Chapter 6

Alice POV

Edward had his arms wrapped around Bella as they ran through the trees to hunt. Edward had wanted to teach Bella to hunt on his own.

Me and my family stood for a moment in silence and then slowly dispersed, all going there own way. Jasper came and stood beside me and pulled me into his chest. I suddenly had an urge to see what was going to happen in the future. I closed my eyes and willed myself into a vision. But, there was nothing there, our futures had disappeared.

If my heart could have skipped a beat it would have skipped ten. I felt my body tense, every muscle was taught with anxiety. Jasper, of course, noticed my change in mood. "Alice? Alice, what's wrong?" he said it urgently, he knew it was nothing good.

"Jasper, our future has disappeared! Disappeared!" I cried out. "It's gone I can't see anything!" My chest heaved with dry sobs. Jasper immediately sent out a wave of serenity and my breathing slowed. "I have to go see Bella and Edward, come with me." I begged. He just nodded in response and then we were running, running as fast as we could possibly go.

Bella POV

There were loud crashes coming from the trees surrounding the area where me and Edward were standing. My hand rose instinctively but Edward gently lowered it. "Alice and Jasper." he murmured in my ear. He looked strangely worried. But my thoughts were distracted when Alice and Jasper burst into the small clearing look ing slightly disheveled but yet still beautiful.

"Alice?" I asked slightly bewildered at their noisy appearance.

"Bella," she cried out. and I immediately ran to her side. "Bella, our futures have disappeared!" She wailed. I found myself feeling utterly calm and I glanced at Jasper, silently thanking him.

"Alice it'll be alright, I promise. We need to see Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie and Emmett, we need to tell them." I said calmly. She nodded and Edward came and stood by my side. He took my hand and Jasper took Alice's and we ran home.

We burst through the door of our new home and our family jumped up at the commotion. I was no longer feeling calm, I could feel my stomach twist into a knot, and my hands start to shake. Edward pulled me into his chest and pulled me onto the couch beside Alice and Jasper. Our family looked at us expectantly, Esme and Carlisle looked worried but Emmett and Rosalie just looked curious.

Alice started to speak in an urgent carrying voice, her words running into each other like she couldn't get the words out fast enough. I watched my family's expressions change from mere curiosity and slight worry to utter horror. "...I'm blind." Alice wailed in frustration. For a few moments everyone was silent, all brooding in their own thoughts.

Carlisle broke the silence after a few minutes. "Well, we must make a plan. if the wolves are coming we must be prepared." He said it calmly and with complete authority, he was in complete control of the situation.

We all kneeled in front of the glass coffee table and Edward held my hand. "O.K. we cannot plan to much because at the moment we're blind, we have no way of knowing what is going to happen. But if it looks like any of us are in trouble, Bella you must use your power, Edward you will try to warn us if they're going to do something unexpected." He instructed. "We must do things that they aren't expecting, they have seen us fight before and they will know who is the fastest, the strongest, the nimblest, etc. etc." When Carlisle said the fastest he glanced at Edward, when he said the strongest he glanced at Emmett and when he said the nimblest he glanced at Alice.

"We must stay out of the way of their teeth, which is the only thing that can puncture our skin." he continued calmly. "Do not go for the obvious kill, they will be ready for that. If we do the unexpected, I believe, we will survive." There was silence as Carlisle finished speaking.

"What do we do now?" I whispered.

"We wait." Answered Edward and Carlisle in unison. And that is what we did, we huddled in our mates arms. I in Edward's, Alice in Jasper's, Rosalie in Emmett's and Esme in Carlisle's. We waited for hours, not moving, not speaking, just thinking our own thoughts. I had a feeling Edward was trying not to hear everyone's thoughts, and Jasper looked uncomfortable with the gloomy mood wafting off everybody.

Suddenly I heard the crunch of leaves in the forest surrounding us. My head snapped up in the direction of the sound, and then, I smelt it the horrible smell I knew could only belong to werewolves. The smell of rotten meat, I could smell the blood but I didn't grow thirsty. I would never want to spill Werewolf blood.

"Edward!" My voice raised 3 octaves. He looked at me sharply. "They're here." And then I knew that my family could hear them too, smell them. Apparently my power gave me a better sense of smell and hearing. My family's noses wrinkled in disgust and their muscles became taught with anxiety as they heard the wolves approaching. We rose from our seats in unison and headed towards the door. Carlisle and Edward appeared to be having a silent conversation, I saw Edward nod his head slightly and I opened my mouth to speak but he pressed a finger to my lips signaling me to be quiet.

Edward carefully mimed the plan. We were going to run towards the trees and get behind the wolves and perform a surprise attack. Hopefully. I nodded in understanding and so did the others, Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett. We crept towards the door Edward glanced back once, grabbed my hand and we were off into the trees as fast as we could possibly go. I saw a black shape in peripheral vision it lunged toward us and my hand shot out instinctively creating the invisible barrier around me and my family.

The wolf howled in pain as it was thrown back into the forest, I recognized it as Sam. A feral snarl ripped out of my throat allowing the anger bubbling menacingly just under the surface to lash out. My eyes shifted quickly around us looking for the other wolves that I knew were there. Our family had formed a line in the trees, calmly scanning the forest around us. I turned slowly on the spot, and then I heard them, I whipped around and stared into the forest. Huge dark shapes were slowly coming toward us and forming a line opposite us.

For a moment we faced each other. Me against Jacob, Carlisle and Sam, Edward and Embry, Emmett and Quil, Alice and Leah, Jasper and Paul, Rosalie and Jared, Esme and Seth. I did not want to hurt any of these people. They had been my friends, but I had no choice. The choice between love and friendship, and I choose love. With that thought in my mind a feral snarl ripped out of my chest and my family joined in. the snarl was a war cry there was no going back, the war had begun.

Jacob lunged towards me and my hand shot out in front of me, protecting me from his razor sharp teeth. He was flung a few feet back but was back on his feet in seconds. Jacob limping slightly began to circle and I immediately followed suit.

I glanced over at the rest of my family and saw that they were all locked in combat, my eyes wandered over to Edward. He was being surrounded by the rest of the pack, and then I realized their plan. They would surround one of us at a time while the rest of the pack would keep my family occupied and then they would pick us off one by one. As soon as I realized I knew Edward did too.

The pack leaped at him and I screamed in horror and ran forward, my hand outstretched throwing the pack backwards.

And then, I was on the ground underneath Edward. He was shielding from Jacob who had leapt at me as soon as he had seen my distraction. His brown body flew over top of us. I heard Edward snarl and suddenly his weight was gone off my body. I heard a series of snarls and sounds of tearing skin, and then I knew that Jacob was gone, forever into his peaceful eternity where there was no war or broken hearts. He was finally at peace. They fight Paris falls.

The pack retreated into the forest, gone from our lives forever.

Edward came over to me and picked me up off the ground and carried me back to the house. He lay me on our bed and crawled onto it beside me.

"My love, my life, my forever." I whispered.

"My love, my life, myforever." He whispered in his irresistible voice. We sat there on the bed for a while. It could've been minutes, hours, days or months but time no longer mattered. We had forever.

The End

AN: And that's that. I hope you like it, I may do a sequel eventually if you'd like. Remember to review and give suggestions on changing anything.
