I got this idea recently, and i couldn't wait to write it! Everyone is human!!!! Bella is 21. I don't own Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse.

Dateless for too Long

Saturday Night

Once again, I was spending Saturday night at home, alone. I stared at the popcorn sporadically popping in the microwave. Another Saturday spent in front of the television in my pajamas, waiting for Alice and Rosalie to return home from their dates.

I walked into the living to put my favorite movie into the DVD player. Moulin Rouge was my favorite Saturday night movie watching it, it gave me hope. If a prostitute, like Satine, can fine love, surely I can. But who was I kidding? Moulin Rouge is a movie, Satine and Christian are characters, it isn't real. But my lack of a love life is real.

I pushed the DVD into the player and turned to fetch the popcorn from the microwave. I looked at the timer on the microwave; the popcorn still had a minute to go. I walked down the hall and into my room to change into my pajamas so I could let the popcorn finish popping. I quickly shed my jeans and t-shirt and walked across the room to pull my flannel pajamas out of my dresser. I pulled the shirt over my head and sighed, it was one of Rosalie's old t-shirts. It was a baggy shirt, and it smelled good.

When I tried to put the flannel pants on, being the klutz that I am, I tripped and fell into my dresser. All of Alice's makeup, that she uses to give me makeovers against my will, scattered everywhere and fell to the floor. My small, handheld mirror fell and shattered everywhere. Great, I thought to myself. Just what I need, seven years of bad luck. As if the past 21 years of my life haven't been bad enough.

But if I was being honest with myself, my life wasn't that bad. I had two best friends that I share everything with and love dearly. I have a great job and I live in a big condo with my two best friends, Alice and Rosalie. The only thing that I'm lacking is coordination and a love life.

Alice and Rosalie both have boyfriends that take them out every Saturday, leaving me at home alone. They've set up numerous dates for me, but every single one ended in disaster, so they eventually gave up trying. For the past two months I've spent my Saturday night alone, curled up on the sofa watching my two favorite movies. Moulin Rouge and Romeo and Juliet, the Zeffirelli movie not the Baz Lurman remake.

Romeo and Juliet has always been my favorite play. The language is beautiful and the play was brilliantly written. I've always secretly been jealous of Juliet. She was young and beautiful, and she knew what it was like to love, and be loved in return, which was also the message in Moulin Rouge. Part of the reason I love Moulin Rouge is because it's a modern Romeo and Juliet.

I was in the middle of cleaning up the shattered glass and scattered makeup products when I smelled smoke and the smoke detector started blaring. "Shit!" I yelled as I ran into the kitchen. The microwave was smoking and there were green sparks flying from the microwave. I rushed over and yanked the door the microwave open. Smoke came pouring out and circled around me. I coughed as the smoke filled my lungs as I tried to breath. I reached in and pulled out the popcorn bag and dropped it on the counter. It was hot.

I quickly ran out of the kitchen and into the living room to open up the sliding glass door that lead the balcony. When I got the door open I ran back into the kitchen. The smoke was clearing up already. I looked at the popcorn bag, it was scorched. The bag was almost completely black. There was no way I was going to be able to eat that popcorn. I walked over to the popcorn and picked it up and quickly threw it in the sink before it could burn me. The popcorn bag landed bottom-up revealing a piece of aluminum foil clinging to the bottom of it.

"Aluminum foil," I mused. "Metal." I looked back at the popcorn bag and I started laughing. I remembered setting the popcorn bag on a piece of aluminum foil that was left on the counter before I put it in the microwave, the aluminum foil must have clung to the bag, and I didn't notice. Stupid mistake.

When I was able to stop laughing I walked over to the microwave to survey the damage. The inside of the microwave was black, and the glass on the door was cracked. No doubt because of the pressure that had built up inside the microwave. Great, I thought to myself, now I'm going to have to replace the microwave. I closed the microwave door because there was nothing I could do with it, it was useless now.

I walked back over to the sink and placed a hand on the popcorn bag, it had cooled. I threw the burnt popcorn bag in the trash and walked back into the living room. The living room had grown cold from the door being open, the cold January air flowing into the room. I closed the door, all of the smoke had cleared, and dove onto the couch, almost falling off. I grabbed the remote off of the coffee table and pressed "play". The movie began and I realized I was missing my blanket. I ran back into my room and found my snoopy blanket, a gift from Alice last Christmas, and ran back to the couch. I wrapped the blanket around myself and snuggled into the couch to watch the movie.

Halfway through the movie, I noticed when the room darkened by a fraction. I looked out the window and noticed that the moon, always clearly visible from the balcony, was gone. A large storm cloud was blocking it. I got off the couch and went to go stand by the window to look at the sky. It looked like it was going to storm. Dark storm clouds hung low in the sky, pressing down on Earth, giving everything a claustrophobic feeling.

I opened the balcony door and walked out onto the balcony, my blanket wrapped tightly around me. The temperature had dropped and the wind had picked up. The wind blew my long brown hair around my head. I was staring up at the sky when a flash of lighting lit up the sky and a loud clash of thunder followed. My thoughts wandered to Alice and Rosalie, on their dates, if they weren't on their way home right now, they would get caught in the storm. That would make Rosalie mad. She hates storms. Mostly because storms bring rain, and she hates rain because her beautiful blond hair will get wet.

I stood on the balcony until the first drop of rain hit my face. It was cold and it made me shiver. Wrapping the blanket even more tightly around me, I turned around and walked back inside, shutting the glass door behind me. I walked back to the couch and continued to watch the movie as the storm outside grew, becoming more fierce with each passing minute.

