A/N: I don't own any characters that J.K.R. used in the series. I also don't own "Thunder" by Boys Like Girls. Please leave and review and enjoy!

Today is a winding road that's taking me to places that I didn't want to go

Whoa (whoa, whoa, whoa)

Today in the blink of an eye I'm holding on to something and I do not know why

I tried

Sirius sighed, burying his head in his hands on the desk in front of him. He hated being back here. Why was he back here? "The Order needs this as headquarters," he said aloud, though he was alone, to remind himself. He hated being in Number 12 Grimmauld Place. He hated being in the same place where he experienced his wretched childhood. He hated being where she died. "Starr," he whispered, glancing at the picture of them together. He bit back tears, thinking of how long it had been. Too long.

Normally, there were other Order members at headquarters to keep him company, but today seemed to be the exception to the rule. He was alone. Where she died. He felt like the day was a winding road that had no end. Most days… he avoided thinking about Starr… because all it did was bring him more grief. But today… it was almost as if he was trying to remembering every happy, every painful, every grief filled moment. He was trying to hold on to it. And he had no idea why.

I tried to read between the lines

I tried to look in your eyes

I want a simple explanation

For what I'm feeling inside

I gotta find a way out

Maybe there's a way out

He remembered the note that Lily had given him the day she helped him clean out this accursed house. He pulled it out of his pocket, for it was never very far from his reach. He smooth out the wrinkled piece of parchment, the last words his Starr had ever written. He had read the words written there innumerable times; he knew them by heart. But this time, he tried to read between the lines, almost as if there was some sort of explanation for why he was feeling this way hidden in her words. He folded it back up carefully and stowed it away back in his pocket. He groaned in frustration. He needed a way. Was there one?

Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer

Do you know you're unlike any other?

You'll always be my thunder, and I said

Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors

I don't wanna ever love another

You'll always be my thunder

So bring on the rain

And bring on the thunder

He remembered the summers he had spent at the Potters' house, with James, his best mate, and Starr, his girlfriend, though she hadn't become that since the summer before her sixth year. During those long, enjoyable months with the two people he cared for the most (and away from this damned place) it seemed her voice played through his head repeatedly; he couldn't shake it.

She was his everything; she was his thunder, essentially. He remember her eyes… her beautiful, clear hazel eyes that he loved so much… though hazel wasn't a particularly bright color, the fact that hazel was the color of her eyes made hazel the brightest color… at least to him. He knew that he couldn't bring himself to love any other. He never had, didn't, and never would want to love another. She would always be his thunder, no matter what. And as long as she was his thunder, he would love the rain… because it reminded him of her.

Today is a winding road

Tell me where to start and tell me something I don't know

Whoa (whoa, whoa, whoa)

Today I'm on my own

I can't move a muscle and I can't pick up the phone

I don't know (I don't know, I don't know, I don't know)

He sighed… again. This was most definitely going to be one of the longest days of his life. Where was he suppose to start? He had the feeling that he hadn't really ever started a new life after her death… until he met Harry. Harry looked like James… who liked Starr. Life isn't fair. "Tell me something I don't know," Sirius murmured under his breath. He of all people knew that all too well. And realization swept over him: he was on his own. He felt his muscles freeze and he felt as though he couldn't move. And suddenly, he didn't know a thing.

And now I'm itching for the tall grass

And longing for the breeze

I need to step outside

Just to see if I can breathe

I gotta find a way out

Maybe theres a way out

Sirius longed to feel the tall grass brushing against him, the breeze whipping about him; he needed to be outside. He remembered all the wonderful, happy days he and Starr had spent playing around together on the grounds of the Potter estate… or the ground of Hogwarts. He looked at the window and saw with a start that it was raining. Maybe, just maybe, if he could get outside, feel the rain against his skin, hear the thunder, feel her there, maybe then he could finally breathe freely. He headed for the door.

Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer

Do you know you're unlike any other?

You'll always be my thunder, and I said

Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors

I don't wanna ever love another

You'll always be my thunder

So bring on the rain

He stood in the rain… stiff as a board.

Yeah I'm walking on a tightrope

I'm wrapped up in vines

I think we'll make it out

But you just gotta give me time

Strike me down with thunder

Let me feel you in my veins

I wanna let you know how much I feel your pain

He was walking on the thin line bordering misery and depression and he knew it. He felt as though the vines of the Devil's Snare had wrapped all about his body, keeping him from breathing properly. Yet he knew, he could and he would make it out. In time.

A bolt of lightning flashed in the distance and the thunder roared. It was her. He could hear her voice saying, "Don't just stand there, you dolt! How many chances in life do you get to dance in the rain?"

And he did the only thing that made sense at that point. He danced. He laughed. He cried. All at once. He felt her pain… he knew now, that wherever she was… she was missing him just as much as he was missing her.

Today is a winding road that's taking me to places that I didn't want to go


Today had taken him to the depths of his mind and his past that he didn't want to visit. But he knew that he had to. And with a start he realized… he could breate.

Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer

Do you know you're unlike any other?

You'll always be my thunder, and I said

Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors

I don't wanna ever love another

You'll always be my thunder

So bring on the rain

And bring on the thunder, and I said

Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer

Do you know you're unlike any other?

You'll always be my thunder

So bring on the rain

Oh baby bring on the pain

And listen to the thunder

He flicked his wand in the direction of the tapestry which displayed the Black family tree and the spell added Starr's name, linked to his by a horizontal bar. Marriage. Or elopement. Whatever.

Then his eyes fell on the name he hated the most, far more than that of his brother, his mother, or even his father. Bellatrix Lestrange.

She had killed his Starr. And she had stolen his thunder.