

It was a Sunday afternoon, and Sharpay sat at the kitchen table bouncing six-month-old James Daniel Bolton on her knee while casually chatting with Gabriella. Troy, however, was sitting on the living room couch, eyes glued to the television, fingers moving quickly over the game controller as he and Ryan competed at a game of NBA Live, both shouting loudly whenever they scored.

Drawing their attention away from their screaming significant others, the girls resumed their conversation,

"So what time are you and Troy going to this dinner party tonight?" Gabriella asked while holding out her finger for little James to grab, smiling when he did so.
"Oh about seven I think… honestly I'd much prefer to stay in with Jamie, I hate leaving him, but Troy insists that we need to be there because this partnership could be life changing." Sharpay rolled her eyes while Gabriella cracked the tiniest of smiles which Sharpay failed to notice as she kissed Jamie's head, his tufts of chestnut brown hair tickling her lips, causing the baby to look up at her, his light blue eyes sparkling and his toothless gums on show as he smiled at his mommy, laughing when she rubbed noses with him.

Gabriella smiled at the exchange then quickly drew her attention to Sharpay's left hand, "So when are you gonna exchange this ring for a wedding band?" referring to rather large diamond ring on Sharpay's finger serving as her engagement ring.

Sharpay laughed a little before replying, "I really want to more than anything, but after last time where everything got so hectic and messed up, I really don't wanna go through that again, it would be so much easier with just the people who mean the most to us there you know?"

Gabriella nodded understanding what she was meaning. Troy and Sharpay had already tried to get married once before just a month after Jamie was born, but what was meant to be a simple wedding quickly turned into a large complicated mess which resulted in Sharpay completely freaking out and calling it off, luckily Troy understood and promised to wait and do it the way she wanted.

Looking at her watch, Gabriella took a final sip of her coffee and stood up, "Well we better get going, you need time to get ready for your big dinner" She took the baby from Sharpay's arms and began talking to him in her own baby voice, "and you baby boy get to spend time with your favourite Aunt and Uncle don't you, yes you do, yes." Jamie's sweet laughter filled the room as his auntie tickled his side, his little legs kicking everywhere.

Finally finished with their game Ryan and Troy made their way over to where their ladies stood, Troy immediately swooping his son from Gabriella's arms

"There's my favourite boy ever, Daddy's gonna miss you tonight but this dinner is important and we need to be there because it's all about looking good isn't that right?" Troy said while nodding his head, laughing when Jamie copied him, nodding his own little head. "That's my boy, already learning the Bolton charm." He winked at Sharpay, who rolled her eyes.

"Yes and he won't be using it until he's thirty because his mommy is the most important woman in his life isn't that right Jamie?" He smiled at her before nodding his head like he did for his daddy before, causing the adults to laugh at how untrue that would be when he reached his teenage years.

Ryan, this time, looked at his watch and clapped his hands together "Okay, it's time we got going otherwise you two are going to be late because I know from experience how long it takes Sharpay to get ready." Both men laughed and both then received a glare from the blonde mentioned. "But seriously we really should go."

Sharpay sighed, running her hand over baby James' head "Yeah I guess you should… okay baby mommy's gonna miss you so much." She kissed his forehead before making munching sounds against his cheek causing a squeal of laughter from Jamie.

Troy smiled at the sound of his son's laughter and placed several kisses on his forehead before handing him over to Ryan, as Gabriella was now carrying, what some would say an over packed baby bag. While walking out the door, the last thing heard was Ryan's voice, "C'mon buddy, I think I have a hat that will fit you."

A little while later Sharpay stood in front of the large mirror in their bedroom wearing a beautiful white dress, her hair in soft curls and her make-up done pretty much to perfection.

"Wow, I didn't think it was possible for you to be even more beautiful than you already are but once again you've managed to prove me wrong."

Sharpay smirked before turning around to come face to face with Troy, who looked amazing in his black suit, white shirt and matching white tie. Walking towards him she wrapped her arms around her neck, his automatically resting on her hips, and kissed him softly before pulling back, making him groan quietly.

"Do that again and we may have a problem with leaving the apartment." He stated making her laugh.

"Well we don't have a baby tonight, staying in could be a possibility" Sharpay said while leaving kisses on his neck, him releasing a moan at her actions

"As much as I would love to and believe me I really really would love to, we need to go to this thing it could be great for our future."

