A/N: Heya! I am back! You might be wondering why I am working on two stories, and the answer is that they are the same…somehow. Seeing that I have as many egoshippers as pokeshippers as readers, I've decided to continue the story in two simultaneous fics that branch out from "Wanted." If you are an egoshipper, you should read "Outlaw." If you are a pokeshipper, you should read "Unbreakable." If you are a double-shipper like me, catch up with both :) Both fics take place after the last chapter of "Wanted" and might cross at some point, but they are generally their own individual story. As happy as readers might be with this, this double writing also entitles that I will take longer to update because I won't update unless I have the corresponding chapter to each story. All or nothing, that's what I say! Anyway, I hope you enjoy either or, or both stories, and that they are good enough for you to stick to the end. Thank you for following me here. I wish you happy reading!


Chapter 1: Let it Snow

The moment Ash Ketchum felt a shiver run down his spine as a result of a recurring nightmare he opened his eyes and sat up straight on his side of the bed. His eyes wandered around the room, and he was sweating bullets all over his face and upper body. His closed fists shook as a result of a feeling of anger he was not aware of and knew little about its cause. His chest rose up and down in such a quick manner that it hurt his lungs. His breathing was fast and loud, but not loud enough to awake his partner who was soundly asleep after throwing up her insides until the wee hours of the morning. He looked down to stare at her, knowing that whatever feeling of uncertainty that was consuming him from the inside out was not caused by her absence in the room; at least not this time around, nor by an unresolved argument between them like many other sleepless nights. There was nothing he could think of, not even the surreal images of his broken nightmare that could provoke such uncertainty within him. Yet, the oppressing feeling did not go away after reassuring himself she was still there, and it only grew stronger by the minute. He grabbed the still dry bottom of his long shirt and lifted it up to dry his face. It was freezing outside, but he felt he was burning inside as his back found sham comfort on his bed again.

Ash took deep relaxing breaths as his body had begun to tremble when the cold sweat began drying and sticking to his body. He closed his eyes, attempting for the drowsiness to return to him as he knew he could not afford to remain awake for long; not tonight, at least. Tomorrow was an extremely important day for him. Tomorrow he would become the unofficial official heir of Maya Amherst's Pokemon Master position. Tomorrow Maya was going to announce a separation between being the Pokemon Master and the Pokemon League President, allowing him to compete for the position. Tomorrow his chance of challenging the Elite Four and finally defeating every single one of them was greater than all of his other opportunities combined in his entire life. There was nothing in this world that would stop him from finally reaching his goal, and a sleepless night was most certainly not going to ruin his day. While thinking about the exciting events that would take place tomorrow –or rather in a few hours from now, he had failed to accomplish a nearer goal: getting back to sleep. He stood up from bed and placed his feet inside his comfortable and warm slippers before tiptoeing across the room and making no typically waking-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night noise as he reached the door and closed it after he was completely out in the hall.

He began walking slowly, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the even darker hall that led him to the kitchen. He reached the door frame and slid his hand inside on the kitchen wall until his palm felt the light switch. He turned it on and winced at the sudden brightness that invaded him from left and right. He looked down to his feet to avoid the light while his eyes adjusted to the change as he walked towards the refrigerator and pulled out a milk carton. He turned around, milk still in hand, as he reached the stove and turned on one of the ranges. He placed the milk carton on the counter before bending down to the bottom cabinet door and searched for a cooking pot.

In a matter of seconds, the milk carton was back in the refrigerator and the milk in the pot was slowly heating up on the stove. Ash held and played with an empty glass in his hands as he waited for the milk to be ready to do its job: sending him back to dreamland. He then tapped on the counter with his fingers and stared at the still cold milk on the stove. He hoped that boredom would get the best of him and would make him feel sleepy before the milk was ready but he knew the chances of him having such luck were close to none. He was too overjoyed about tomorrow's events, and having not felt this way in a long time added to the thrill of the entire situation. He sighed and extended his arm and upper body three feet to his left to reach the remote control of the small TV that was only one foot way from him to his right.

