I Am Not!

Chapter 1: I Am NOT a Girl, Un!

A blond, effeminate…person…walks up onto the stage carrying a microphone, a single spotlight shining down on the…person's…long, golden locks.

A single blue eye, rimmed with black mascara, peers out angrily at the audience of fangirls and fanboys, who are all DYING to know…

Is Deidara a Girl or a Boy?

"God damn it, un! I got topless for you in the manga, wasn't it obvious then that I'm a man, un!"

"Seriously! Un…shit, I'm starting to talk like Hidan…" Deidara mumbles, before looking back out at the audience again and pointing accusingly at the sea of faces.

"Why do people ALWAYS ask me if I'm a girl? It's RUDE, un! There are other much more girly characters in this Yaoi Paradise of a Manga!

Look at Zabuza's bitch, un! He even DRESSED like a girl! I wear PANTS! And…and…just look at my eyebrows! They're kind of thick, like a man's eyebrows are SUPPOSED to be! I look like Link from Zelda, un!

Being a blond with long hair doesn't make me a transvestite! And having a speech impediment doesn't make me feminine either! Uuuun! NO I don't do it to be cute! It just comes out, un? Like that Naruto brat and his 'datte bayo' hick Japanese crap, only I'm nothing like him either! Un!"

Deidara pauses to catch his breath, wiping at his sweating forehead.

"And another thing, un! I don't use the mouths on my hands for inappropriate…things! Un!"

Deidara stalks away, handing Sasori the mike as he passes.

A/N: Next chapter is Sasori! And then...Itachi, Kisame, Konan, Pein, Zetsu, Tobi, Hidan and last but definitely not least, Kakuzu! Fun! Tell me what you think, okay?