OMG this is so late and I apologize! Homework is getting too much! Sadly this is the last chapter of the fic! But that means I can post another one soon, yay:)

Dedication: I'm-still-waiting-for-you-James because she reviews all the time plus she reviewed the chappie 4 first:D

Disclaimer: I don't own TT (Teen Titans).



Prince Robin was in his room and sighed as he thought about the events that had happened in the last month. He had fallen in love, realized that the girl he loved returned his feelings and they had shared a whole afternoon in one of the most beautiful places he had ever been to. Today, he was going to ask Raven to marry him. He was incredibly head over heels in love with her and now knew that she loved him back.

He stood up and began walking to her room, when a loud sound shook the castle walls. Everyone made their way outside, including Robin because he had to be there when something major was happening. King Bruce, his father was standing outside on top of a high stand, shouting at everyone to remain calm. Robin ran up to him and said,

"Father, what is the meaning of this?"

"The kingdom is under attack."

"WHAT?! By whom?"

"The evil citizens from the kingdom, H.I.V.E. They have broken into out lands and have killed many innocent people so far. We are calling the knights to attack the evil-doers and stop them from creating any more disaster."

"No…" Robin whispered in horror. He then thought he saw in the distance a trail of dust and many weapons. He shouted,

"They are coming!"

Everyone began to panic again. King Bruce groaned and slapped his son upside his head. Robin rubbed his head and growled,

"What was that for?"

"You have caused them to become un-calm once more. I shall deal with this. Lead everyone to safety" King Bruce instructed before he made his way over to the knights who were preparing their weapons. The prince started to lead people to the safe grounds where the only way to get to was to walk underground for two minutes and you would end up in a safe place. Everyone rushed and Robin desperately tried to find Raven. He felt someone grab him from behind. Instinctively, he span around and relaxed when he realized it was only Raven.

"Robin! I'm afraid to tell you but the H.I.V.E citizens have terrorized the castle and are fighting out people. You must help these people quickly!"

"I must tell you something before –" Robin didn't finish because Raven was running off, to go and help some other servants. He saw her leading Terra and Beastboy into the tunnel and he decided to run after her, knowing that everyone knew where the escape tunnel was. Raven was putting herself at a risk to help other people.

Finally he came out into the open and saw the horrible events taking place in the castle ground where everyone had previously been standing. Many knights had been defeated and were lying motionless on the floor, obviously dead. Robin began to worry because he couldn't see Raven anywhere. Suddenly, he spotted her helping an elderly maid walk to the tunnel where everyone was escaping to. He rushed over to be of assistance.

"Raven, get in that tunnel! You are going to get killed out here! Have you seen my father?"

"He rushed off to get his own weapons as soon as they invaded the castle" Raven answered, as the elderly woman she was helping began walking inside the escape route. Robin held her shoulders and pulled her against a wall that no one could see them behind. He took her hand in his and said,

"Raven, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever known. I love you dearly. Will you become my wife, my princess?"

"R-Robin…" the young maid gasped. Robin grinned at her reaction. She looked into his eyes and smiled saying,

"I will! I love you so much!"

With that they began to kiss deeply, not interested in anything happening around them at that moment. As quick as a flash, a strong hand pulled Raven out of their 'hiding' place and placed a sword through her chest, aiming for her heart. He threw her carelessly onto the hard ground. Blood poured out from the open wound and spilled onto the pavement. Her body lay lifeless on the ground and her breathing became deeper as she struggled to stay alive.

Robin's heart leapt as he rushed over to her body. He put his arm under body, supporting most of her weight. He brushed a hair out of her face and said while his voice cracked,

"Raven… do not leave me!"

"Robin… I am sorry…" Raven managed to get out as she continued breathing deeply as her veins became more empty of her blood.

"No! Stay alive!"

"I cannot…"

"Raven! Stay with me!"

"No… it hurts… too much…"

Robin's eyes began to water as the girl who he held slowly let her life soul leave her. He shook her and whispered,

"Do not go anywhere. I will get help! Just, do not die! Please!"

"There… is no… point. I… am dying…" she breathed silently. Robin kissed her lips a final time and whispered,

"I love you."

"I'm sorry… Robin…" Raven's eyes then closed, and she took her final breath. Robin's tears that now fell freely down his usually composed face. His heart shattered. Finally letting his lover rest in peace, he laid her body gently back on the ground. He then stood up and tried to find the person who had killed Raven. The prince was seeking revenge on whoever hurt his Raven.

Suddenly he spotted the man who murdered her. Robin saw the man fighting with a knight in a sword fight. Robin stomped angrily over and punched the man in the face. The knight thanked Robin began fighting someone else. Robin began to beat the man up, kicking him, punching him, anything he could think of. He finally pulled him up by the collar and shouted through his teeth,

"You killed Raven! Now I shall kill you!" Robin pulled the man's sword from his belt and stabbed it through his side, making the man fall over in shock. Robin stared as the man suffered his death, just as Raven had suffered hers. When the man was finally dead, Robin went in search of his father. By the time he had found him, the H.I.V.E attackers had retreated because the majority of them had been killed by the King's knights.

"Father, we have won but… I have not…"

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked his son, puzzled, thinking this was some sort of riddle.

"Out there… Raven was killed…" Robin said and fought hard with himself to stop any emotion spill from him because he had to be a man about this. Bruce's expression softened and he placed his hand on Robin's shoulder,

"Son… I am sorry. You really did love her and I am sorry of how I treated her. I only wanted to you to marry Princess Starfire because I knew she could be trusted and she is a beautiful princess. I hurt you because of my own thoughts and now I will never make it up to you. But if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I will be freed from this guilt that will haunt me forever."

"You are forgiven. I miss her. I proposed to her and she accepted moments before her death." Robin's tears were stinging in his eyes. He had to bite his lip from letting them fall. Bruce knew that this was something his son would never forget. So he left the room to leave Robin with his thoughts.

Robin knew he would never love another like he loved Raven. He loved her and now he lost her. She would always be the most important thing in his heart. He frowned as he remembered her laugh and all the times they had spent together, even if it had been over such a short length of time, to them it had seemed like years. If he was to marry another woman to bear him a son, he would still love Raven much more because she was his soul mate and nothing would ever change that. Now he understood the meaning of why love is dangerous and he muttered quietly to himself,

"Love is harsh."

The End



Okay the ending should be known as 'sadly ever after'. I'm sorry I killed off Raven but the original plot was that after the wedding (that actually had no interruptions) Raven went to her room and committed suicide because of all the pain but then Robin was trying to find her to confess his love for her, but finds her dead and he is heartbroken… yeah, but that's not what happened! So either way, Raven dies, sorry! I'M EVIL!

Review please!


P.S. I'm writing a new story that's a crossover between the book(s) Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse – trilogy (vampire romance/fantasy) and Teen Titans… no idea what I'm going to call it yet lol… :D