He pressed the ON key with his right index finger while his left hand held the weight of his slightly tilted head. He turned up the volume high enough for him to hear the sound of the TV over the building's heater system, which had not been off in hours, but low enough to not wake up half of Indigo Plateau. He sighed when he saw ten channels taken over by infomercials and continued to browse the lineup until he saw a map of the country on the screen. The weather news anchor was on, explaining how the cold front that had engulfed his new city was quickly becoming the worst one in the last hundred years. The weather anchor showed streamed videos of snow on top of the mountains, a possible list of schools and roads that could be closed for the starting of the working week in two days, as well as the current wind gusts and temperatures in major cities. It was fifteen degrees Fahrenheit in most places all around Kanto, Indigo Plateau included.

Ash shivered again.

After the weatherman was done with his job of telling the world how bad their day and week was going to be, the news anchor began talking about their main story of the night.

"In other news, still little is known about the cause of the fire that completely destroyed the Pokemon Gym in Cerulean City last night…"

Ash's body slowly straightened up.

"City officials fear the cold weather and gusty winds made it more difficult to control on time. Several Pokemon are presumed dead."

Ash's hand reached his mouth, covering an inaudible scream that was ready to spit out of his mouth. He shakily tuned up the volume to hear better, this time not caring about who he woke up with the sound.

"Cerulean Pokemon Gym Leader, Misty Waterflower, had just returned home a few days ago from the hospital she is now a resident of again. Last week, after Jake Dragon had attempted to earn the Cascade Badge and his efforts had been futile, the aspiring trainer resorted to using a Pikachu with an illegal underwater breather to win the battle. The attack ended in almost a tragedy when the Leader was electrically shocked and almost drowned but she was released a few days before the end of the probationary period. She is now in stable condition but suffered burns and mild smoke intoxication; only the Pokemon that she carried with her survived. She was found lying on the grass after Gary Oak took her out of the building."

"Misty almost died?"

"The Pokemon League officials aided interim Gym Leader Gary Oak to repair the Gym in order for it to finish its probationary time, which ended hours before the fire started. Gary Oak's whereabouts became unknown after he was checked up by paramedics after saving the Leader, and there is a rumor that Misty Waterflower might have been somehow involved in the starting of the fire. Whether or not the Gym Leader will be convicted is still unclear…"

Ash turned off the TV, his head hung and his eyes closed. His brain hit him with hundreds of images of her. His nose picked up her scent. His skin felt her warmth. His heart ached at the possibility of losing her, especially while he was far away from her. He knew how this felt. He had suffered it when Pikachu died. He had left him alone only to return to say goodbye to his tiny lifeless body. He did not want to return to Cerulean to say goodbye to Misty's cold and stiff self. This had been the second time her life had been in danger, and she had survived it again because Gary had been there for her. Gary was gone now. She was all alone. He was not going to allow for her to die alone in a dark, cold hospital room. He was not going to allow her to die on him at all.

"She needs me."

He opened his eyes, small tears staining his puffy cheeks. His fists and jaw clenched to avoid sobbing. He was a cry baby. He had always been one, but tonight he could not afford to cry. He needed that energy to save her and right what he had wronged in her life. Tonight he would begin to make it all better for her, even if it cost him his dream.

His milk was ready but he did not think he could drink it anymore. There was nothing in this world that would make him sleep again tonight, and nothing in this world that could stop him from leaving Indigo Plateau as soon as possible; not even his life-long dream soon becoming a reality. He had failed her once before; he was not going to fail her again.

A sudden rush of energy surrounded him. He stood up before turning off the stove and running to the telephone, practically slamming himself against the wall as he tore a piece of paper from the notepad that was attached to the wall. He looked for something to write with but there was nothing useful around. He frantically opened and closed drawers, cabinets and looked under the tables and seats, searching for anything that could do the trick. He crawled around the kitchen floor, looking under the cabinets and behind the stove and refrigerator, hoping the damned pen that was supposed to be next to the pad had fallen somewhere near.

"Where's a pen when you need one?"

He stood up and remained standing in the middle of the kitchen, his eyes red, and his heart beating so fast he could hear the echo of it in his ears. He was breathing heavily as he felt the room spin around him. The piece of paper he had torn was crunched inside his fist while the pen he was looking for was in his other hand.

He stopped breathing for a second and looked down.

He stared at the pen and realized it had been there all along playing with his fingers.

He looked up.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?"

