Title: Prometheus Revealed (Chapter 2)


"You're kidding!" the voice on the line said dramatically.

"I'm not. It was… it was…" Sam stuttered. She just could not find the right words.




"It was not hot." Silence followed. Jack waited for her to clarify. Her lack of words brought a smile to his face. "Okay, it was a little hot."

"Wish I coulda been there."

"No you don't."

"No I don't."

Sam drummed her fingers on the table.

"Hey Sam?"


"Any chance we could get a video of it? You know, some sort of recording?"

"What?" A slow smile crept across her face. "No, Jack, I don't think that's possible."

"Why not? We had video before, although it was pretty cheap graphics, but technology has come quite a ways since then. Right?"



"So explain it to me again, Teal'c." Cameron paced in his Jaffa friend's quarters, visibly shaken by recent events.

"The machines allow the user to relive any experience. Specifically, those that he or she would like to go back and fix. That is why General O'Neill relived his worst mission; he desperately wished to save his friend."

"But all this time, it sounded like you could only go back to bad experiences. I mean Jackson had to watch his parents die for God's sake!"

"Colonel Mitchell, I said the user relives experiences he or she would like to change. To explore new possibilities within the same scenario. As we have seen today, Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran's experience together was not altogether unpleasant." He paused in thought, then added, "For them."

Cameron cringed. "So they willingly lived out that memory just so they could kiss again!? I dunno, Teal'c."


The knock on her door was hesitant. She was sprawled across her bed, lost in thought, when she heard it. She jumped up at the sound of his voice. "Vala? You in there?" The door swung open. "Uhhhhh, hi," was all he could muster.

She smiled, hesitantly. "Hello." They stared at each other.

Suddenly, he asked, "Can I come in?"

"Sure," she replied just as quickly. She closed the door. "So." They stared at each other again. "What can I do for you, Daniel?"

He coughed to clear his throat. "Well, uh, I guess we should talk about what happened."

Vala turned toward her dresser table, looking for something to distract herself with. "What's to talk about? We both know what happened. We relived one of our memories." She picked up her hairbrush and began using it.

Daniel watched her run the brush down her silky hair. He so wanted to touch it. "Ye-ah. But the memory wasn't quite accurate." He stepped a little closer to her, looking at her face through the mirror.

"Well, memories never are, you know."

"I know." After a pause, he added, "You do understand that those machines allow people to go back and relive experiences they would like to do over, right?"

"Yes, I think I understood that part."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Was the day we met something you wanted to go back and do over, too?"

Vala bit her lip. Should she say 'no' and keep her pride? Her old self would have dismissed their encounter as just another day in the life of Vala Mal Doran. But her old self wasn't here anymore. It left the moment Daniel walked into her life and tried to zat her. Silly of him, really. She was dressed up as a Kull warrior for goodness sake. Get back to the point, Vala. Oh, right. Or should she say 'yes' and admit that she couldn't stop thinking about him after he called her that ridiculous name? What was it? Fruitcake.

"You called me a fruitcake."

Daniel scrunched up his face. That was not the answer to his question. "Yeah and?"

"I still have no idea what you meant by that. Sam tried to explain to me what a fruitcake was, but it still doesn't make a whole lot of sense."

"Vala, the day we met made no sense. I wasn't making sense; I was dazed and confused."


"Answer my question."

Vala closed her eyes. "Well, if you must know," she said, trying to sound half-exasperated, "I did think about our first meeting quite a lot."

"You did?"

"Yes. I did."

"And what were you thinking?"

"My, Daniel, you are unusually curious aren't you? I was thinking about how cute your ass looked."

In the mirror she could see his head drop. "Is that all?"

Vala turned around to face him. She was surprised at just how close he had gotten. They were nose-to-nose. She raised a hand to his cheek. "I was also thinking that I had never before met a man so strong and unbelievably attractive and loyal to his friends all at once. That last part's probably what stood out the most."

"Loyal, huh?"

"Mmm-hmm." Her eyes darted down to his lips.

