Naruto not mine

Chapter 1

The sweet morning air blew thru the tree leaves gently whispering the song of summer. But Sakura couldn't enjoy the beautiful summer morning even if she tried. Her team was just getting back from a set up mission by their pervy masked sensei, it was a complete disaster. Worse than that Sasuke was mad at her! Well not just her mostly Naruto, but her too!

Sasuke had returned half a year ago after people had searched for him for 2 years. At first he was cautious to be angry with her Naruto but now he had no problem with it. He was stomping in front of them tearing down or destroying anything that got in his path while muttering a string of profanities under his breath. Sakura rolled her eyes, sometimes he needed to chill out, but she still loved him.

She did love him, he just couldn't return the feeling. So she had accepted being by his side as a teammate and a friend. And she hoped their love for each other would blossom, but she just had to be quiet and wait.

She thought of her lacking love life while she watched Sasuke storm off in front of her.

He's really cute when he's angry…just not when it's directed at us. Inner Sakura whispered.

While Sakura ignored Inner Sakura and thought about Sasuke more when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to face Naruto's beaming mischievous face about to ask what he wanted when he quickly put his finger to his lips indicating for her to be quiet. He gave her a playful wink, then his face turned into a sour scowl and he folded his arms in front of his chest. He flipped his nose into the air and flounced around imitating Sasuke's angry stomp.

Sakura covered her mouth and tried not to laugh but couldn't help it, she let out a loud laugh that cut through the still morning silence. Sasuke whipped around just in time to see Naruto's little imitation of him. Sasuke narrowed his eyes and gave Naruto a look that "if looks could kill" Naruto would be a massacred mess. Naruto spun on his heel so he was facing Sakura and his back was to Sasuke, he widened his big blue eyes pretending to be scared. Sakura started to giggle but that just got her Sasuke's icy glare in return. She hung her head shielding her face with a wall of pink hair. It wasn't her fault, Naruto's facial expressions were hilarious, and they looked just like Sasuke's when he tried.

"Give us a break Sasuke, you failed as bad as we did. We all fell for the set up. Big deal, it's over, get on with life," Naruto said walking over to Sakura's side giving her a nudge and Sasuke a big grin.

"We wouldn't have failed so badly if we didn't have a dobe like you on the team!" Sasuke spat out at Naruto giving him the death glare again.

Naruto seemed unfazed by all this, "Ya, well be a bastard just do it over there," Naruto yawned waving Sasuke away like he would Konohomaru.

Sasuke clenched his fists and was looking ready for a fight. Sakura took in a deep breath and started to say, "Come on guys, let's just get home. The sooner we get home the sooner we can eat," she looked over at Naruto. "And the sooner we get home we can start to train again so we don't lose to Kakashi again," Sakura whispered glancing over at Sasuke.

Sasuke looked into Sakura's emerald eyes and she started to blush, then he turned to Naruto and glared at him one more time Naruto yawned again and flipped him off. Sasuke spun around and began tearing through the forest again. Naruto rolled his eyes and turned to Sakura but this time he had tears in his eyes.

"W…What's wrong with you?" Sakura stammered taken by surprise by his tears.

"You reminded me how hungry I was! I want ramen!" Naruto howled clutching his stomach.

"Naruto! You jack ass," Sakura shouted slapping the back of his head, "you scared me I thought something was wrong!"

"Something is wrong! I'm gonna starve to death!" Naruto wailed. Sakura rolled her eyes and started to walk away shaking her head.

"Wait Sakura! Carry me, I'm deprived and weak!" Naruto whined racing up and flinging his arms around her shoulders leaning all his weight on her. "Get off fatty," Sakura giggled shaking him off herself, as soon as she did he fell to the ground and wrapped his arms around her leg and started wailing again. "You can't leave a teammate behind!" he shouted, she shook him off again and started to jog ahead, maybe Sasuke wouldn't mind her hanging with him. She looked over her shoulder and saw Naruto running towards her arms open, "Sakura don't leave me behind!"