He shook his head and used his sleeve to dry his eyes as he approached the counter and began writing a random note for Dawn: "I've got things to do. I'll be back soon. Don't look for me. Ash." It was not every informative but he did not want to involve her in what he was about to do. Misty needed his help and for both of their sakes he was not going to turn his back on her again.

He threw the pen on the counter, grabbed the small piece of paper in his right hand, and turned off the light on his way out of the kitchen. He took a fast pace to his room, hoping the commotion had not woken up Dawn. He reached his room placed his hand on the doorknob, turning it as quietly as possible. He slowly pushed the door open and tiptoed his way around the room. He reached the bed and stared at Dawn who was unaware of her surroundings and had not other worry in the world but her pregnancy. He sighed at the scene.

"I'm sorry, baby," He whispered at his unborn child.

Truth be told, he did not love or care for Dawn one bit. He had used her as a low replacement for Misty but he never knew his little game would take him this far. He did not blame her for almost everything, but he did blame himself, and he felt the only person who had no blame at all was the baby –his baby, which Dawn now carried inside of her. He now had new issues to resolve before he could devote himself to his baby, and he could not feel accomplished until he fulfilled them all. The moment he had found out he was going to become a father, he had decided to forget about Misty and everything they once shared in their lives, but he knew she needed him right now. He looked down at the bed and dropped the wrinkly note on his pillow before walking backwards while grabbing the closest jacket and his wallet, and disappeared behind the door.

He ran down the hall, attempting his best to avoid the furniture and failing when he hit his pinky toe on the doorframe of the front door. He cursed it out, going down the front stairs as he jumped on one foot, and then cursed some more when the freezing wind chill embraced him like a thick blanket of ice. He reached the sidewalk and immediately forgot about his sore toe when the realization of how unprotected he was to the current climate dawned on him. The jacket he had grabbed was very thin, but he could not afford to lose more time and go back to his room to better dress himself for the weather. He also did not want to run the risk of being surprised by Dawn.

He surrounded his body with his arms as he slowly and carefully walked down the empty and almost pitch-dark streets of Indigo Plateau. There were no cars on sight, and the only noticeable sounds were the cries of the wind and the raspy deep breaths he was taking behind the fabric of the sleeves of his jacket. His toes were becoming numb as the wind picked up, bringing snowflakes with it that settled on the uncovered bare skin of his feet. The city was deserted and about to get hit by several inches of ice and snow. Weather advisories had warned the citizens to remain inside closed doors unless it was absolutely and entirely necessary for them to leave the comfort and warmth of their homes. Ash had to absolutely and entirely get to his home in Pallet Town to change clothes before he passed out on the snow on his way to Cerulean.

He arrived to the parking lot of the building and realized he had forgotten his car keys. He had no option but to use his bicycle to get home. He walked towards the back of his truck to untie the bicycle from it but soon remembered that the bicycle was chained to the truck. He had no keys. He had no winter clothes. He neither had enough cash money to call a cab, nor did he have a phone. He had all the reasons in the world to go back to the confines of his warm room and even warmer bed, but he had no will to do so. He did what he knew best: walk his way home.

He began walking across the parking lot forcing his mind to think about seeing her again rather than about the freezing weather haunting him. His head remained down to avoid the wind that was burning his cheeks, hands and feet. If he could make it to the main boulevard of Indigo Plateau he could try and hitch a ride with the first car that was willing to stop for a random, almost naked stranger walking on the streets. If that did not happen, he would stop at the nearest Pokemon Center and contact his mom to help him get home.

He reached the sidewalk of the boulevard and began walking in the direction to the exit of Indigo Plateau. He felt grateful that the boulevard was well illuminated and that the business around it blocked the wind chill a bit. Everything was closed and locked, and he was yet to see a car or another idiot walking outside at four in the morning like him. The sun would not come up until around seven, meaning he still had three hours of pure cold. The Pokemon Center was about ten blocks away from where he was. If he forgot about the ice building up on his back, and the increased fall snowflakes he could make it there just in time.

He again forced his mind to think about the reason why he was doing this. He was going to help Misty. He was going to apologize to her. He was going to set her free. He knew that there was a great possibility that after all his efforts to help her in the end she would still choose being with Gary than being with him. He did not care. He could not be with her anyway. He had to be a man and take responsibility for his actions, even if it meant watching his friend marrying his girl. He knew that Gary could make her happier than he ever could. She deserved to be happy, and Ash felt he had made her suffer long enough.

