As ever I thank you all for the reviews, favorites and alerts! :D This chapter was actually more or less written in a day, yesterday, with only minor edits done today – mostly looking up to make sure the Arabic words I was using were correct, any problems you have with the spelling, I will say in my defense that I came across many different phonetic spellings during my search and I picked one of them. I hope that the chapter is ok; it was one of those chapters that just gets written in a whirlwind.


Deirdre made her way through the streets of Cairo, having caught a ride back into the city from the Fort where they had been staying. As she had prepared to leave that morning to go to the museum Evy had come to the decision that she was going to mount and expedition to stop Imhotep and had been working herself into an almost manic state by the time Deirdre and Hadiyya had left.

The redhead looked up at the museum, preparing to climb the steps, she had never been here before, and the building was rather intimidating to her, truth be told. She reached out to open the door but pulled back when she saw the "Closed" sign hanging. She frowned; then, determination settling in her expression turned around and walked back down the stairs.

"Mummy, I thought we were going to the museum?" Hadiyya looked up at her mother inquiringly.

Deirdre smiled down at her daughter tenderly as she led the little girl around the side of the building to where she guessed the back entrance was. "We are, but we're just going in another way."

The little girl tilted her head, a little confused but nodded, accepting her mother's explanation.

They indeed did find a back door which Deirdre knocked on firmly, tamping down on her slight nervousness.

The man who answered the door was not particularly tall, middle aged with a red fez. He eyed her with disdain and opened his mouth, most likely to dismiss her when he noticed her necklace, worn openly as Ardeth had told her to. He looked up at her face, eyes narrow as if trying to divine secrets from it. He finally stepped aside. "Come in."

"Thank you," Deirdre nodded to him.

Once mother and daughter were inside he closed the door and then moved around them and gestured down the hall. "This way." He did not even check to see if they were following, reminding Deirdre of some of Ardeth's more imperious moments; she rolled her eyes thinking, 'Well, now I know where he gets it from, at least.'

He led them briskly down the dim hallway into the museum proper, introducing himself as he went, "I am Dr. Terrence Bey, curator of this museum."

"Deirdre O'Connell, and my daughter, Hadiyya."

He nodded his head in acknowledgement of the introductions but did not turn. Deirdre found herself shaking her head, not sure about how she felt about this man, who appeared to tolerate her solely because of Ardeth.

They soon came upon Ardeth and Ehsan, standing in a display chamber not far from the back door. Both men nodded their greeting, Ehsan watching his brother's expression closely the entire time. For a brief moment joy, like he had not seen in his elder brother in years, had flashed in Ardeth's eyes before it was once again hidden.

Mother and daughter were wearing the same clothing as they had in Hamunaptra, though the dresses were now at least clean and they had both bathed. Hadiyya was still dragging about the rather ragged, well-loved doll from before. Deirdre settled her daughter in a corner with a few toys from the small satchel she was carrying and a glass of water, promising her daughter that she could ask Ehsan about telling her another story in a little while, but at the moment the adults needed to talk about something.

Her eyes remained on her daughter as she walked over to where the three men were waiting; once she stood with them she finally peeled her eyes away from Hadiyya and faced them, her eyes focused on Ardeth. "Did you find him?" she asked in a low enough tone that the child would not hear.

A dark look crossed Ardeth's face and he shook his head. "No, we have been unable to locate him, but the people he needs to regenerate himself are here, so he will undoubtedly follow."

The blood drained from her face, she swallowed hard and nodded. Her gaze turned once more to her child; the little girl looked up and grinned at her mother, Deirdre managed a weak smile and wave. Once Hadiyya's attention had returned to her toys, Deirdre turned back to the men and opened her mouth to ask a question.


All four heads turned to the little girl, who got to her feet, holding her glass in both hands and making a face as she walked over to the adults. She raised the glass to her mother, frowning with her nose wrinkled. "Mummy, my water is all red."

The Med-jai went stock still; Deirdre struggled to keep her face pleasant as she took the glass from her daughter. She dipped her finger into the liquid; it came away with red liquid clinging to it. She swallowed thickly, looking rather sick, but she smiled gently down at her daughter and ran her free, un-bloodied hand over her daughter's hair. "Well, that just won't do. We'll try and get you something else to drink in a little while, ok, sweetheart?"

Hadiyya pursed her lips but nodded and headed back to her toys.

Once her child was again settled she turned back to the men. "He's not coming, he's already here, isn't he?" She held up the glass full of blood in her hand. "That's what this means, doesn't it?" She phrased it as a question, but she already knew the answer.

