A/N: I don't own Naruto…Well…not yet anyway.

Sasuke Uchiha knew a lot of things. Like, why the sky was blue, why it rained or even why leaves fall off trees in the winter. But, one thing he didn't know was how to deal with people at certain times because god did not bless him with speech...

As Sasuke was yet again waiting for Kakashi to show up, and Sakura for that matter, he had to listen to a certain blonde haired boy whine. "Sasuke, where's Sakura!?" he whined.

"How would I know?" he growled and sent a glare in the blonde boys direction. He did have to wonder though; Sakura was always the early one. So, where was she? Today she would be later than Kakashi, if she actually showed up.

As if on cue, they each heard the similar 'Yo' of Kakashi. "Hey, where's Sakura, boys?" he asked, looking around for her.

"Tch, we don't know," Sasuke said in an agitated voice, as if pissed why the pink haired kunoichi didn't show. He didn't know why he himself was in such a bad mood suddenly. He also didn't seem to understand why Sakura had stopped her advances on him lately and took the –kun off of his name sometimes, which puzzled him greatly. He thought he had Sakura figured out, just like Naruto, but he'd learn that people could do unpredictable things, even him, without knowing it...

"Yeah, Kakashi-sensei, she didn't show up this morning!" Naruto whined again.

"Hm, she might have overslept, which I doubt, so she's probably just sick," he shrugged. "But, we'll still resume training," he said and looked over at the wondering Uchiha. "We'll work with Chakra control again. Seeing as we probably need to practice more of it," he continued. Sasuke wasn't paying attention though, because he knew one thing for sure, Sakura never got sick, ever.


They all finished training a little early and rested on the ground for a minute. "Ahhh Kakashi I'm burnt out for now. I need ramen to regain my energy!" Naruto sat up and grinned over at the silver haired man. Kakashi shook his head and looked down at Naruto. "Sorry Naruto, I can't treat you today," he shook his head.

"Aww shoot! Why?" he groaned.

"I have some important things to take care of," he said bluntly and went to poof off, but something stopped him. "Actually, can one of you go check on Sakura?" he asked and then disappeared. They both groaned and remained laying on the ground. "I guess I'll go check up on her," Naruto stood up and stretched. He then shook his head and grinned wide though. "Hm, I don't think I can though…I just remembered Iruka-sensei said he would treat me!!" he chanted happily and skipped off, forgetting about Sakura for the moment.

Sasuke just lay there, wondering. He then sighed and got up, realizing he was the last choice, which made him angry… 'Why should I have to check up on her? She's probably fine…that annoying girl,' he thought and grunted, finding that he was already walking over there...


Sakura lay in bed all that morning, her parents were off on a mission and she suddenly felt sick; down with the flu. No one was there to take care of her, no one was there to watch over her and her fever was rising. She knew she was getting delirious, but what could she do? She was too sick to move or get up to get some medicine or a cool towel. Things suddenly felt better though, because she soon passed out.


Sasuke came up to Sakura's door to her house and hoped to god that no one was there. He knocked a couple times, but no answer came. "Sakura!" he said out loud and looked around to see if anyone was watching him. Again, no answer came. He thought, 'She's not home,' so he went to walk off. Something was telling him differently though, so he tried once again. No answer. "Fine," he growled at the door, but he tried to open it and he was surprised to find that it wasn't even locked. He stumbled in and almost tripped, but regained his composure and looked around her house.

"Sakura," he called out again and no answer came. He was starting to get pissed so he walked around her house. No one was home…or so he thought. He went upstairs and opened a door to a room quickly so he could get out of there. But, He found her, lying in bed, face red and a look of discomfort hanging over her. "Hn?" he walked over to her side and saw that she was in fact, sick. He sighed heavily and put his arm on her shoulder. "Sakura? Are you awake?" he shook her, but no response came.

He instantly took that the situation wasn't very good at all. She groaned and rolled over, still in her PJs. He looked down at her and looked around the room, the window was open. "No wonder she's sick. Stupid girl," he went and closed the window.

"Mmm, Naruto is that you?" she groaned and seemed to look over at him, but wasn't registering the situation. Sasuke's eyebrow twitched. How dare she think he was Naruto! "No…" He went over to her yet again and inspected her. Her eyes soon closed again and he went into the other room, getting a towel and wetting it, then coming back and resting it on her head. She instantly smiled and he raised an eyebrow. "Thanks Sasuke-kun," she groaned again and he smiled. Why was he smiling, he was basically being forced to take care of this annoying girl.

