Title: A Sister's Tale: The Sorcerer's Stone

Author: GregsLabrat

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. The only characters I own are Amanda, Rachel & Elliot. My friend urged me to post it, and so I finally did. Hope you like!

A/N: My New Year's Resolution is to finish at least one of my previous stories, so that should make you all feel a bit happier. ; )

Chapter 1

For most of our life, we have lived in a rundown orphanage outside of New York City. Even though we were each born from three different families, the three of us were practically sisters. The oldest, if you followed birthdays, would have to be Amanda Janine. Amanda was one of the most optimistic people you will ever meet. Her flowing brown hair was normally pulled back in a loose ponytail and her large blue eyes would make any boy melt. The next oldest was Rachel Sinclair, who was only older than me by one day. One day! Rachel had jet black hair and green eyes while I had red hair which was usually put in a ponytail and hidden under hat, and green eyes. Rachel and I are so close that you couldn't have one without the other. Rachel is somewhat laid back. As for me, I'm a very prankster kind of gal. I'm almost ALWAYS in trouble and I am the goofiest of the three. I think it may have to do with spending all that time with Amanda. But optimism isn't my strong point. Sometimes I can be very optimistic, but that optimism is always decreasing when more families come in and pick someone else and we grow older. As soon as you reach age eight, you realize you are spending the rest of your life in this place because the adoptive parents always go after children seven and younger. And as my optimism faded away, sarcasm replaced it. And for the past eleven years, we didn't know who we actually were until that day when the three of us were sitting together in the mess hall when the adoption facilitator came in with a couple. "Go ahead and make your choice," said the facilitator.

"Ten bucks says they choose a child under six," I smiled.

"Oh come on Ms. Elliot Croft, maybe we'll get lucky today," encouraged Amanda. It had always been Amanda's thing to call us by our full names whenever she tried to make us happy. It actually made us laugh. As we sat there laughing at Amanda, we heard the woman's thick British accent say, "We'll take those three."

The three of us turned and looked at them. "Did they just say us?" asked Amanda.

"I think so," replied Rachel.

We stared in disbelief as the facilitator and the couple walked up to us. "Girls, this is Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick. Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick, this is Elliot, Rachel and Amanda. These nice people are gonna take you guys back to London with them."

We smiled and waved. "Now if you two will follow me, we'll begin filling out the paper work."

As they walked away, Amanda turned to me and smiled. "Guess we got lucky today," she smiled.

I threw my French fry at her as all three of us laughed.


As they led us out of the orphanage, they looked to me like a real nice couple, but as the old saying goes, "Don't judge a book by its cover." I found out who they really were when I asked, "So, why did you choose us and not someone younger?"

"Because I wanted to see you lose that bet, Edna," Mrs. Fredrick replied.

"That's Elliot," I countered.

"Don't you dare talk back to me!" she scolded as we got into the taxi. I knew this wasn't going to be the happy family I had always dreamed of. Mr. Fredrick never spoke to us once, but I could feel the hate emitting from him. The plane ride wasn't all that enjoyable either. Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick sat away from us, leaving us alone and they didn't even bother to take care of us. During the flight, Rachel and Amanda talked, but I didn't catch a word they were saying; I was busy planning a prank to pull on our new foster parents. "Hey Elli, are you okay?"

I turned around and saw Rachel looking at me. "Yeah, I'm just thinking."

"You're thinking of a prank. I see that evil glint in your eyes," she smiled.

"Maybe when I have it all figured out I'll tell you."

Rachel smiled at me and turned back towards Amanda. When I looked up the aisle, I saw Mrs. Fredrick giving us the occasional glare that she would give if we got too loud, but we didn't bother to listen. Finally, we landed on the ground and saw the beautiful city of London. We had always wished to visit London and now, we were going to live there. But our adoring moment was soon interrupted by Mrs. Fredrick pushing us towards the car. As soon as we drove away, Mr. Fredrick began to speak. "Now when we get to the house, we have a set of rules. One, you will call us sir and ma-am. Two, you will wake up, do your chores, eat our meals, and hardly speak a word unless spoken to. Three, you will each have a separate room throughout the house. When we get there, we'll show you to your rooms. Four, you will not attend school, understand?"

We nodded just when Mr. Fredrick pulled up to the house. It was a cozy little home sitting in a neighborhood with identical homes. After we got our bags, we were led into the home and saw a large hallway branching off into different rooms. First, Mr. Fredrick walked up to the cupboard under the stairs and they began to whisper to one another. Then, they turned to us and said, "Erica, you get the cupboard."

"It's Elliot!" I shouted back at them when I then realized that they met meant me. Not knowing what to do next, I just stood there and looked at them. "Don't look at us like that, get in there and make yourself more comfortable."

Mr. Fredrick opened the door and motioned for me to walk in. The room was rather large for a cupboard and a pillow, blankets and mattress were lying in a corner. "Home sweet home," I muttered as I set down my bag and looked around the room.

First, I took out my books and placed them on the empty shelf next to the cot. Next, I pinned up my posters and then placed my bag with clothes, guitar and writing journals off into the corner. I was just getting set up when a banging came on my door and Mrs. Fredrick's voice called out, "Elliot, time for dinner."

I sighed and walked out to door to find Rachel and Amanda standing around the table while Mr. Fredrick sat at the head of the table as did Mrs. Fredrick. "Go ahead girls, serve the food."

Looking at the counter, I found a platter of sliced roast beef, a bowl of potatoes, steamed carrots, gravy and green bean casserole. As I picked up the bowl of mashed potatoes and began to serve, I "accidentally" flung some onto Mrs. Fredrick. She screamed bloody murder and stood up from the table. Amanda and Rachel couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sorry, did I get you?" I said in a sarcastic tone.

That's when a loud slap hit me on the face by Mr. Fredrick. After that hit I knew this was definitely not going to be the best time of my life.


All six of us were stuck doing the dishes while Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick sat in the living room watching some British comedy. "So, what room did you guys get?" I asked.

"I got the laundry room. There's nothing better than walking in to the smell of dirty socks. What about you Rachel?" asked Amanda.

"I got the attic. I swear there are more dusty bunnies than there is room," huffed Rachel.

"How's the cupboard Elliot?" asked Amanda.

"Amanda, its Edna," laughed Rachel.

"No, it's Erica," countered Amanda.

Smiling, I splashed them both with water, making the three of us laugh. "No, seriously, how's the cupboard?"

"Besides for the dust that comes off the roof when someone walks down the stairs, quite cramped. At least I have a nice quiet place to write stories and that song I've been meaning to write for Amanda."

"And it's about time too," yelled Amanda.

We all laughed until Mrs. Fredrick called out, "HEY! NO TALKING IN THERE! WE'RE TRYING TO WATCH OUR TV SHOW!"

The three of us just giggled louder as we finished up the dishes and headed to our rooms.


There you go, the first chapter. Please R&R!