"One more question."

"Ask away."

"Was there anything you wanted to change about that memory?"

"Darling, I didn't want to change anything. I just wanted to relive it. Well, one part really."

"Oh?" She could feel his warm breath tickling her lips.

"The part that went like this…" Their lips crashed together. Their tongues melded like two hot pieces of steel. His hands cupped her neck as he deepened the kiss further. She could feel his need for her as he backed her into the dresser. Daniel began kissing her neck. "I kept imagining how you might do something like this. Back me into a console and just…" He went back to kissing her mouth, silencing her.

He broke off, and between now chaste kisses said, "So you did want something to change." She murmurred an agreement. He whispered hotly in her ear, "Then let me fulfill that fantasy." Vala's eyes went wide as he picked her up and carried her over to the bed.


Though Jack would never admit it, he came to Colorado Springs the next day just to tease Daniel about what happened. And to see if Carter managed to get some video. But that was small cake. Teasing Daniel was his priority. Yes, not cake. Mmmm, cake… Focus, Jack.

What surprised Jack was that Daniel was nowhere to be found. He was not in his office, even though it was already 9:30 A.M. No one had seen him in the commissary for breakfast. He was not in his quarters. Jack even used his special general powers to get the Odyssey to check his locator beacon. It was sending back a signal from the SGC. So he wasn't in his apartment off base. But where oh where could his Dannyboy be?

Jack began to get worried. He ordered security teams to search the base top and bottom. Sam and Cameron even joined in on the search. The three of them joined together in one team. Cam suggested that they go get Teal'c. When they knocked on his door and explained that Daniel was missing, Teal'c scoffed.

"Tell me, O'Neill. Has anyone seen Vala Mal Doran? Or is she missing as well?"

Sam and Cameron looked at each other. They forgot about Vala. Jack answered, "Oh she's somewhere around here. She can't leave base by herself."

Teal'c looked at Jack dubiously. "Come with me," he ordered. The team followed him down the hall. Jack had no idea where they were going. He just followed Teal'c through the SGC maze as if he were a mouse and Teal'c were the cheese. Sam and Cameron were the ones who silently recognized where they were headed to.

Teal'c stopped at a door. "T, if you were taking me to Daniel's quarters, I already checked. And by the way, big guy," Jack placed a hand on his shoulder, "get that noodle of yours checked because Daniel's door is all the way over there." He pointed toward Daniel's quarters a short distance away.

The Jaffa smiled rather cryptically. "I did not intend to take you to Daniel Jackson's quarters, O'Neill." He waited for Jack to put the pieces together. Jack simply stared.

Cameron looked around nervously, as did Sam. They were a little quicker with the puzzle pieces today. Everyone except Teal'c jumped when they heard a groan escape through the door.

"Who's room is this?"

"Vala Mal Doran."

"She might be in trouble. Quick, Mitchell, open it up."

Cam held up his hands. "Uhhh, no, sir, I don't think I should."

Jack saw the keycard peeking out of his front shirt pocket and grabbed it. "General," Sam pleaded. He swiped it through the reader. The console flashed green to show the door was unlocked. Teal'c's lone eyebrow went up. Back on the Odyssey, everyone had caught Daniel and Vala together at some point. It was Jack who probably would have had the best reaction, but he was never there. It is your turn, O'Neill.


They couldn't get enough of each other. They were each just reaching their climax when they both moaned rather loudly.

The door crashed open. "What the Hell?"

Their moans turned into horrified screams. A certain General screamed back.

He backed out of the door as if he'd seen a ghost. He carefully placed his hand on the knob and closed the door. When he turned around, Jack found Teal'c smirking at him and Sam and Cam running away.

"I believe you can call off the search parties now, O'Neill."


A/N: Yeah, it was a stretch for Jack to be that dense. I hope you forgive me. If Teal'c says everybody on the Odyssey was traumatized by DV's kinkiness, then damn straight Jack deserves a piece of that cake. It's only fair as a former member of SG-1, right::evil grin:: Hope you like it.