She picked up speed and started running away from Naruto as fast as she could. "Go away!" Sakura laughed.

"You don't understand my sweet Sakura I'll die without you," he howled chasing after her. Sakura ran faster laughing hysterically, Naruto could be so weird. She ran past Sasuke with Naruto gaining, she decided to ignore Sasuke's quizzical expression, she'd explain later.

"Sakura come back to me," Naruto cried with his head back so it would carry throughout the forest. She tried to outrun him but it was no good, he tackled her and they both wrestled on the ground laughing.

Sasuke had caught up to them by now and Naruto had Sakura by the waist and was trying to plant a giant sloppy kiss on her cheek, she had one hand to his chest and the other was squishing his face trying at all cost to keep her face away from Naruto's lips.

Sasuke walked over to a nearby tree and leaned back against it crossing his legs at the ankles. He watched Naruto trying to push past her hand to her face as Sakura kept a firm hold on his face while trying to pull away with a sour twisted grimace on her face.

"You're such an immature loser," Sasuke said crossing his arms glaring at Naruto.

"Hey, better to be immature and happy; than be mature and be a drag," Naruto laughed imitating Shikimaru drawl on the last part. Sakura laughed at how much Naruto could sound and act like other people. Naruto used this chance to slip past her hand and give her a big kiss with his saliva covered lips.

"Oh, yuck! That's so gross Naruto!" Sakura shrieked using the back of her hand to wipe his spit off her cheek. Naruto pointed to her face and began laughing maniacally, "you shoulda seen your face!"

"You're not gonna see anything but black and blue when I'm through with you," Sakura growled getting ready to attack Naruto when something caught her eye. Something in front of her and behind Naruto was catching her attention, she couldn't be sure what it was but her curiosity got the better of her. She got up and brushed off the dirt, clumps of grass, and leaves off her clothes from her tustle with Naruto. She started to jog over to the place that was calling her attention, "Sakura what are you doing?" Sasuke called out after her.

'He cares? That's great!' she thought.

"Nothing…I mean something…just hold on," Sakura called back. She trotted over to the bush and saw a head of hair, she gasped and kneeled down next to the body and placed her index and middle finger to his neck…There was a pulse.

"Sasuke, Naruto!" She yelled for them to come over, as they made their way over she studied the face.

'He doesn't look familiar, he looks our age, and I don't see anything on him to tell us what village he's from…He's awfully cute though,' Sakura thought smiling down at him.

"What is-?" Naruto stopped mid question when he saw what Sakura was kneeling beside. He cocked his head and looked at the face trying to study it as well. Sasuke looked down at the man too and shrugged, "what are we supposed to do about it?"

"We should help him, let's bring him back to Konoha and get him some medical attention," Sakura pleaded, Sasuke looked at her warily.

"Sakura…" Sasuke began looking down at the man again, he narrowed his eyes obviously trying to figure out if he could trust this guy or not.

"Please," Sakura whispered looking up and pleaded with his onyx eyes with her emerald green ones. She felt like they were communicating silently through different expressions with their eyes. After a little while she saw Sasuke's eyes slightly soften and she smiled into his eyes with hers.

He sighed acting annoyed, "fine we'll take him back to Konoha but," Sasuke looked over at Sakura but didn't finish his sentence. He apparently wanted to keep the rest to himself. She cocked her head curiously, what was he keeping from her? He ignored her silent question and bent over and slung the man over his shoulder with a grunt. Sakura tried to give him a thank you smile but he already had his back to her and was walking quickly forward.

They all walked in silence for a while until Sasuke broke the silence, "This guy's heavy so if we don't get to Konoha soon I'm gonna dump him on you Naruto." He turned and gave Naruto a cruel smile.

"AWWW! That's not fair!" Naruto moaned slapping his forehead. Sakura giggled at the boys' interaction with each other. She got another mean glare only this time it was from Naruto. She threw her hands up in irritation, and then folded her arms across her chest. She picked up her pace until she was in front of both of Sasuke and Naruto.

There was no winning with these guys!