He continued to walk as he remembered the last night he was in Pallet Town before accepting his job in Indigo Plateau. Maya had been contacting him by phone, e-mail and through her assistants to offer him a position to work with her. He had declined the offer every single time, and every single time he declined it he was told another small truth about his life. Maya had done her research and knew Ash's career from beginning to what he had eaten the night before. The more he talked to representatives of the League, the more he hated saying no.

He knew an offer like the one he had been given was a once in a lifetime opportunity, but it had coincided with the night he and Misty had become physically intimate for the first time. He could recall every single detail of that night when he was first offered to leave his life as he knew it to join the higher-ups of the League.

Ash opened his eyes in the middle of the night only to stare at the bare redhead in front of him. Her long hair covered only the essentials as the blanket was as low as the bottom part of her back. He smiled at the scene and used the back of his hand to remove strands of her from her face, and then allowed his hand to follow the path of her curves from her shoulder, down her spine and until he reached the blanket. He pulled it up and she welcomed the gesture by mumbling something and pulling the blanket closer to her. Hours ago the blanket had gotten on their way and they had pushed it down to the feet of the bed. Their bodies had already cooled down and now required the comfort of its warmth.

Ash would have become another victim of the blanket of he had gotten the sudden urge to go to the bathroom. He sighed at his misery and diligently stood up from bed and visited the toilet butt-naked. He sighed in relief as he left the bathroom and headed to the kitchen. His mother was out and Brock had stayed with Professor Oak as they tried to perfect new food for healthier Pokemon breeding. It had been the perfect night to come closer to each other. They had been left alone; it was their anniversary, and they loved each other.

He fixed himself a quick midnight snack and shoved it down his throat. He was hoping Misty had woken up for whatever reason and that round three was soon to come. Even though they were new at this experience, them both, trainer and leader, knew that practice made perfect.

He walked by the phone and realized there were three missed calls, and three voicemails. He chuckled at the thought of his mom checking up on him and Misty, and the weird advice she must have left in her message. He lifted the phone and after entering a few keys he began listening to the messages stored.

"Hi, Ash, this is Brock. I'll be spending the night at Professor Oak's place. If you get this message before I stop by to tell you in person call me to my cell phone, ok? Bye!"

"Hi, Ash, this is your mom. I'm sure you have a good reason not to answer the phone at seven at night. Be careful and make sure you change your underwear. Goodbye!"

Ash chuckled.

"Greetings, Ash Ketchum, this is Maya Amherst from the Pokemon League,"

"Pokemon League?"

"I have been trying to contact you in regards to a very exciting position in Indigo Plateau as one of my apprentices. This is your last known address and will attempt contact again tomorrow around the same time. Please make arrangements to attend to my call as it can benefit your Pokemon trainer career and the future of the Pokemon League. Thank you. Goodbye."

Ash furrowed.

He deleted the first two messages and saved the last one to listen to it at least five more times before hanging up. He did not know if this was true or a prank from Gary who was also in town, but he knew who Maya was. She had just beaten the Elite Four to become the new Pokemon Master. He had battled her during the semifinals and she had defeated him with flying colors.

He walked back to his room and saw Misty opening his eyes, smiling at him. As soon as he laid eyes on her he forgot about the offer he had just been given. He did not care about the world at the moment. He only cared about feeling her again tonight.

His face was lit with a bright smile the memory of that night brought to him. They way she looked at him, and the way he loved her that night was something he would never forget, and the very reason why he had began sleeping with Dawn. He had tried to replicate that amazing night but it never follow through. The more he tried, the more he failed until he realized it was not the act that made it fail, but the fact that it was with Dawn and not with Misty. That night had been the last time he and Misty had spent quality time together. His relationship had since then slowly deteriorated until the night he broke up with her. The calls from the League had increased, and the offer had gotten more and more tempting, but the condition to get it had not changed: he had to spend a year in Indigo Plateau, alone. Maya believed his friends and family were distractions to his career, and had suggested that his interest in pleasing them had been a great reason why he had not been able to fully pursuit his dream. She had promised him he would be allowed to return to Pallet after a year of training, and if he had not been so immature about the entire situation and had not killed his relationship with Misty he would have taken it. By the time he realized what he had done, he was running towards Indigo Plateau with only Brock and Pikachu running behind him.

