Here is my next try at a full story. I've like tried and failed a bunch of times. For real...if you hate it give me the heads up! It's an opener so it's going to be short. But the rest of the chapters will be longer.

On the hot September day she sat on her boat dock soaking in the hot California sun. She was wearing her new light blue bikini with navy polka-dots. Her eyes were closed and it was if the world around her was gone. SexyBack was playing through her iphone, on repeat.

Her brown hair was pulled back into a bun above her head. It was messy, she didn't care who saw. She was home alone, again.

Yeah, today was a normal day. She awoke to the waves hitting the rocks outside of her bedroom window. She had a beach view through her window. Every morning she could smell the salt from the ocean and it was refreshing to her.

She had the perfect life. She was very rich. Her parents were into the stock market and had very good jobs themselves. They had split a huge company with the Evans family. Gabriella, of course, had no idea what the company was…nor had she cared.

Her social life was amazing. She was Western Hills's golden girl. She was homecoming queen. She had all AP classes. Yet, she never let it go to her head. She was level in her personality. She didn't have B-F-F's. She was actually shy, but everyone still liked her.

The music stopped and her phone started to ring. It was her mother. Gabriella was shocked and sat up quickly. Her mother is always to busy to call. The last time she had seen her mother was in July and the last time she had talked to her mother was in August.

"Hello?" She said with a croak in her throat. She was nervous about talking to her mother. Her parents could be mean. Her mother's high pitched voice rang through the phone.

"Darling, I have wonderful news!" Gabriella expected the best news ever. Her parents were coming home to stay? She smirked at how amazing that would be. They would be an amazing family, a normal wealthy American family. "You are moving in with my friend Mary!" Gabriella's face dropped. Did she just get kicked out of her own house?

"Wha-What?" She felt a lump in her throat. Six letters is all it took for her life to start to go down the drain:


"Like…now?" Gabriella knew better than to argue. Her mother could take everything she owned right out of her hand. Gabriella was a good daughter and obeyed her parents' commands.

"Two days. You are going to be moving in with Mary Evans-Bolton. She was recently remarried. They live in New Mexico. She has two kids. Her daughter's name is Sharpay and her step-son is Troy. They are really nice people and are excited about you being their house guest. " Gabriella groaned and spoke,

"I'm going to be rooming with a dog named girl and a city named boy? Mother…why?" Her mother spoke in her high pitched warning tone,

"It will be fine. I will have your stuff shipped. You will be going to Eastern Hills. It's a great school. Oh…I've gotta go!"

Gabriella sat her iphone down and switched it to SexyBack again. She closed her eyes,

Gabriella was moving away from her picture perfect life and she couldn't do a damn thing about it.

What do you think? Honestly! Should I go forward or totally delete it?? I promise the other chapters will be longer this is just setting up Gabriella's background a bit.