A/N: Um…I had a lot of questions from the last chapter. A lot of people are upset over the fact that I'm ending the story soon. And all I have to say is I'm not rushing into things; I don't want this story to be SUPER long. I want to have a beginning, middle, and an end. I don't want it to be one of those pointless stories that just never seem to have an ending. And from the last chapter…Edward and Bella's kiss was not…so sweet. It was more like a 'WOAH BABY' type of kiss. I didn't want it to be 'a whisper across the lips' kind of thing. It was a very…heated kind of kiss, and for that I have my reasons. So I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and please review!


Bella Swan

"Uh…" Edward said while sticking his hand into his pockets. He was obviously uncomfortable from everyone staring at us; everyone's eyes in the room were wide. And why was it all of the sudden the music stopped playing, just because Edward and I flew out of the closet?

"The door wouldn't open," I blurted out lamely. I felt the need to explain to everybody why I was alone in a closet with Edward. I knew I shouldn't have…who cared if I was making out with him in the closet. Why would anyone care? What…we couldn't play tonsil hockey in a closet? We were human too. It shouldn't be a shock to everyone that we did a lot more than just talking in the closet.

Everyone was just staring at me…penetrating there glares at me. I had to say something…

"I just made out with Edward Masen in the closet!" I shouted infatuatedly.

I heard Alice burst of laughing behind me, I didn't move though. I stayed put, frozen from what I had just blurted out. I saw Edward face from the corner of my eye. He was trying very hard not to smirk, but failing miserably. I heard a couple of 'gasps' and 'chuckles' from the crowd of people in front of us.

I could already tell that my face was red from embarrassment.

"Edward!" a bloodcurdling scream shouting, making the room echo. I flinched from Lauren's outburst. She was in the middle of crowd, she watched the whole thing. I didn't even realize she was in the room. She pushed her way through the crowd of people to get to Edward, her blond hair bouncing all over the place. Edward's smirk immediately turned into a grimace, he looked disgusted and annoyed. Lauren looked red with hate and her eyes were wide with anger

"I like hate you Edward Masen," she croaked while hitting Edward on the arm with as much force as she could…which barley even hurt him at all. And then after her very loud outburst she quickly turned away and left the house, with everyone staring at her departure in pure shock.

"OK! Enough of the drama and lets all get back to the party," Alice's yelled loudly. "D.J., crank up the music again!" The music turned on again, making the whole house shake. Everyone went back to dancing and Alice dimmed the lights. I could feel people still glancing at me and Edward though.

"Can we go somewhere more private to talk…somewhere besides the closet," Edward whispered while smile beautifully. This whole situation didn't seem to bother him at all.

"Sure," I returned his smile.

Edward led me out to the porch in front of his house. While walking to the door I heard the people around us murmuring to each other.

"Some birthday gift he got…"

"I bet he got her pregnant!"

"Aren't they bestfriends?"

"I heard Lauren was planning to murder Bella..."

I couldn't believe the rumors I was hearing, especially the one about me getting pregnant! I wonder if Edward was hearing what they were saying.

When we discreetly left the loud party we didn't say anything. Edward leaned casually against the railing, looking like a Greek god. I just stared up at the sky. The sunset already passes two hours ago and now I could see the stars perfectly; they were shining so beautifully…just like Edward's eyes when he saw me.

I could feel Edward staring at me in the corner of my eye. He was had a smug smile on his face, I couldn't help but smile too. Millions of questions popped in my head after we had that fierce kissing moment in the closet.

"When…when did you realize that you first…l-liked me?" I stuttered nervously. I didn't dare look at his him, I was afraid of what I might see.

Edward on the other hand seemed totally at ease, "Eh…remember the last party you went to of mine, when you got drunk?"

I nodded while remembering that awful night.

"Well…you knocked out, and I had to carry you back home. Charlie wasn't home at the time, so I had to carry you to bed. I don't know what came over me…" I finally stared up at him. He was staring at me with great intensity. "You were fast asleep… you looked so beautiful and serene. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if we were…t-together." He shrugged and then looked up at the twinkling stars.

"Oh…" I mumbled incoherently, finally realizing the truth.