After Misty had tricked him into staying in Pallet Town for his party, he decided this was the best time and place to break the news to her, to all of them. He had finally accepted the offer and was going to disappear from their lives for twelve months. He knew his mom would understand. He knew Brock would understand. He knew Misty would not. In fact, he knew that Misty knew he was using this life-changing opportunity not only to achieve his dream, but also to run away from the problem he had caused. He had nothing. He had screwed it up. The best thing was to let her go.

The phone rang in the Ketchum's home. Ash, annoyed by the people celebrating his birthday, used this as an excuse to run away from them to answer the phone. He lifted the speaker and received the call. "Ash Ketchum, who's this?"

"Oh, my God! Like, it's the boyfriend! Ash! This is Lily, is Misty around?"

Ash's eyebrows twitched. Looking for Misty meant talking to Misty. He did not want to talk to her until he had to later on tonight. "She's out with my mom buying stuff," he lied.

"What? No! She's bonding with the in-laws I see. Well, we need to talk to her, like, now. It's urgent."

"Can I take a message?"

Ash heard whispering in the background, probably coming from the other two hyperactive sisters. He waited a few seconds before he spoke again. "Hello?"

"Sorry, sweetie. Well, I guess it's better you tell her than us. Are you writing this down?"


"Ok, so, the League is like, kicking us from our home because we suck as Leaders. We need Misty to cover for us for six months. Tell her we are leaving, like, ASAP. We need her to come back home."

"Cover for you?"

"Yeah, the League's sending us to this training for six months to, like, 'un-suck' us, and we need her to take care of the gym while we're gone. Think you can live without your girl for six months?"

"I think I can survive."

"Oh, my God! You're the best! K, we've gotta go but you tell her that, k? Love you, bye!"


Ash sighed and hung up the phone. He dreaded talking to Misty but she had to know she had to go back home. He knew she would not want to go to Cerulean the way their relationship was going, and he also knew she would not let him go to Indigo Plateau until she felt their relationship was saved.


Ash smirked. He had the perfect solution for both dilemmas. He knew it was not the best solution. He knew it was the lowest a person could fall. But he also knew nothing else that could work and could avoid him the long and painful confrontation.

"…unless there is no relationship to save…"

Ash smiled proudly at his cowardly plan before heading outside his home and finding Misty standing outside.

Ash felt ashamed of his decision of that night. He could have said not to the offer and could have gone to Cerulean with her. He could have talked to her, found someone to replace her in Cerulean and take her to Indigo with him. He could have worked things out, apologized to her, go their own separate ways and pick up where they left off six months after.

He could have shot her on the head and it would have been more honorable than what he had done.

Yet, he had been a young and stupid kid, and the idea he had seen after he had hung the phone seemed good at the time.

"Same as the idea of walking outside to the cold with nothing more than the same protection as being naked seemed good twenty minutes ago." He thought.

The familiar surroundings forced him to stop and look up.

Fortunately, he had arrived to the doors of the Pokemon Center of Indigo Plateau.

Unfortunately, the doors were locked.

Ash hit the glass doors with his head.


He hit it a few more times before realizing his painful reality: he was stuck in the middle of the street, snow had begun falling, he was half-naked, the wind had picked up, and that the only place that could have provided him with some shelter was closed. He looked back to where he had come from and saw the steps he had left on the path he had taken to get here were now gone.

"I am fucked."

He banged his head and hands against the door as he screamed for Nurse Joyce or anyone that could be walking by the dark lobby to open the door. He could not just stay out there, and he could not go back. He had to go inside or he would not make it through the night.

"I didn't come out here to die."

In a matter of seconds his situation had worsen. The snow had increased and the street had disappeared underneath it. He turned around and rested his back against the glass doors. He had lost feeling of his arms and legs, as well as his nose. He tried to scream for help but opening his mouth only made his chest hurt. He tried to take deep breaths but the cold wind brought sharp pains to his throat and lungs. He then resorted to using his nose but the air was so cold that is made him stop halfway through. He began choking for air.

"I'm gonna die here."

He took his hands to his throat and scratched it in a desperate attempt to get air into his lungs. His legs slowly gave in and his back began sliding down the door as his entire body began shutting down. He hit the ground with an inaudible thud as the snow began falling at a faster rate slowly covering him with it. He became lightheaded and his head bobbed erratically. His eyes felt heavier than usual, and his sleepy state returned.

