Howdy all...I don't own the OC, etc etc...I recently watched the series finale of the OC and this was the brain child of seeing the scenes with Seth and Summer's wedding so R&R&Enjoy!

2 Days Before the Wedding

What the hell am I going to tell Summer?

It was all Taylor could think of as she stood on the front steps of Summer and Seth's Providence townhouse, nervously chewing on her fingernail as she melteed under the hot August sun. She'd flown in from San Francisco that afternoon, a basket case of nerves and stress, which according to her therapist wasn't the best way to fly. But neither was going to the wedding of her two best friends with one doosy of a surprise.

She'd thought about all the ways she was going to tell Summer exactly what happened: She'd gone to France, finished her degree and the minute she'd stepped off the stage in Paris with her diploma, she'd boarded a non-stop red-eye to Berkley, where she'd gone straight over to Ryan's apartment and they made love until the sun came up. They'd started that nearly two months before and had told almost no one, not even Summer and Seth knew and with good reason. Ryan had just gotten out of a messy just-using-each-other's-bodies-for-relieving-tension relationship and they'd all told him the last thing he needed was to get back involved with a needy, neurotic sex fiend.

They'd just missed the part where Ryan was mising his needy neurotic sex fiend, his one and only in fact, and hadn't clued in to the possibility of them ever getting back together.

Nor would they have anticipated that that first night would have planted a tiny little Atwood-Townsend in Taylor's 24-year-old womb. Not even Ryan knew about that one yet; Taylor hadn't found the guts to tell him, for the simply reason she wasn't sure she even knew for sure yet. There were signs, yes - the late period, the nausea, the constant sweating and the ramped-up appetite - but also being Summer's maid of honor and the stress of planning the wedding with her from the other side of the country could have attributed to that, too.

If only that stupid flake of an OBGYN would text her back and then she'd know for sure if she was going to be ruining her best friend's wedding or not.

Taylor's nerves were put right back on their razor edge as the door opened and Summer answered, a surprised and excited look on her face.

"You're here!"

"Yes I am, and cannot wait for this bachelorette party tonight. Who all is going to be here?" Taylor tried to keep her tone light and cheery as they hauled her luggage into the living room and Summer poured them each a cold drink.

"You and me, obviously, Kaitlin, and two girls from the magazine, Renata and Gillian."

"I still can't believe you've working for Grass Roots. You've become a lobbyist! A far cry from the puff-pastry who always said 'ew' in high school."

Sumer wrinkled her nose. "Don't remind me. Seth and Ryan should be here soon. I'm so glad Atwood didn't bring a date for the wedding, because that Marina chick he was seeing was frea-ky. I mean, no offense but she made you look sound as a pound."

Taylor felt her smile tighten up just a little bit. She liked being the neurotic one of the gang and hearing that from Summer didn't sit so well. "What an astonishing compliment."

"I mean seriously," Summer continued, "who alphabetizes their entire wardrobe by designer?"

Taylor opened her mouth to answer, when the front door opened and she immediately felt a sucker punch as Ryan walked in behind Seth, who looked positively miserable.

"Summer, baby, hold me. The caterer yelled at me because i ate a sugared flower."

"Aw...ew! You're all sweaty!"

"Wanna go take a shower with me?" Seth rooted at her throat, making her laugh.

"Sure. Atwood, can you entertain Taylor for a few minutes?"

Ryan's eyes hadn't left Taylor's since he walked in the door. The intense look on his face had Taylor swallowing audibly as he crossed the room to her. "Oh I think we can stay occupied for more than a few minutes."