A/N: This idea has been bugging me for the past three days and will not leave me alone! This is my first attempt at a 7th Heaven fic so please be gentle.

Disclaimer: I do not and will never own any part of this amazing show. If I did it would still be on. But sadly I don't.

Ruthie Camden sat slumped on her bed with tears pricking her eyes. He hadn't even called to wish her a happy birthday. But no he had a family now. Calling her would be the farthest thing from his mind. But at least he always tried to talk to me, she thought as the tears silently began to make their way down her cheeks. In the silence of her room she heard the phone ringing. Quickly looking at the caller ID she ignored it. Oh so now he decides to call? With a huff she answered but then quickly hung up. He deserves it. She thought angrily. She looked at the clock noticing it was already almost midnight. After showering quickly she snuggled into the welcoming warmth of her bed.

Suddenly, a knock at the door startled her from sleep. Groggily, she rolled over in bed taking in the digits on her alarm clock. What the heck? She thought. Who would be knocking at the door in the middle of the night? Noticing the knocker hadn't given up she quickly stumbled out of bed so the visitor didn't wake the rest of the family. Turning on the light she made her way down to the kitchen. She opened the door to see Martin holding a whimpering Aaron in his arms. Her plans to yell at him instantly went out the window.

"Marin?" she asked slightly confused. What in the world was going on?

"Ruthie I need your help," he said in a rush trying his hardest to comfort the fussing infant.

"What's going on?" she asked sleepily.

"Listen I know it's late but I had no where else to go," he said apologetically.

"Where's Sandy?" she asked.

"I don't know she just left me this," he said handing her a piece of paper.


I'm sorry to do this but I have to get away for a while. Before you say anything it was nothing you did. I just need to get my life in order. I don't know how long I'll be gone for. It could be a couple of weeks, months, I don't know. All I know is that I need to do this. I left Aaron with you because I knew it would be wrong of me to keep you away from your son. I know you'll take good care of him for me while I'm gone.


"What?!" Ruthie screamed. "How could she do this?" she asked taking a seat at the kitchen table.

"I don't know. I woke up to hear him screaming, expecting Sandy to get him but he just kept crying. Then after a while I noticed we were alone and found this in his crib." Ruthie was fuming. How could she do this? Just simply leave without a word to anyone? Well she left him a letter but that was different. "What am I gonna do Ruthie?" Martin asked. He looked so lost. Ruthie simply rose from her seat and gathered him in her arms as he cried quietly into her shoulder.

"We'll get through this together Martin I promise," she whispered. At that time the younger Brewer decided to make himself known by shouting. Ruthie couldn't help laughing quietly. She was surprised no one had yet woken from all the noise going on downstairs. "Careful buddy, you're going to wake everyone else up," she smiled taking him into her arms.Aaron simply gurgled taking a clump of Ruthie's hair in his fist and pulling at it. "Oh no not the hair," she said shaking her head and taking his hand away gently. Letting out a small whimper his arms went around her neck as he snuggled into her neck falling asleep as Ruthie ran her hand along his back. Martin just looked on in amazement. She's so good with him Martin thought.

"Do you think we could crash here tonight?" Martin asked.

"Sure, you guys can take your old room upstairs. I'm sure Mom and Dad won't mind," she whispered.

"Thanks Ruthie I owe you one," Martin said giving her a carful hug. She just nodded making her way upstairs with him in toe. "Oh Ruthie?"

"Yeah Martin?"

"Happy birthday," he whispered only inches from her ear. Ruthie felt that familiar electricity shooting through her body. She suppressed the desperate need to kiss him right then and there. Instead she replied.

"Thanks," continuing her trip upstairs. Reaching Martin's room she carefully laid Aaron down surrounding him with pillows. She noticed his face scrunch up and gently caressed it with the back of her hand. "Night Aaron," she whispered before turning around and leaving. "Goodnight Martin," she said making her way out.

"Goodnight Ruthie," he whispered.

A/N: Okay guys there's chapter one. Please tell me what you think!