"I'm sorry about…I should've…"

"Misty, I lost another battle because I haven't trained enough, not because you're with me."

Ash and Misty sat on his favorite hill in Pallet Town after they had returned from Indigo Plateau, full of defeat. Every year he participated he got closer and closer, but he kept losing in more and more pathetic ways.

"And you don't train enough because I'm with you. I distract you way too much. Maybe next time you should go with Brock only. I can stay here and watch you on TV…"

Ash pulled Misty to him and kissed her long and passionately. He savored her lips at his own pace and stroked her cheek with his thumb before running down her neck and her breasts. He stopped and kept his eyes closed for one more second before a smile grew on his face as the last of her scent and taste invaded his body.

He opened his eyes and dug his stare on her eyes before speaking again.

"I love you, Misty."

She smiled widely before holding his hand. This was the first time he had said he loved her. Leave it to Ash Ketchum to choose the most random places to confess such things. Misty had been waiting for it. She had felt it since the day they met, and she could finally tell him without being afraid of scaring him away. She held his hands between hers and kissed it before placing it on her right cheek. "I love you, Ash. Now don't you give up on me, ok?"

"I won't…for you."

She smiled again before taking control of the next long kissing session between them.


"You fucking idiot, I've been looking all over for you."


"Who fucking told you it was smart to walk around in the middle of a winter storm with your nuts exposed?"

"Where am I?"

"You only get one pair of nuts; they don't grow back, y'know?"

"Who are you?"

"Santa Claus. Now shut the fuck up and try and stay awake."


Ash opened his eyes to realize he was neither outside the locked Pokemon Center nor was he out in the cold anymore. He was sitting in a much comfortable car seat, warm air hitting him and bearable air filling his lungs. He did not remember how or when the surroundings had changed. "Gary…is that you?"

Gary kept his eyes on the road as it had been difficult to drive from Indigo Plateau to Pallet Town. They were about fifteen minutes away from his final destination, but the current climatologically conditions had doubled travel times. Finding Ash had been a difficult task.

Ash felt consciousness slowly return to him and he began sitting straight on the passenger seat. He placed his open hands on the air vents to heat them a little bit more as his brain began connecting thoughts and senses. Gary looked terrible. He smelled of thick smoke and his clothes had burnt spots, as well as his face showed ash on it. Ash knew Gary was not one to show himself out in public in such a degrading demeanor. "How did you find me?"

"Only guy walking around in the snow and stopping at a Pokemon Center. Not too hard to spot."

Ash remained quiet for a few seconds, trying to figure out what was happening. Moments ago he had been lying on his death bed outside a Pokemon Center, and now he was driving with Gary to only he knew where. "Perhaps that is what I should ask next."

"Where are we going?"

"Your place. You need decent winter clothes."

"After that?"

Gary sighed. He did not know what Ash knew, and he did not know if Ash knew what he knew. He could not tell him everything right away, though. He had to wait a little longer. He had to find out what was out in the open first before pouring down the bucket of cold, cold water on his childhood friend. "The Cerulean Gym burned down last night."

"I heard."

"You heard?"

"Saw it on the news. Why do you think I'm out here?"

"Because…" Gary was about to make a snotty remark about Ash trying to avoid Dawn but he realized it was not the best moment to do so. Time was little, priceless, and precious. "What else did you hear?"

"I heard Misty's in the hospital. That Pokemon died. And that the location of your ass is unknown."

"True. True. And partially true."

"Does Misty know you're here?"

"No. She's still unconscious."

"How do you know? News said you ran away right after…"

"I snuck into her hospital room to check up on her before I came here looking for you."


"I take you haven't heard about the rumors…"

"That the police are blaming Misty for the fire?"

"Close enough," Gary thought. "Yeah, the League was expecting my report yesterday but I never made it out of Cerulean."

"Why not?"

"Long, long, long story. All you need to know is where your winter clothes are. We're leaving as soon as you change clothes. We're heading to Cerulean."

"Is Misty in danger?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but I ain't gonna wait to see if she is."

"You could've helped her without me and be her hero again. Why did you come looking for me?"

"Because if the League finds me, Misty is fucked."