"Indeed," Dr. Bey confirmed grimly. Ardeth took the glass from her hand and settled it on a nearby table. "The Creature is without a doubt in the city already."

Deirdre looked at them all. "As long as he's here the plagues will continue to bear down on Cairo, won't they?"

They confirmed.

Color drained from her face. "All of them?"

Again confirmation.

Deirdre's now wide, fearful eyes turned to Ardeth. "We have to get Hadiyya out of the city."

Dr. Bey raised an eyebrow. "I do not see – "

"The death of the first borns," the red haired woman cut in impatiently.

Still the curator frowned and opened his mouth to speak.

"Hadiyya is a first born child," Ardeth pointed out; this reminder caused his uncle's mouth to automatically shut. Despite his personal feelings about Deirdre O'Connell and the situation his nephew had created for himself, he knew what the little girl meant to Ardeth and would not wish such pain as her death would cause on him.

Ehsan began to speak, but stopped when they heard distant crashing sounds; he moved to the window. His lips pressed into a line as he observed what was going on. He turned away from the window, casting an easy grin at Hadiyya, who had looked up curiously, but upon seeing the smile on the man's face seemed satisfied that all was well and went back to playing. He returned to the three other adults, his expression serious. "Rain of fire. It's not far from here but does not actually seem to be falling on the city itself."

Ardeth exchanged grim looks with his uncle. "His power is growing quickly."

Deirdre rubbed her hands over her face. "We have to get Hadiyya out of here, fast."

Ehsan spoke up. "I was going to say, we could send her to our home." He looked at his brother.

Deirdre looked up from her hands, her gaze going to Ardeth; he was still for a moment but nodded. "Yes. That would be best." He looked at his brother. "You will take her to our mother, to keep her safe."

Ehsan was about to protest but his elder brother continued. "You are my brother, I trust you above anyone else with her."

The younger man looked displeased but nodded.

Ardeth turned to Deirdre contemplating how to get her to go with Hadiyya and Ehsan, but the redhead had met his gaze and was already shaking her head, knowing exactly what he wanted and letting him know that she flat-out was not going. He pressed his lips together, his eyes narrowed; she met that with a raised eyebrow. He scowled but nodded; she smirked.

Ehsan's eyes had gone back and forth between them during the exchange; he had not seen a couple have an entirely wordless exchange like that since his father died – he still vividly remembered the sometimes silent discussions and arguments Faraj and Aqila Bey had had. It was in that moment that Ehsan knew that his brother was a lost man, and had been so for a long time.


They all turned at the little girl's call, she had stood up and walked to stand a few feet away from them and was biting her lip.

Deirdre moved to crouch at her daughter's side. "Yes, darling?"

The little girl looked at the men, still biting her lip; then leaned in to whisper in her mother's ear. Whatever the child said had the woman blinking rapidly and smiling at her daughter in a way when the child leaned back to look at her.

Deirdre took a deep, unsteady breath, rubbing her hands up and down her daughter's sides. "Why don't you ask him?" she smiled, the faintest hint of tears in her eyes.

Hadiyya shyly approached Ardeth biting her lip, unsurely.

"What is it, little one?" he asked after waiting a moment for her to speak.

"Can you swing me up in the air like you did before?" she quietly requested, raising her arms to him.

Surprise was stark on his face for a moment; he glanced at Deirdre who smiled tremulously and nodded.

"As you like, little one," he said, stooping down. The little girl's face lit up and she eagerly jumped into his arms. She shrieked with laughter and he swung her up above his head.

Ardeth looked over to see Deirdre still crouched, her elbow propped on her knee and her fist pressed to her lips, most likely in an effort to restrain the tears evident.

He was about to oblige Hadiyya's request to go again, when they heard voices coming toward them down the hall. He set her down instead and gently urged her back to her mother.

"He does seem to like Evy," they heard Jonathan comment.

"Yeah, what's that about?" Rick asked.

"What's this guy want, anyhow?" one of the Americans – Henderson Deirdre thought it was – demanded.

She held her breath, knowing that a confrontation was about to happen.


"There's only one person I know that can probably give us any answers," Evy commented darkly just before they turned the corner into the room.

To the sight of the Med-jai leader and Dr. Bey are standing together.

"You!" Evy cried.

The Americans and Jonathan all pulled their guns on the pair.

"Miss Carnahan," the museum curator greeted her mildly before turning his attention to the men, "Gentlemen."

"What is he doing here?" Evy demanded, even after hearing Deirdre's story she still felt some anger at the Med-jai, though not as much as before.

