Title: Can you love yourself?

Warning: Sexual thingys xD , it's angsty probably not at first but im an angst lover therefore there will be angst but I can't put all my warnings cause it wouldn't be a surprise in later chapters

P.S. some characters will be OOC you WILL notice which ones don't kill me that's just how their characters are in the story.


Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the characters O.o

A.N: Thoughts are in Italics or if there's an emphasis on words and these: -- mean there's a time line. Oh and since it's AU there's no Kyubbi and Sasuke's dad is alive Itachi isn't evil

All characters are 15 except Itachi and his friends(who will be shown in later chapters) and except random extras (like unimportant people in the background you get it?? hope so) I decide to put

Chapter 1

He sat on the bleachers waiting for the stupid game to get over, he never understood why people sat on their asses for hours waiting to see if their team bit the dust or won.

He was only here because of Itachi, Itachi was very popular among the students he got good grades, girlfriends, and wasn't an ass. Him? Well he wasn't popular per say but well known for otherthings, like having sex with whoever asked he'd done it for years so it never really fazed him as much as it did when he was younger. Whore some people would say, slut, harlot with no respect for his body or himself, of course no one said this to him or anywhere near his brother because Itachi would kick their asses silly, he never understood why his brother did what he did but he still loved him and he'd be damned if he let petty high schoolers make his brother cry.

It used to get to Sasuke but over the years he'd gotten used to it and forgot to even care, hell sometimes he found it amusing he'd just found out recently that kids in his school were even making bets as to how long it would take him to get knocked up or catch some venereal disease.

Sasuke was a mystery to many people he never talked much and he had only one real friend partly because the kids parents did not want them hanging around such a bad influence and partly because he just seemed unapproachable and that one friend was Kiba, Kiba was the person he talked to when his father beat him for getting his first B, when he gotten a hard on in class and everyone laughed at him (damn him and his hormones during puberty), and he'd been the person he'd cryed to when the guy he'd lost his virginity to when he was just 12 had left him the day after saying "You didn't really think we'd be together forever did you?" .He was his haven in many ways, the only person who really understood him, who didn't hassle him about his many conquests.

But one thing he never talked to anyone about was why he did what he did, he obviously didn't do it for the money cause if he did he'd be worth a pretty penny. He really wanted to feel loved well not loved cause none of his"clients" ever loved him they just wanted a fuck and fast but to be wanted, needed, to feel like someone actually wanted him for something and obviously they'd wanted him.

It was hard to feel like this in his family, his mother had died in a car accident when he was 8 leaving only him, his brother, and his father. And his father wasn't one to hug and show emotions hell the only emotion he ever showed was anger and that was if their grades were lower than an A apparently when they graduated they'd take over the business, he only ever saw him at dinner because he was always working in his multi million dollar corporation and gave them money as a means of condolences Sasuke didn't like that about his dad part of him wanted to tell him about his activities just to piss him off.

Sasuke sat their bored out of his mind he gets a tap on his shoulder, he turns to see a very agitated Neji looking around to see if anyone he knew was watching.

"Hey your the guy who gives sexual favors right?" he whispered. Sasuke chuckled at this usually the people asking for his services were guys who weren't getting any ass from their girlfriends.

Instead of answering this question he took Neji by the hand and lead him down the bleachers and stopped at where his brother was sitting and turned. "Itachi tell dad im gonna be late, if he gets home."

A few of the guys near Itachi snickered. "Hey shut up." he whispered angrily and faced Sasuke "Yeah I'll tell him".

And with that being said Sasuke left with Neji, heading towards Neji's car. "So what do you want and where do you want it?" he asked in monotone.

"Uh a blowjob in my car." he answered nervously.

"Alright". Neji unlocked his car and they climbed into the backseat, where Sasuke climbed onto Neji and put his mouth to his ear. "You don't need to worry about doing anything, I'll take care of everything" he whispered seductively. He bit and sucked at his earlobe, trailing wet kisses down his neck earning a few soft moans.

He slowly lifted Neji's shirt up over his head and made his way down to his pert nipples, sticking the tip of his nipple between his teeth and rubbing his tongue back and forth on it repeating the same routine with the other one.

"Shit Ah...S-Sasuke!" he bit on his lip to keep from screaming they were on school property after all it would suck if someone found them.

He looked up at Neji and then down at his already erect member and smirked. "Hard already Neji? I can take care of your little problem." he whispered innocently. And with that unzipped his jeans Neji wasn't wearing any underwear so his cock was very visible thank god that would've been an annoying inconvenience.

He blew on the tip of his hard cock teasing him earning an irritated moan.

"Please just do it already" he said nearly begging.

With that being said Sasuke took the entire cock in his mouth making Neji gasp.

"Ahh ...Sas- Sasuke."