The wind was howling outside, the trees were swaying violently in the wind, the sky was constantly alight with flashes of lightning, the thunder seemed to grow increasingly louder with every clash, and Rosalie and Alice still weren't home. I couldn't concentrate on the movie, my thoughts were centered on the storm and Rosalie and Alice who were somewhere out there in the middle of it.

I went to go stare out the sliding glass door again, the sky had darkened, it looked almost black. There was a blinding flash of lightning and a deafening crash of thunder, and everything went dark. The lights that were once visible from down below were dark, and everything around me was pitch black. "Perfect!" I exclaimed, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "What else could go wrong tonight?" I asked into the darkness around me.

I stumbled blindly away from the window and extended my hands in front of me so I could feel my way around me. When I made it into the kitchen I fumbled for the flashlight, praying that the batteries weren't burnt out. I flipped the switch on the flashlight to "on" and with a sigh of relief, a beam of light projected from the flashlight.

I walked around the condo lighting candles to help illuminate the place. When I ran out of candles to light I walked into my room to find a book to read, since I couldn't watch the movie anymore. I walked cautiously over to my bookshelf, my mess from earlier was still only half-way cleaned up. I ran the light of the flashlight over the books and found what I was looking for. "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte was one of my favorite books. Next to Romeo and Juliet, Kathy and Heathcliff are my favorite couple.

I settled back into the couch with candles all around me, my book laying open in my lap, and my flashlight in my hand. I vaguely remember how far I was into the book when I drifted to sleep.

"I am soaking wet!" I awoke with a start when Rosalie's wailing voice filled the room. "Stupid storm ruined my date!" Great, I thought to myself Rosalie's not happy. Life can be hell when Rosalie's not happy. She'll talk your ear off complaining when she's not happy, something I've learned to tune out. It's really the only way to stay sane when Rosalie isn't happy. I got up and walked over to Rosalie and hugged her.

"You're right Rose, you are soaking wet!" I laughed at Rosalie's expression. "Rose, you look like a drowned cat!" Rosalie scowled in response before she responded.

"Well at least I'm a hot drowned cat." I burst out laughing at that point. Rosalie looked around the room and fumbled with the light switch. "Oh joy, the power's out! This night just keeps getting worse," she complained as she tossed her purse onto a nearby chair. "Welcome to my world," I mumbled. "What was that?" Rose asked.

"Nothing, Rose. Go change out of those clothes, like I know you're dying to do." She hugged me tightly, purposely trying to get me wet, and pranced down the hall and into her room.

I walked back to the sofa and curled back up in my blanket, I rested my head on the arm of the couch and I was asleep again.

"I'm home!" This time Alice's cheery voice woke me up. I was surprised that Rosalie had actually let me sleep and didn't wake me up so she would have someone to listen to her to complain. "Why are you sitting in the dark, Bella?" Alice asked, flipping the light switch to on. To my surprise the lights came on.

"The power went out. I glanced over at the television and I saw that the movie was playing again. I guess it came back on." Alice smiled at me as she pulled off her raincoat and tossed her umbrella into the chair with Rosalie's purse. "I didn't know you brought your raincoat and umbrella with you," I commented lightly.

"The weatherman predicted a storm, so I brought it just in case. I'm always prepared, Bella. You know that." That was true. Actually prepared was an understatement. Alice was always over prepared, which is better than not prepared at all, I guess.

"Oh, good, the power's on!" Rosalie exclaimed as she entered the room wearing her boyfriend's t-shirt and flannel pants. Rosalie was stunning, no matter what she wore. She could wear a paper bag and make it look good. She had a body that model wish they had. She was slender and had curves in all the right places, her blond hair was gorgeous and flowed freely pass her shoulders. "Hey Alice," she greeted the pixie-like girl in the doorway.

Rosalie walked up to Alice and hugged her. "You're dry," she accused, narrowing her eyes at Alice. Alice laughed at Rosalie as I had done earlier.

"Of course I am silly. I was prepared for the storm!" With that Alice danced out the room leaving a fuming Rosalie behind. "Yeah whatever," Rosalie muttered under breath. "I'm going to make some hot chocolate," she said as she started walking toward the kitchen.

"No you're not!" I called after her. She froze in her tracks and turned to look at me, eyes narrowed. "What do you mean 'no I'm not'? If I want hot chocolate, I can have it!" She turned back around and started back toward the kitchen.

"Not if the microwave won't work!" I yelled toward the kitchen.

Rosalie came charging back into the living room. "The microwave's been burnt to a crisp! What did you do to it Bella?" She yelled in my face. Rosalie was not happy.

"What did Bella do this time?" Alice asked as she came back into the living room in her rubber ducky flannel pajamas. Her short, spiky, black hair was brushed out and she too looked like a model, standing there.

"Bella didn't do anything," I replied bitterly. "It's not my fault. Who left the aluminum foil on the counter?" I asked looking back and forth between Rose and Alice.

"I did," Rosalie answered.

"Then you can pay to replace the microwave, because when I set the popcorn bag on the counter before putting it in the microwave, the aluminum foil clung to it and I didn't notice it. So if the aluminum foil hadn't been left there, we wouldn't be having this discussion!" Alice and Rosalie started laughing at me.

"Rough night Bella?" Alice asked as she came over and gave me a hug.

"Yeah, a really crappy night," I answered. Rosalie came over to join in on the hug. "It's okay Bella, you won't be alone on Saturday nights for too much longer. You'll find someone soon." As much I wanted to believe what Rosalie was saying, I couldn't help but doubt what she was saying. She was beautiful and had guys pining for her wherever she went, and I was plain and invisible. It had to face the facts; I would be alone for many more Saturday nights to come.

Please review! The next chapter is Edward's POV!!!!