Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho.

A/N: Hey there! Okay this is an idea that came to me while I was staring at this blank Microsoft word document! Strange I know L.o.L; Well anyway I dedicate this to: Suryasree, Selfless Love, Unknown-Wonder, Smexy Kitten, and Sonzai Taz


"You've changed brother dear," Aria concluded leaning against the wall of Kurama's room. He stared at her, "Before you use to hate humans, and everyone in the soul society…what changed you?!" the silver haired pre-teen yelled in annoyance. "Keep your voice down, you'll wake mother!" he shushed, and the girl just glared further.

"Those women, and this spirit detective, have done too much to you as it is! Who else is there?!" she questioned her tone still bitter. "They're my friends," he said simply. "Tell me about your friendsthen," she insisted. He looked away from her cold golden orbs. "I need to sleep, Aria it's time for you to go," he said stoically with no brotherly affection.

She glared his way once again as she opened the window and jumped out. The red haired boy sighed, closing the window.

'Have I really changed?'

He sighed once again looking, lying down and finally falling asleep. The next morning he woke up, took a shower and went about his usual morning routine before walking to school.

Botan's POV:

Well I had finally managed Koenma, that I needed the week off, why I didn't tell him, not thinking it was important. I would be staying with Keiko for the week and I would be going to her school as well. About that I was really excited; I would finally be able to go to school experience the life and joys of it.

Currently I was walking to school thinking about these thoughts. The roads where pretty much deserted because it was really early; Keiko had gone early as well because it was guard duty, but she walked a head of me a long time a go.

But I decided to lag behind admiring the day, the roads and just everything in general. Looking up at the sky, I didn't realize where I was going and I bumped straight into someone. "What where your going!" she napped; as I got a better look at her. She had shoulder length silver hair, and gold colored eyes.

'She looks just…'

"Just like Kurama," I said the last part aloud and her attention snapped to me, her eyes wide in shock. "How do you know him?!" she screeched he tone was pissed.

"Well he's a…friend of mine," I said uneasily; who was this girl? And how did sheknow him? She snorted at my reply, "You're what's happened to him…the reason he's changed!" she glared at me, and I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Stay away from him!" she said enraged, she pushed me aside and walked away fuming. At that moment I realized that my happy, carefree mood was wrecked for the rest of the day…

'Who is she…?'

A/N:Well that's all for this chapter! At first I thought of this being a one-shot but then I thought against it. Though this might not be a very long story I hope all of you enjoy it! Happy New Year!