A/N: Well everybody, all good things must come to an end. Here is the final chapter of my story, sigh. I just want to say thank you to everybody for all of the reviews, they mean a lot to me! Also, I'm sorry it took me so long to post this. My Brother-in-Law was here over the weekend so I didn't have access to the internet.

Anyhoo. Here is the last little bit. I think I have come to a good place for an ending and I wanted to stop before I overextended myself and my writing quality went down. Assuming it hasn't already. So, here it is!

Chapter 6

Brennan traced her fingers along the contours of her partner's chest, drawing lazy circles with her fingertips, using the lightest of touches. The events of the previous night were only beginning to sink in. She knew it would only be a matter of time before they had to discuss the implications of their actions. But here, in this moment, she could free her mind of all complicated thoughts, focusing only on the feel of his skin against hers. She watched as his chest rose and fell, taking in the long even breaths of a deep sleep. The sight was hypnotizing.

She knew she should leave soon. After all, she still needed to go to her apartment before heading to the lab. She assumed arriving at work in her pajamas might be a tip off that something had happened. Yet she couldn't force herself to leave, to disengage herself from his embrace. When she had woken she had found herself completely engulfed by him. Her head lay on his chest, her arm wrapped tightly around his waist, her legs tangled with his. It was such an odd sensation, so different from the nights spent alone in her bed. Even when she had been with other men there had always been a distinct line—my side, your side. With him it was different, she felt strangely drawn to him. The idea of separating her body from his was like the idea of separating herself, completely impossible and totally illogical.

She also could not bring herself to wake him. She was almost afraid that in doing so she would break the spell of whatever it was that was happening here. Instead she took the opportunity to study him in a way that she had never before been allowed, memorizing every line of his face and every curve of his body.

It wasn't until she saw the edges of his lips curl up into that all-too-familiar smile that she realized he was awake. He quickly pulled his arm from his side and took hold of her wrist, stopping her hand from continuing its perusal of his body. Opening his eyes he turned to Brennan, "You better stop doing that, unless you plan on staying in this bed all day."


Booth was amazed that she hadn't run. When he had felt her stir he had kept his eyes closed. Being the gentleman that he was, he wanted to give her the opportunity to leave if that's what she wanted. He fully expected her to carefully remove herself from the bed and gather up the clothes strewn about on his floor. But she hadn't gone; if anything it felt as though she had pulled herself more deeply into the folds of his arms. Then she began touching his chest; the feather light strokes causing a warmth to pool in his belly. He knew that if he didn't stop her soon he wouldn't be able to control his actions. So he had reached out, taken a hold of her and told her in no uncertain terms that should she choose to continue her exploration of his body that they would not be leaving this bed today.

It wasn't that he didn't want to stay in bed all day. In fact, if he was being completely honest with himself, that was exactly what he wanted to do today. But somehow his professionalism managed to win out, just as he knew hers would. They still had a case and he was pretty sure it couldn't be solved between his sheets. He also knew that, given what had occurred between himself and his partner last night, he would have to try extra hard to prove that it had no bearing on their working relationship.

Brennan smiled sheepishly at the words he had just spoken. Returning her smile he rolled her onto her back and propped himself up on his elbow, reversing their positions. He took a moment to look at her, to take in her beauty, before placing a gentle kiss on her soft, full lips.

"What was that for?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Because I can," he replied before depositing another kiss.


Under normal circumstances the response, "Because I can," would have elicited a verbal backlash from Brennan; one that would have divulged the various anthropological meanings hidden within the context of the phrase, not the least of which being that Booth felt an irrational control, as an alpha-male, over his mate. Now, though, Brennan did not feel her usual urge to correct him. Instead she looked into his eyes and could clearly see the true meaning behind his statement. Now, after all these years, he could finally do all the things to her that he had only ever dreamt of.

"Booth, I need to know what all of this means." Finally one of them had spoken the words that had been on both of their lips.

"Bones," Booth raked his fingers through his hair as he thought carefully about his next words, "I can't speak for you, but I have felt this coming for a long time now."

"I have too."

"Really?" Although it was true that, as Angela put it, the two of them radiated sexual tension, Booth was never sure if the usually oblivious Dr. Brennan had been able to sense it too. "So, what made you finally act on it?"

"Trust, or some form of it. Angela helped me to realize that the only time I don't have those nightmares is when I'm with you. Even subconsciously I seem to know that I'm safe when I'm with you," Brennan responded, searching his eyes for a reaction, "It really was a compelling, logical argument," she finished with her usual cool, self-assuredness.

"Angela, huh?" Somehow Booth was not surprised to find that the meddling Artist had had a hand in bringing the issue to Brennan's attention. And for once he found that he really didn't mind.

"Besides," Brennan said as a smile spread across her face, "Everything happens eventually, right?"

"Right," Booth answered, a smile mirrored on his own face, as he moved in to kiss her deeply.

Maybe it wouldn't be a huge deal if we were a little late to work, he thought as he felt desire racing through his body once again.


All reviews are appreciated. I'm still not sure that this is the best ending that I could have created, but I really didn't want to write another story where Brennan runs away from her feelings. But is it so OOC that you want to pull your hair out, or mine? Let me know!

Plus, I would appreciate anyone giving me criticism on the overall flow of the story. It would be a real help to future fanfics if I know where I went wrong.

That's all. Now go, R & R!