With a sigh, Sharpay pulled away and went to her vanity to reapply her lip-gloss, "I don't get why we had to dress in black and white, it's the 21st century who does that anymore?"

Troy laughed at this, and moved behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Well the people hosting this thing prefer a more… traditional dress sense but as long as we're both there that's what's important." He placed a kiss on her cheek, earning a smile from the love of his life and the mother of his son, the other love of his life. "Now we need to get going, or else we'll be late." He stated as he stepped back and lightly smacked her butt before running from the room, not giving her a chance to retaliate.


His laughter could be heard clearly from the other room, "See you in the car!"

"Umm Troy… wasn't that the place back there?" Sharpay asked confused as Troy drove by what she thought was their destination.

"Nope we're not going there," Troy simply said as he continued driving.

Sharpay shot him a 'what the hell' look but he continued to drive with a slight smirk on his face.

Around five minutes later Troy parked the car in front of an old church, got out of the car and went around to open a confused as hell Sharpay's door.

"Okay why are we here?"

"Just trust me ok"

With a sigh Sharpay took his hand as he led her to the church doors, when they stepped inside her breath caught in her throat. There inside the church stood Gabriella and Kelsi both in red bridesmaid dresses on the left side and both Chad and Ryan wearing tuxes on the right side, with Ryan holding little Jamie wearing his own baby sized tuxedo. Standing in the middle was an old friendly looking man who appeared to be in a minister's uniform.

Still in utter shock Sharpay turned to Troy her mouth open and eyes wide, Troy smiled sheepishly at her, "You said that when you got married you wanted it to be me nothing would make me happier than for you to marry me right here, right now so what do you say?"

With tears now freely flowing down here cheeks, Sharpay nodded her head, "I love you," she whispered before throwing herself into his arms and kissing him deeply.

A cough broke them apart about a minute later, and Ryan was standing in front of them, "Guys you're supposed to wait until after the ceremony, now Troy go stand up there and wait for your bride". With one last look to his bride Troy made his way up the aisle to stand with Chad, who was now holding Jamie.

Ryan turned back to Sharpay and smiled just as the wedding classic 'Here comes the bride' began to play, "So sis you ready?" he asked while holding out his arm.

Glancing quickly at Troy who was standing next to Chad and their son with the biggest smile on his face, Sharpay turned back to Ryan an equally big smile on her face, "More than anything." She stated before taking his arm and he began to lead her down the aisle.

"So how did you manage to keep this a secret? You could never keep anything from me." Sharpay questioned when they were almost to the end.

"Oh it was easy… I only found out about 20 minutes ago." Sharpay let out a laugh at that but quickly stopped as they reached the end and she faced Troy, who took her hand as they turned to face the minister.

Gabriella and Kelsi were both teary eyed as they watched their best friend get married to the one man who had given her everything she could ever need.

Ryan watched on with his nephew back in his arms, as his sister married the one man who gave her the love she deserved.

And Chad watched as his best friend got married to the one girl who could match him in everyway, these two gave each other everything they needed and loved each other unconditionally along with their son.

"Do you Troy Alexander Bolton take thee Sharpay Elizabeth Evans to be thy lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" Troy smiled at Sharpay while slipping the wedding ring on to her finger.

"And do you Sharpay Elizabeth Evans take thee Troy Alexander Bolton to be thy lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride"

Troy turned to Sharpay and smiled widely "I love you Sharpay"

She smiled back, "I love you too" and they shared their first kiss as husband and wife.

Troy kicked the door to their apartment open as he carried his new bride over the threshold, kicking it shut again with his foot.

Sharpay let out a soft gasp as Troy put her down and she saw that the apartment was full of lit candles and had a trail of rose petals leading into their bedroom, a sign which had Honeymoon Suite written on it was on the door. Sharpay turned to Troy, one eyebrow raised and a smirk on her face, Troy only shrugged and returned with his own smirk, "Well I figured you wouldn't wanna leave Jamie long enough for a honeymoon just yet so I figured we could have one honeymoon night at home."

Sharpay threw her arms around Troy's neck and hugged him tightly. "Have I ever told you how wonderful you are?"

"That's not what I need to hear. It's those other words…"

"I love you? I love you… love you… love you…" She was still chanting when he lifted her in his arms and carried her to bed.