"But then, that first kiss we had when I was somewhat drunk…made me realize for sure that I w-want to be more than just… friends with y-you." He looked down at me and took my held my hands gently. My heart accelerated from his soft touch.

I still didn't speak, too speechless to say anything.

Edward started panicking, "But, if you don't feel the same way…I would perfectly understand and-"

"Shh, Edward, let me explain," I interrupted him while giggling softly. "I'm just…speechless. I didn't expect this to happen so…quickly."

He nodded in agreement.

"It's just…strange to have feelings for your bestfriend…" I murmured softly.

"I know what you mean," he chuckled darkly.

I knew he was in denial, he probably thought I didn't love him the way he did with me. By the look on his face…all crumpled and unhopeful, I knew he thought indifferently.

"But, what happened in the closet…was the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me," I said honestly while looking into his green orbs.

His emerald eyes brightened up with excitement, he smiled broadly. "Really?" he asked astonished.

I nodded, returning the smile.

I tightened my grip in Edward's hand, "If you felt this way for so long…then why didn't you just tell me? I would have understood," I explained calmly.

"Bella, you didn't exactly give out love signals…I was confused. I didn't know how you felt," he whispered.

And yet…what was so wrong with what I had to say? I had the same feelings that he had toward me; everything was fine, perfectly fine. I couldn't possibly say anything that could hurt his feelings...because I felt the same way he did, even more if that was possible.

I smirked suddenly, thinking that life was going to get a lot better.

"What are you smiling for?" Edward teased while playfully nudging me.

"Oh…nothing," I lied, still smiling like a fool.

I gazed at Edward for a long moment; he was doing the same thing with me. For constantly one minute straight…we didn't say anything nor do anything. We just stared at each other with such intensity it made me weak in the knees.

I took a couple of steps closer to him, we were almost touching now. He was so tall that I had to tilt my head all the way up to directly face him. My face got closer and closer to his…

Just a little bit more closer…


Three months later

"I hate snow," I growled.

"I love snow," Edward mumbled while eating a handful of snow. It was in the middle of December, a couple of days before Christmas. Edward and I were outside making snow angels and snowmen.

"How can you eat that? It was on the ground!" I complained harshly.

"So? Just don't eat the yellow snow," he shrugged innocently and kept eating more.

"Yuck!" I rolled up a little piece of snow ball with my hands. While he wasn't looking, I flung it to the back of his head. The snow ball instantly fell apart when it hit his bronze hair, which was now dripping wet.

"Hey!" he complained, while getting up from the ground and glaring at me menacingly.

"Oops…" I muttered my eyes wide with fear.

"Oops is right missy," he shouted playfully, he then started chasing me around my front yard while I screamed, running for my life.

"Someone help me! Eddie is going to bite my head off," I teased playfully while still running away from him.

Unfortunately for me, Edward was obviously faster. Before I could react Edward was behind me, tackling me to the ground. I yelped when he was on top of me.

"Got you…" he mumbled while staring into my eyes.

I didn't reply, I just stared at his lips…waiting for him to make a move.

"Are you going to kiss me or what?" I asked while giggling softly.

"I was getting to that part." He then leaned down slowly to press his lips gently against mine. The softest kiss imaginable still made my heart accelerate like crazy. We stayed that way for a while; he just kept planting kisses all over my face and calling me beautiful, like he does everyday.

Edward and I have been dating for three months now. Ever since his birthday…we have been inseparable. Many people are still surprised with Edward sticking to one girl and one girl only. Most people think we will eventually break up since Edward can't stick to a relationship. But Edward has never been as happy as he was been with me, and that's not just coming from me, but from Alice and all my other friends. Most people have doubt in our relationship, but I know for a fact that it will work out.

Even if things don't work out…I know for a fact that Edward will always be my bestfriend.

The End

A/N: I'm crying right now, I'm going to miss writing this story. If anyone wants a sequel then say 'AY!' OK guys please review and please make sure to check out my other new stories that I will be undated soon! And one last thing, thank you guys so much for being so supportive! And with all the reviews and nice comments, I really appreciate it! If you guys have any questions then please ask me.