Dr. Bey looked at the younger man next to him; then looked back at the interlopers. "Do you really want to know, or would you prefer to just – shoot us?"

"No! Unca Rick! Don't shoot them!" Hadiyya had slipped away from her mother and plowed into her uncle, wrapping her arms around his knees and looking up at him with wide eyes.

Rick's eyes went to Deirdre, whom they had not noticed at first since she was off to the side, Ehsan standing close by, his posture protective of the woman he knew meant the world to his brother.

Rick narrowed his eyes, but put away his gun; the others reluctantly followed suit. "After what I just saw," he commented, picking up his niece, "I'm willing to go on a little faith here."

Once it became obvious to Hadiyya that no one was going to shoot anyone she squirmed in her uncle's arms to be let down, which he obliged. Ehsan managed to lure her away from the "adult discussion" that was going to take place with the promise of more stories in Dr. Bey's office which was next to the chamber. Deirdre sent him a grateful glance which he answered with a "better you than me" look just before they turned the corner.

Once they were out of sight a few of the members of the group sat down in the replica chairs from Ancient Egyptian times while others remained standing; they formed almost two separate groups: Ardeth and Dr. Bey, and the Americans and Carnahans. Deirdre was almost an odd man out, not feeling able to fully go to one side or the other, engendering the feeling that, if needed, she might take on the roll of referee. She wrapped her arms around herself, feeling distinctly alone due to the position she was in.

"We are part of an ancient, secret society," Dr. Bey explained, pacing the floor. "For over 3,000 years we have guarded the City of the Dead. We are sworn at manhood to do any and all in our power to stop the High Priest Imhotep from being reborn in this world." He took a seat in an ornate throne.

Ardeth picked up the narration, "And now, because of you, we have failed."

"And you think this justifies the killing of innocent people?" Evy demanded.

"To stop this creature?" Dr. Bey asked. "Let me think," he continued sarcastically.

"Yes!" both Med-jai said at the same time.

Evy scowled; she turned to Deirdre. "And you agree with this?"

The redhead cocked her eyebrow and raised her hands. "Oh no, I am not going to get in the middle of this…"

The other woman scoffed but turned and commenced pacing.

Rick raised a finger from his lounging position in a gilded chair. "Question: Why doesn't he like cats?"

Dr. Bey explained about cats being the guardians of the underworld and that Imhotep would fear them until he was fully regenerated, at which point he would, as Ardeth put it, "fear nothing".

That set Daniels off in near hysterics over how the mummy got "hisself fully regenerated"; though Henderson seemed to be handling the subject remarkably calmly.

Jonathan was messing with a bow from an exhibit next to Deirdre; when Evy reprimanded him to "stop playing with that" he let it go to suddenly it swayed precariously, nearly falling over on Deirdre, who reached up a hand to still it and casting the man a dirty look.

Evy had turned back to the two Med-jai saying, "When I saw him alive at Hamunaptra, he called me…Anck-su-namun."

The pair started; then turned to each other.

Evy observed their reaction and continued, "And then, just now, in Mr. Burns' quarters, h-he tried to kiss me."

The two men hardly seemed to note her further words.

"It's because of his love for Anck-su-namun that he was cursed," Dr. Bey commented, with dawning realization. "Apparently, even after 3,000 years – "

"He is still in love with her," the younger Medjai finished for him.

"Yes, well, that's very romantic, but what has it got to do with me?" Evy demanded.

"Perhaps he will once again try to raise her from the dead," Ardeth continued, to his uncle.

"Yes," the elder man agreed gravely. "And it appears he has already chosen his human sacrifice."

Everyone's eyes went to Evy.

Jonathan leaned his elbows on the side of the chariot he was in. "Bad luck, old mum."

"On the contrary," Dr. Bey said, sounding almost hopeful, "it may just give us the time we need to kill the creature."

Ardeth's gaze had been drawn up to the skylight. "And we will need all the help we can get. His powers are growing."

Everyone looked up as well, to see an eclipse occurring over their heads.

"And He stretched forth His hand towards the heavens, and there was darkness throughout the land of Egypt," Jonathan intoned.

Deirdre felt her stomach drop, they were running out of time. She turned to Ardeth. "I'm going to get Hadiyya and tell her what's happening." She moved to the corner to gather the toys into the bag.

Rick frowned. "What do you mean 'what's happening'?" he knew she would avoid telling her daughter about the whole situation with Imhotep as long as possible, so he wondered what on earth she was talking about.

Deirdre kept putting the toys away as she said, "She's going to Ardeth and Ehsan's home for safety."


