An Angel's Love

I don't own Final Fantasy VII! Just borrowing so please don't sue! This story's a bit different…How, got to read to find out! Hehehe

Chapter 1: Aeris' Plan and a Mother's Blessing

Aeris was sitting down from her place in high heaven, watching over her friends and her heart went out to a certain blond who was riding his motorcycle and looked thoughful…Poor Cloud, he seems so unhappy…

"What's the matter with Spike?" Zack asked as he looked over her shoulder. "The world is safe but…"

"He's lonely Zack." Aeris said. "And he's thinking too much!"

"Spike's always been that way." Zack said with a smile. "The only person who dragged him from that stupor was Sephiroth!" Her eyes widened at that one!

"I knew it!" She cried out happily. "They did have something going on!"

"You could've asked me, I would've told you." Zack said. "But yea, Sephi was always there and put a smile on Spike's face…uh oh Areis what are you thinking?"

"Zack where's Sephiroth now?"

"Um probably wandering around somewhere, why?" He asked and somehow the dark haired warrior knew…"No, Aeris what are you…."

"Just follow my lead Zack." She said with a smile. "And you'll see."

Sephiroth….Lucrecia's mind voice said as her eyes welled with tears from her sleeping form. My son….What have you become? Oh, if only you had Vincent and I…If you would have had your family…

"Lucrecia." Aeris's voice rang. "Hear me. My name is Aeris and I'm here to give your child a second chance."

I know you…the last Ancient! Lucrecia's voice said. But how will you help him? He's dead.

"That maybe but he will be reborn again. Of course, they will be…some changes."

Oh? Like what?

"Um, he won't be a He anymore." Aeris said trying to keep a straight face. "And he won't be alone."

Are you saying you're changing my son into a female? Lucrecia asked. For what purpose?

"Well, to have a family for one."

So why can't he meet a nice girl? Vincent will have a heart attack!

"Don't worry, Vincent can handle this." Aeris said. "And there's on thing more. I am NOT the last Ancient, Cloud is."

"Whoa! Spike's an Ancient?!?!" Zack cried out, blowing his cover. "So why didn't Sephi kill him?"

"Zack….cause Sephiroth fell for Cloud from the beginning! He killed me 'cause I was in the way! And I was something he wasn't."

"Can't be pretty." Zack said. "Sephiroth is drop dead gorgeous…not saying you're a dog but damn Sephiroth had it goin' on!"

Thank you! Lucrecia chuckled. He got that from his father and myself! So, you're doing this to bring more Ancients into the world…am I right?

"Yes and to also give Cloud happiness again."

Well, then, ok. You have my blessing. Just make sure my child has a son, and keep her name ok?

"That's fair thank you." With that the two left and Lucrecia was alone but laughing. Vincent, get ready for a new challenge….a daughter!

"All right Aeris," Zack said as they returned to their place in the Lifestream. "Start talking."

"Well, it's time for Sephiroth to redeem himself…or should I say, herself."

"He's not going to like this."

"Zack, it's not his choice. And no one is going to tell him." She located where Sephiroth was, who was fast asleep under a tree by a calm serene lake, his masumane sheathed and next to him. Aeris smiled and waved her hand over him, watching him shrink, his chest becoming very well developed, his body curvy and smooth, his hands long and elegant and the hair, although the length had not changed, became black with blue highlights! Vincent's hair! She also gave Sephiroth his true skin and eye color, peach and crimson! When all was done, Zack was drooling!

"Damn! You made it worse!" He squeaked as he adjusted his sitting position. "Cloud's in for some deep shit, lucky son of a bitch!" Aeris laughed and placed the still sleeping Sephiroth down into the mortal world not forgetting about the sword!

"Hey he might need it, his skills and powers are still the same. But I restored his mind. He's not evil anymore. Just the body's different."

"Uh huh…." Zack sighed as he was still staring and still muttering 'lucky son of a bitch'.

"Zack come on! We have work to do." She pulled him away, hearing him whimper and whine 'just five more minutes!' She herself had to hold her laugh. Zack was right; Cloud was in for some deep shit! She also made sure Sephiroth had his identification but since he was a she now, the sex part changed as did the age. To accommodate Lucrecia's wish, she kind of kept the name but for the girl's safety she twisted it. It wasn't Sephiroth anymore. Instead it was Sephora. Sephora Lucrecia Valentine!