I've been working on different Blood Ties fics and none of them want to be finished. So, I decided to write drabbles with Vicki taking on some of the characteristics of Christina Cox's other roles. I can't watch a show with her in it without thinking of her as Vicki. (Who else has noticed her in somewhat dominant personality roles?)
Anyway, this is the first work I've put out for Blood Ties and I hope I don't disappoint.
Comments and constructive criticism (even grammar nit-picking! I will be the first to admit my grammar is off sometimes) are always appreciated.
Thank you, (lj)vivichick for the beta!

Title: A Horse is a Horse, Of Course, Of Course
Pairing: Vicki/Henry
Summary: A drabble. Vicki with the fetish Christina Cox had in the Bones episode Rating: PG-15 (or a very light R) for mention of kink and sex.

You would think, after all the years he "lived" through, that nothing could surprise him.

Then he met Vicki and became accustomed to hiding his shock.

Then he dated Vicki and made hiding his incredulity an art form.

Now he was having sex with Vicki and had to abandon pretense all together.

"You want to what?" Henry asked, knowing full well he would do it.

"I want you to pretend to be my horse," Vicki replied, her fingers absently stroking the leather of the riding crop.

He smirked, almost teased her, but decided to please her however she wanted.

"Neigh?" he ventured.