Deirdre rounded on him, her eyes flashing. "Do you not remember the last plague?" The blank looks on the three Americans and Jonathan's faces told her they did not. "The death of the first borns."

Rick looked sick.

She straightened up, slinging the bag on her shoulder. "Ehsan is going to take her there and keep her safe." She then turned and stalked out of the room.

There was an awkward silence for several moments before Jonathan muttered that he was going to get the car started; Daniels and Henderson were quick to follow. Evy lingered for several moments, looking back and forth between Rick and Ardeth, trying to decide if it was really wise to leave them alone; finally she turned and walked out of the room. Dr. Bey left moments later to try and find any research that could aid in killing "the Creature".

In the now empty room the two men sized each other up, all but circling each other. Rick scowling and Ardeth eyeing him disdainfully.

Rick was about to make some remark when Deirdre reentered, Hadiyya's hand in hers. The two men immediately attempted to cover up their animosity. Deirdre narrowed her eyes briefly, sensing that she had interrupted some kind of near-pissing match.

"Ready?" Ardeth asked, his face impassive once more.

Deirdre put aside her feelings on what they had nearly walked in on saying, "Nearly. There is one thing I want to do though." She led Hadiyya closer to Ardeth, bringing them to a stop a few feet from him. She then knelt down next to her daughter, still holding her hand. "Hadiyya, sweetheart, there is something very important I want to tell you."

Hadiyya tilted her head to the side innocently. "What is it, Mummy?"

"Ardeth," she nodded in the man's direction, the little girl nodded to let her mother know she was with her so far; Deirdre took a deep, unsteady breath, "he is your baba…your father."

Ardeth felt like the breath had been stolen from his lungs and his heart began to race.

The little girl looked back and forth between her parents before settling on him, looking at him curiously. She walked toward him, releasing her mother's hand as she moved out of reach and coming to stand right in front of him. She crooked her finger, beckoning him down to her level, which he obliged most willingly. She observed him with a serious expression, reaching out one tiny finger to trace the tattoo on one of his cheeks; then his nose. He remained perfectly still while his daughter investigated his features, holding his breath. Her hand returned to her side and she just stared at him again; he felt like he was being held in limbo, awaiting judgement on whether or not he was worthy, knowing in his heart he never would be but praying just the same that she would take pity on him and accept him anyway. Then her tiny arms were around his neck, hugging him tightly; his arms automatically wrapped around her; then he stood up holding her to him. She gave a happy, relieved sigh. "You were gone so long, Baba." His eyes squeezed shut at her calling him that. "I missed you."

He swallowed. "I missed you as well, habiibi. With all my heart."

His daughter – his daughter! Joy roared through him with that thought – whispered to him low enough that the others would not hear, "Mummy missed you too, but she's afraid to say so."

He smiled, catching Deirdre's watery smile over Hadiyya's shoulder. "I missed her as well," he whispered back in the same low tone.

Hadiyya leaned back to look him in the eyes, a worried expression on her face again. "You're not going away for so long ever again." The adults laughed at her quiet order.

"Well, she is definitely your daughter, brother, bossing everyone around," Ehsan teased.

Ardeth shot his younger brother a half-hearted glare before turning back to his daughter. "No, I won't go away like that again."

She nodded her head. "Are you and Mummy coming with Ehsan and me?"

He shook his head. "No yet, habiibi," he said apologetically. "But as soon as we can, we will join you."

She made a face but nodded. She hugged him again. "Don't take too long."

"Not if I can help it, little one."

She kissed him on the cheek. "I love you, Baba."

He returned the kiss. "I love you too, Hadiyya."

He reluctantly let her down to give her mother a hug and kiss good bye and to go to Ehsan.

Ardeth moved to Deirdre's side while they watched their daughter take Ehsan's hand and head out of the room.

When they were out of sight Ardeth rested a hand on Deirdre's shoulder. "Thank you," he said, his voice rough.

She reached up a hand and gripped his, nodding silently, the tears flowing down her cheeks stilling her voice.

Neither of them noticed when Rick slipped out.


And now it is out there! Hadiyya knows. I actually had them say the words and truly confirm that she is Ardeth's daughter. I know I still haven't given you the scene between Ardeth and Rick. Their…discussion, is coming, but they are really on a tight schedule at the moment so much like the talk that Deirdre and Ardeth need to have it is being put off until they are not trying to keep the world from ending…or at least until they can have more than a minute without Deirdre around to shut them down…should be fun… This chapter actually ended up being a lot longer than I expected; I am looking forward to the new chapter with more surprises to come! D I hope you enjoyed it!