Yeah. I know... it's such an original title and idea.

Difference between everyone else's lists and mine... I've done every single one of these, or plan upon doing every single one of these.

This list is bound to grow.

30 Signs You're Obsessed With Twilight...

1. Your friend has tried to convince you to read Twilight for 2 years but you are only convinced when she has a new friend that has read it so they talk about it constantly. So out of jealousy you read it... in 2 days, 2 just because it was a school night.

2. You then make her bring New Moon for you to read... which you read in 2 days also.

3. You wanted to scream at Edward in the third chapter of New Moon but was in drama class so you opted for slapping your friend on the shoulder and make them explain whether he comes back or not.

4. Immediately after reading Twilight and New Moon, courtesy of your friend, you make your mom take you to the bookstore so you can buy Twilight, which you then proceed to re-read immediately upon purchase.

5. You get the extreme urge to cry during the third chapter of New Moon...

6. Sometimes you give in to said urge.

7. You didn't even have to think about what happened in the third chapter of New Moon.

8. You lie to your English teacher and say you've never read New Moon, just so you can do a report on it.

9. You're only doing New Moon because said teacher knows you have already read Twilight.

10. Upon giving the oral presentation for your report, you last 15 minutes, giving an in depth explanation... while most people only took 5 minutes or less.

11. You are appalled to find that people have not read the Twilight series.

12. You then convince those people to read the books.

13. You then find yourself apologizing for making them put off doing homework, sleeping, sometimes eating, because they were too enraptured by Twilight... then New Moon... then Eclipse.

14. You make your parents drive you to Walmart at 8 in the morning to get Eclipse... Only to find that there isn't a copy in sight, because Walmart was being ghetto.

15. You then convince them to take you to Barnes and Noble as soon as they open to get Eclipse.

16. You nearly pass the huge display of Eclipse in your rush to get to said book... (I didn't think it would be in the front!)

17. You bounce up and down, Alice-style, and squeal holding Eclipse.

18. You make your mother take you up to Barnes and Noble May 5th to get the Special Edition of New Moon.

19. You are definitely planning on getting a half-sleeve/full-sleeve/half-leg/full-leg tattoo to commemorate the Twilight series.

20. You're sad because you have to wait for Breaking Dawn, Midnight Sun and the movie to come out to get said tattoo.

21. You want an official release date so you can start counting down the days to Breaking Dawn.

22. You screamed at your copy of Eclipse when Jacob kissed Bella.

23. You've almost convinced your mom to read Twilight.

24. When you and your best friend talk about Twilight or anything Twilight-related in front of her fiancee, you always find yourself wanting to hurt him because he mocks it.

25. You plan on re-reading Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse just so you can make a new playlist for each book to add to your mp3 player.

26. You highly regret having bought a paperback version of Twilight...

27. Because now it's so tattered you have to buy a hardback version...

28. And you dread having to re-mark ALL of those quotes!

29. You yelled at your cat for knocking your copy of Eclipse onto the floor.

30. you're up at 2:07 Am making this list.

Do tell me how you relate to this.