Authors note: Ok, first timer on a Yu-Gi-Oh fic, the characters might be a bit OC so please bear with a first timer on a Yu-Gi-Oh fic!


"Long ago when the pyramids where still young, Egyptians kings played a game of great and terrible power"

"Lynni! It's starting! Get ya ass over here!" A girl with colored sprayed hair, green, red, yellow and white named Reneey yelled at her best friend Lyn, who was currently in the kitchen making popcorn.

"I'm coming!" Lyn shouted as she tried to get butter off of her black t-shirt.

"Well, hurry up!" Reneey snapped. "I'm not pausing it!"

"Its not a DVD," Lyn said, rolling her eyes. "You can't pause it." Finally she came into the living room with a huge bowl of popcorn and a butter stain on her shirt. At least there wasn't anything wrong with her blue jeans, aside from the fact that they were about three years old. But hey, it takes that long to really break in a pair of jeans, you know.

"Shut up," Reneey pouted, crossing her arms. Rea was wearing a fishnet shirt with a white t-shirt that had a red skull over it and a pair of tight-ass jeans. Her face was covered with X's, skulls, broken hearts, and pink eyeshadow.

"Evil Marik is soo hot so is evil Bakura" Reneey mumbled.

"I like Kaiba. He's so awesomely sarcastic and randomly dramatic, it's funny."

"Yami's hot, Yugi is.. cute.. But YAMI is hot!"

Lyn stared at her friend. "Wow, I think that's the first time you liked a good person," she commented, raising her eyebrows at Reneey. "Even if it is a cartoon person, mind..."

"Nah, the first time was Dean and Sam from Supernatural," Reneey said.

"Oh, yeah, Supernatural…"

The girls were watching this amazing anime show called Yu-Gi-Oh. Lyn, being sixteen, had watched Yu-Gi-Oh ages ago, before Reneey ever had. She figured once that she probably stared watching it when she was eight or so, and, ironically, when Reneey was eight she also started watching it. Right now, though, Reneey was thirteen.

"Mai needs a shirt.. a REAL one!" Lyn commented, shaking her head.

"I like her shirt."

Lyn made a face. "You would. But come on, her cleavage is hanging out!"

"Ya know, if her nipples came out, Joey would like be on the floor drooling," Reneey said with a grin. "So would perverts, ya know."

Lyn sighed and smacked her upside the head.

"But ya know, in the Millennium World, Thief King Bakura there, I don't like his hair.. its just.. too spiky, I like when its not in the Millennium World."

"I have no idea what you just said, I never got that far. They started putting on stupid cartoons around the time Tristan got the heads of Kaiba Corp in his head.. which was freaky in and of itself.. and, yeah, it just wasn't worth getting up on Saturday mornings anymore for me." Lyn shrugged, as she had no idea what the Millennium World was. But she had a guess that it had something to do with the Millennium puzzles.

After about twenty minutes when the commercial came up, Reneey screamed while grinning, "I wanna go in Yugi's puzzle! Its seems soo cool!"

"I wanna beat Yugi in a duel and make him shut up about the heart of the cards," Lyn laughed.

"I wanna ride on the blue eyes dragon!" Reneey yelled. "Ooh, we should totally do that if we get sucked into it!"

"It's a show! We don't live in a fanfic, Reneey."

"Or maybe we do!"

"We don't, Rea, trust me. If we did, we'd never suspect it was a fanfic."

"Fine, but if we are or would be I call dibs on Bakura!"

Lyn laughed and then screamed, "Fine, then I call dibs on Kaiba! And I mean Seto Kaiba, not Mokuba, he's just wacko and waaaay too perky. And I thought you wanted Marik?"

"Eh, hes gonna die.. well, the evil one is.. I really don't want a dead boyfriend.."

"Evil Bakura is going to die, too. Y'know that, right?"

"Yeah.. but not till later," Rea said, and grinned her green lips.

After Yu-Gi-Oh was over, the girls got up, and Lyn changed into a striped red-and-indigo hoodie and tried again to read the book that she had got for Christmas. The two girls had the house all to themselves for a WHOLE week. Rea's parents were gone, but not lost. Meaning they left her with Lyn. But Lyn's grandparents (who happened to be her legal guardians) were gone on a business trip, and her parents.. well, they were probably asleep in their house right now. Lyn didn't see them much.
"Ya know.. doing whatever you want to do isn't fun when there's nobody to tell you stop," Rea grumbled. For two days they -- or she, really, as Lyn pretty much got to do whatever she wanted anyway as long as it wasn't anything illegal and her grandparents knew where she was so they knew she hadn't been kidnapped -- had done absolutely everything that a teenager would be doing if they had the house to themselbes; and oddly.. it wasn't fun at ALL. For the first two hours or so, yeah, it was a blast; but after that, it got BORING.

"How old IS Kaiba anyway?" Reneey asked Lyn, who shrugged.

"There was a time when I could've told you the full name, age, and life story of every character.. but yeah, that was a long time ago."

"There was a time were I could name all of the Yu-Gi-Oh cards there were, but now -- holy shit! There's, like.. a million or something and they have big ass names that I can't pronounce!"

"Yeah, I'm sure the Russian accent doesn't help. Too bad you're not like me and just have a Southern accent, the worst that I get from that is being called a redneck.. which really isn't an insult to me but yankees think it is, go figure.. Anyway, come on, let's go watch the Yu-Gi-Oh episodes I taped when I used to watch them every Saturday."

"What episodes do you have?"

"Erm, I think they start in Duelist Kingdom. You know, with Pegasus."

"That eye was awesome! I wanna go in that eye and see what would happen!"

"You'd probably get stuck in a card" Lyn said in an offhand sort of way as she popped the tape in the video player. Then, just as the theme song came on... The room started spinning, walls were closing in, and blackness surrounded the teenagers.


"Hey, who are they?"

"I don't know, Joey, but.. are they alive?"

"I think so, Tristan," Yami muttered and leaned in to check their pulses. "Yeah, they're alive," he announced a second later.

"Someone should wake them up."

"Good idea, Tea." Yami picked up his water bottle, opened it up and splashed a little on their faces.
Reneey's eyes opened and she began instantly, "If my eyeliner is ruined I swear I will --" then she realized who had just woke her up and yelled, "Holy shit, Lyn! Wake up!"

"What?" Lyn grumbled and opened her green eyes to see nothing but a mask of her own dark brown hair. "Why must you interrupt my awesome dreams and let me sleep through nightmares?" But then she brushed the hair out of her face and she blinked once, twice, three times in utter amazement.

"Hi, I'm Yami and this is Joey, Tea, Tristan, Mai, and Bakura."

Reneey turned to Lyn grinning and said, "See, I told ya we're in a fanfic!"