"Sh-Shit." his mouth tasted like metal because he was bleeding from biting on his lip so hard, he felt himself tremble from all the pleasure he was recieving he looked at Sasuke head bobbing up and down licking the sides his cock he looked so innocent not like the kind of guy that would be doing stuff like this but the noises he was making while getting rid of Neji's 'problem' said otherwise, he was obviously very experienced Neji was getting really hot he felt something building up inside him, he was trying really hard not to cum.

To make it a little more fun he let a large amount of saliva slide down his cock and started jerking him off while giving him head, pump after pump ater a while he started pumping rather harshly. He knew that Neji was about to cum and cum hard.

Seconds later he came with a silent scream into his mouth, Sasuke eagerly swallowed it up. And then licked his lips.

"So did you like it?" he asked smirking.

"It was ... awesome" said Neji slightly surprised he'd even done this he was slightly guilty but boy did Sasuke give the best head.

'Shit it's 12 already' thought Sasuke looking at his watch. He made his way through the door of his mansion as quietly as possible and closed the door

He thought he'd made it safely until he bumped into his father Fugaku Uchiha.

"Where have you been today?" he asked gruffly. Sasuke had reason to be scared seeing as his dad was more than a head taller than him and would beat him to a bloody pulp if he didn't give him the right answer.

'Dammit Itachi you were supposed to tell him' he thought. "Uh didn't Itachi tell you I was gonna be late?" he asked nervously.

"As a matter of fact yes but I didn't think that meant till midnight, but that's not the point im asking where you were" he said starting to get irritated. He was tired of his son coming home at impossible hours of the night.

"I was at the library studying sorry" he said. But mentally swore at himself for being so stupid the library closed at 10 hopefully his dad didn't know about any librarys or he'd be screwed, but he just looked at him they stood in silence till he finally sighed.

"Alright get upstairs, take a shower, and get to bed." he simply stated.

Sasuke headed up the spiral stairs but stopped when his father grabbed him by the arm. "Ive been hearing things from my co-workers about you and there not good I can't just deny them if their true, do I have any reason too doubt you?"

'Shit they've been saying things?' "Of course not dad you know me" he said.

"I really hope I do Sasuke." and left towards his office.

"So Naruto have you gotten rid of your problem yet?" asked Shikamaru. Everyone at the table chuckled.

Naruto was the only one in his group of friends that was still a virgin, they liked making fun of him about it. Although he felt accomplished he'd stayed a virgin that long (temptations in high school are hard to overcome) he felt embarrassed at the same time because he felt like a child compared to his friends who'd had experience. But at the same time he never understood how they could just have sex like it was nothing he believed that someones first time should be shared with someone special, some they love, not from some drunken rampage at a keg party.

"Just because I don't hand sex around like it's french fries doesn't mean it's a problem" retaliated naruto. His friends ignored the stupidity of the comment and Sakura got to the point.

"Look Naruto your 15 and your still a virgin probably one of the very few in this school, you need to do something about it we feel bad that your not able to feel the rush and excitement of having sex, it's actually fun you know, besides it's not like you gonna end up like Sasuke or anything."

Everyone laughed at this and an TenTen started saying something but Naruto turned and looked back at Sasuke he was sitting with Kiba eating an apple in a far corner the boy had always intrigued him he wondered what life was like for Sasuke with having sex all the time he wondered if his parents knew, what his home life was like, how he managed to maintain a straight A average even with taking high honors classes he snapped out of his trance when a carrot was thrown at his head.

"OI Naruto are you listening?" asked Choji.

"Yeah yeah keep going sorry." he replied.

Ten-Ten looked at him with suspicion and went back to what she was saying. "Anyway as I was saying there's a party tonight and we kind of got someone to relieve you of your how you say ... virtue." she said smiling.

But Naruto didn't find this amusing he glared appalled that they'd go to such lengths to get him to give up his virginity."Are you kidding me you guys hired a prostitute?? That's illegal for one and two just immoral!"

They all looked at him as if he were stupid and Ino cut in."We didn't hire you a prostitute we got Sasuke."

"H-Huh??" he asked dumbfounded. 'I can't believe their doing this to me I mean Sasuke's had everything in him.'

"Relax Naruto you have hours to think about this plus it's said that no one is able to resist his charm." "Did you guys hear about Neji?" everyone nodded their heads in agreement as if they were at a funeral paying their respects.

"Whatever ... you guys better be right about this" he said pouting.

Woot!! Well I decided to upload this since I haven't gotten the chapter of to love the unloved yet I was gonna do this later though ye SASUKE'S A WHORE IN THIS ONE bwuahahahahhahaa ... kidding?? Anyway yea so review!! I'll upload second chapter as soon as possible ... p.s. ... never mind