What would Peter Pan be without his Wendy?

A/N: hey something new! i decided to try this tell me if you like. And I don't own this J.M. Barrie does (lucky bloke :-) )

It was a cold and snowy night in London.

Two years later, the very night after Wendy, Michael, and John had returned from Neverland.

Michael and John loved that they had new brothers to play and rough house with.

The Darling parents were just happy to have their children back.

Wendy, however, was sad to say the least.

Even though, returning home was her idea she missed Neverland terribly.

Images rolled through her head: the mermaids, Indians, pirates, the beauty of the place it self and, Peter.

Oh how she missed those sun kissed curls and blue-green eyes sprinkled with fairy dust.

The mischievous twinkle in his eyes and a laugh that could make any girl weak in the knees.

Though he promised to return, Peter never did, Wendy had not seen him since she was but a girl of thirteen.

And now, her fifteenth birthday approaching ever so steadily, she longed to see the boy that had captured her heart.

The one she gave her hidden kiss to.

Wendy sat on the window ledge, recommencing her memories of Neverland.

For this was one of the last times she would see this window.

Because, next week she was to go and live with her aunt and learn to be…a lady.

"Oh Wendy darling, please do close that window, its giving an awful draft"

Wendy looked up and smiled at her mother.

"But mother, if I do he might not return" Wendy answered sounding the least bit hopeful.

Mary Darling smiled at her child and shook her head.

George Darling then walked in "Wendy, as you know your mother and I well…were concerned."

Wendy looked at them questionably.

"You see Wendy, your fifteen and you still believe that boy is coming back. And well…it's not healthy"

Mary put a comforting arm around her daughters shoulders, "Give it some thought, dear, that's all we ask"

Wendy shook her head and bade her parents goodnight.

She looked around the old room, once the nursery, was now her room.

Although she kept it the same it just didn't have that homey feeling with out her brothers there.

Wendy then looked up at the star that had taunted her for the past two years.

Finally, letting it all out she sobbed.

"Why Peter…you said you'd come back you said…" She laid there sobbing for what seemed like hours.

Then suddenly…a gust of wind swept through the room rustling the curtains causing her to look up.

Nothing, nothing but the black night sky of London.

Wendy laid her head back down in her arms as tears rolled silently down her cheek.

"Girl…why are you crying?"

Wendy turned around and came face to face… with the person who haunted her for the past two years.

"Peter…" she said breathlessly.

He smiled "Wendy…"

Wendy smiled running across the room she jumped into his arms.

He wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace.

Wendy laid there in his arms sobbing against his chest, "Oh Peter, Peter, I was afraid so afraid. That you'd, you'd, never come back…"

She started to shake and Peter drew calming circles on her back.

"Shh…" he whispered into her ear, "Shh calm down, I'm here now and that's what matters"

Wendy looked up and him and smiled.

Then before she knew what was happening, Peters' lips landed on hers in a soft kiss.

It's amazing how such a chaste kiss can unlock so many emotions.

When the kiss broke Wendy laid her head against Peters' bronzed coloured chest.

Peter buried his nose into Wendy's' hair, taking in her scent.

The two stood in each others arms for what felt like hours, the Peter broke the silence.

"Why were you crying Wendy?"

Wendy looked up at him, "I was…afraid…that you would never come back. Even my parents were telling me to give up hope…"

Peter pulled her in tightly and said with all the sincerity he could muster "Peter Pan never goes back on his promises and don't let anyone tell you otherwise"

He then kissed her on the forehead and Wendy smiled, "Then why…did you finally come back after two years? Why not sooner?"

Peter was silent, "Things aren't right in Neverland Wendy. Hook's back"

Wendy's eyes went wide and she gasped.

"A couple of days after I returned, I was with the mermaids telling them the story of how we killed him. When suddenly one of them said 'Peter Pan you are greatly mistaken. Hook has returned! By dark magic of some sort, for he is more powerful then ever before' it scared me out of my wits so I scoured the island looking for him. I had looked over the whole island then I reached The Black Castle. A ship entirely black with blood red sails was anchored outside of it. On the hull it said 'Black Blood'. I flew closer to the ship and my greatest fear became reality. There stood Hook, flesh and bones, sinister looking as before, but something was different from him. His eyes were blood red."

Wendy was shaken by the whole story, "So that's what kept you? Fighting off Hook again, but from what you've told me it sounds like he's struck a deal with the devil."

Peter shook his head, "But that is one of the reasons I came back"

She peered up at him bewildered.

"I need you Wendy. Last time I wouldn't have survived without you. After all what's a Peter Pan, without his Wendy? I've felt like life has been a blur, I go through everyday aching. Barely feeling alive without you. Wendy…what I'm saying is…will you come back with me…forever?"

Registering what Peter had just said Wendy looked up into his eyes, full of pleading and hope lurked beneath his blue-green depths.

Wendy took a shaky breath, "Peter I've felt the same way for the past two years. But what about my family and what I'm to become?"

Peter leaned in close and whispered in her ear, "Forget them, Wendy. Forget them all. Come with me where you'll never, never have to worry about grown up things again"

Wendy whispered into Peters' ear, "Never is an awfully long time"

The boy broke out into a grin and Wendy did the same.

"Hold on, I must write a letter to my parents explaining everything" Peter nodded in approval and Wendy quickly jotted down a note.

Peter stood at the window, his arms across his chest, with a smug smile on his face.

Wendy finished her note and walked towards the window, she noticed his smile.

"Why the smug smile?"

Peter grinned mischievously and said, "Oh I've just gotten the most beautiful girl in the world to come back to Neverland with me"

Wendy blushed ferociously, "Oh the cleverness of you!"

Peter extended his hand and Wendy took it, "You still remember how to fly don't you?"

Wendy smiled, "Yes I do, but I think I'm in need of pixie dust"

Reaching into the satchel at his hips Peter pulled out a handful and brought it to his lips, blowing it onto Wendy.

She closed her eyes and let the magic over take her, Wendy thought of the first time she ever flew and then she was in the air.

Peter guided her out the window and their journey officially started.

They sailed over the roof tops of London and past Big Ben who was chiming that it was 3 o'clock.

The two flew up through the sky heading towards the star second to the right and heading straight on 'til morning.

Once coming upon the crossing point between Neverland and earth, Peter pulled Wendy to him, she wrapped her arms around his neck while he wrapped his around her back.

They dove head first into the light and came out…in Neverland.

A/N: Tell me what you think should happen next! Review please!