Chapter 56:

Chapter 56:

I was almost breathless as he hit a small spot on my neck that sent shocks of pleasure down my back.

"Gaara. . . I can't"

"Then don't" He whispered, continually sucking on the spot. I clenched to his shirt, my legs beginning to buckle. What was wrong with me?

He was kissing my neck.

Why was I enjoying it so much.

I took a deep breath and tried to force it from my lips.

"Gaara, please stop"

"You're not enjoying it?" He asked, pulling from me as I couldn't help but feel guilty. He was trying to make me feel good and I just ruined it.

"No . . . I . . . Actually I liked it a lot . . . It's just-" He rolled his eyes. I could never finish most things when I was nervous. I took a breath.

"I . . . I forgot something important, I know it's not Deidara coming to try and kill you, and I know it's not Orochi. . . Maru" I finished my statement as my eyes burst open and I ripped from his arms and bolted up the stairs. I now knew what it was.

Sasuke, Since he had not fully gone to orochimaru, Orochimaru had to change forms!

He looked the same today.


I knew Naruto was acting weird.

"OROCHIMARU, DROP MY BABY" I hissed as his eyes went wide and then a smirk crawled onto his face.

"How did you figure it out" He laughed as he jumped from Temari and Kankuro, they hit the floor unconscious. The Naruto slowly grew short shaggy blueish hair and the bright blue eyes changed to Orochimaru's snake like eyes, growing a size larger or two.

"When I finally realized that Naruto was still awake . . . He sleeps like a rock, and you had a serious face . . . He's never serious around me" I snarled as Orochimaru narrowed his eyes. "Now hand over My baby" I snarled.

"Did you really think he would?" I looked to the window were Kabuto crawled in with a giant smirk on his face.


"Slut" He laughed as I narrowed my eyes.

"I slept with one guy, Not a slut" I snapped as he laughed.

"Sure" He mocked.

"I would hand Aiji over" I whispered, my voice darkening, a smirk rising on my face when I saw Gaara rising on his sand from outside the room with a death like glare at the two men.

"Why" Kabuto mocked, "You going to shoot your Chakra at us?"

"No . . ." I whispered as I clenched my fists at the voice of the Tou whining, he was hungry. "Aiji is hungry, and he gets kind of mad when he isn't fed by Mommy, and I doubt Daddy enjoys seeing his little boy in the hands of you two" Kabuto snapped around and almost cursed as Sand shot into his and stabbed him from the stomach and up against the wall as Orochimaru went to sink through the floor but Aiji began screaming and kicking as the sand kicked up and stabbed at Orochimaru. I pulled on Aiji's torso and slammed my foot into Orochimaru's face. I could now kick my foot up and put my face to my knee without falling. But it hurt like hell.

"OHH CRAMP!" I whined as I fell onto my butt with Aiji in my arms and sand throwing the two out into the night where kabuto puffed them away in a large cloud of smoke.