He sat down beside her and eyed her carefully as she slept. He could be training, but he had to watch over her, Kakashi said so. He looked outside at the blue skies and his mind wandered off. He then looked around her room; he'd never been in there. It was okay, it wasn't really girly, but it was just a room. He saw their picture of their team that they had taken and some other pictures of Sakura and her family. And he saw a few other things that didn't really seem important.

He sat back on the chair yet again; this was proving to be boring. He dozed off and soon woke up a few minutes later. He got up and got Sakura another towel, sitting back down. He got sleepy again and before he knew it he was out cold, head resting on Sakura, softly.


Sasuke felt dizzy in the morning, his head hurt, his body ached and he didn't feel all too well. He sat up and ran his fingers though his hair, looking around the room. What? This wasn't his roo- Shit! He fell asleep in Sakura's room! He instantly got up and knocked the chair over, making noise. He looked over at Sakura quickly and saw that she was still sleeping, towel still on head. A wave of relief washed over him.

He took the towel away and felt her forehead; it wasn't that big to him…. He slapped his hand to his own. What the hell was he thinking! Her fever was gone and that meant he could leave. 'Good, I can finally go now,' he sighed and got up glancing back over at her again. He sighed and pulled the covers back over her, then heading for the door. He left quietly, hoping that she wouldn't wake up. Last thing he needed was Sakura all over him, thanking him for taking care of her. He would rather act like it never happened in the first place.

It was still very early in the morning and the sun wasn't really showing yet. Sasuke headed over to the training grounds and decided to train for a while.


Sakura woke up later and looked over her clock, still an hour before she had to go to training. He head hurt, but she could get over that. Something made her ponder though. Who had taken care of her? Was she just delirious and thought she saw someone? She could've sworn she felt someone's soft touch though. She sat up and looked around. It wasn't Sasuke and it wasn't Kakashi, she thought instantly, knowing the two well…. Maybe it really was Naruto.

She got up, changed and headed for the training grounds. She saw Sasuke instantly, leaning on the railing of the bridge. He seemed to quirk his head at her, as if expecting something. She glanced over at him and shrugged, leaning on the railing, too.

"I'm fine, I was just sick yesterday," she said.

"Hn," he mumbled

"I think Naruto took care of me," she smiled.

His eyes shot over towards her quickly. Naruto! She had to be kidding. "Yeah, whatever," he mumbled.

"He always means well." She giggled.

Sasuke got pissed quick, very quick. "I hear you," he said forcefully, a little to forcefully.

"Yeah, whatever," she said and glared at him. "No need to get pissy, Sasuke."

He looked up at her with surprise; she'd never treated him this way…. He just glared at the ground. 'What's wrong with her?' he thought and sighed.

The others came soon after and Kakashi looked at the two angry students. Naruto looked at Sakura and smiled. "Sakura-chan! You're okay!" he glomped and hugged her and she laughed pushing him off.

"Naruto! Stop!"

"I thought you were a goner!"


"I didn't know if you were alright!"

"Hm? Didn't you take care of me yesterday?" she asked.

"Hm? No… Why?" Naruto looked at her, confused.

She raised an eyebrow and got a little mad. "Kakashi?" she asked, but he just shook his head. "CHA! That little sneak!" Inner Sakura yelled. She looked over at Sasuke, but before she had a chance to say anything, Kakashi had already started to training.


Naruto left right after training was over and Kakashi had some business to take care of again. That only left Sasuke and Sakura. She went over to him and took his shoulder, spun him around and made him look into her eyes. "Sasuke, why didn't you just say you were the one who took care of me instead of making me embarrass myself in a guessing game!?" she growled. Sasuke searched in her eyes, they were close, very close, but it seemed that this time Sasuke only noticed it and it made the inside of his stomach feel… weird..

"I didn't want you to annoy me about it," was his ass of a response.

"Sasuke, why are you like that? I would've just thanked you," she said softly. "Do you not liked to be thanked?"

Sasuke's eyes went a little wide, maybe she had grown and he just hadn't noticed it. "Hn…I'm sorry," he mumbled and removed her hand.

"Next time, don't have too much pride. You can be thanked every once in a while, Sasuke-kun," she smiled. "Thank you," she said and waved at him and left, leaving the dumbfounded Uchiha there.

He felt something was lodged deep in his heart and in hurt slightly, but it made things hazy like and weird, but yet it still felt good to have. He couldn't understand it…What was it!? And when Sasuke didn't know what something was or how to solve it, things must be bad, in his case at least. Sasuke started to wonder, his world of logic and knowing seemed to crack and things started to confuse him.

And then suddenly, Sasuke Uchiha didn't know why the sky was blue.