

06.53 a.m.


Dearest Cecilia,

Our story can resume. At this moment, British soldiers areevacuating Dunkirk. It won't last long, and I'll be on that boat, which is waiting for us, and be reunited with you soon.

I've kept all the letters you wrote to me, and in all these years they have become a treasure to me. A treasure, so precious. I can't wait to feel your arms around me, your lips pressed against mine. Your sweet voice whispering my name, the same way you did in the library, five years ago.

These five years have been a torment, my love. All these years, moths, days, hours.. were spent without you by my side. Only once, two years ago, in the pub, we were together. You were wearing your uniform. Your eyes sparkled as they had never done before.

My love, wait for me. I will return.


Your Robbie.

Robbie Turner laid down his pen and looked at the scenery in front of him. Wounded soldiers, dead soldiers, healthy soldiers. All were on the beach. The atmosphere was tensed. But also excited. In a few hours, they would be on that ship, that big army ship, to bring them home.

Finally. The evacuation began slowly. The weak men first, then it would be Robbie's turn to get on the ship. Robbie was nervous. And restless. He couldn't wait to go back to England. To be with Cecilia. To come home. Cecilia.

Her name kept running through his brains. A smile appeared on his face. For her, he'd be patient.

Cecilia Tallis, head nurse of the St. Thomas' Hospital, ran through the halls of the hospital. She just received a phone call. The British soldiers were evacuated from Dunkirk that morning. No news from any dead soldiers. No news from the amount soldiers aboard the ship. No news from Robbie.

'Sister Tallis, why such hurry? Anything happened? Is there an emergency?'

Cecilia turned around nervously. All she wanted was to get out from the hospital. To go home, and prepare. Prepare for his homecoming.

'No, sister Andrews, nothing's happened.'

She looked into the eyes of the curious young girl in front of her. Her boyfriend, Thomas Cook, had died three days ago. He was seventeen years old. The young girl was grieving, yes, but in a way which wouldn't be expected from a young girl. It was always thought that young girls would break down and cry whole days. This girl was different. She worked long days, doing every kind of odd jobs she could think of, just to ban the thoughts from her head. Cecilia admired the girl.

With a slight smile, Cecilia turned around and continued her way, to the big entrance. When she stood outdoors, in the muggy weather, Cecilia raised her head to the sky and closed her eyes. Soon, soon the ship would anchor. And Robbie would be on that ship, she knew it. And she would be waiting for him. For him.