I know you are all very mad at me, but I have wonderful excuses! Wanna hear them?

(Drum roll)

3. I got really lazy

2. I had a long case of writer's block

and number one on my list of excuses is….


I moved!

Happy now? Thought so…

Chapter Fourteen: The Truth At Last

Celebrytie Aris Channas

Hermione knew what she had to do. She couldn't let Draco fall in love with Teliqua, even if they were the same person. She loved Draco, and hang it! Teliqua couldn't get in the way!

Friday night came and it wasn't Teliqua who stood in front of the mirror, but Hermione Granger looking her best.

She heard Draco's knock just as she finished putting on her lip gloss. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Now was the time.

She pulled the door open, but it wasn't Draco who stood before her. It was Mark.

"Oh, hello, Mark." She smiled at him politely.

"Who are you?" He asked, confused. Hermione realized her mistake.

"I'm Hermione Granger, a friend of Teliqua's. Sorry." Hermione smiled, but her face changed as Mark's eyes widened and he grabbed her hand.

"Draco's been looking for you everywhere! Come with me!" He pulled her out to his car and opened the door for her.

"Mark, wait-" she tried to say, but Mark pushed her inside, closed the door and hurried around to the other side.


Draco smoothed his shirt nervously, and then rang the doorbell. Hermione was in for a surprise and he wanted it to be good. Of course, he already knew this wasn't the way to tell her he knew who she was. But, hang it, he was in love with Hermione and Hermione was the one for him!

Why wasn't she answering the door? Had she forgotten about tonight? Draco rang the doorbell again.


"Mark, Draco's probably waiting for me at my house." Hermione said when he came back from searching his house.

"What? Why?" He asked as he pulled out of the drive.

"Well, I'm going to go on a date with him tonight. If he hasn't already left." Hermione smiled grimly.

"I am so sorry! But I'm very glad you two got back together." Mark was silent the rest of the way back to her house.

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief to see that Draco's car was in the driveway still. She jumped out of the car without a word to Mark.

"Draco!" She called, hurrying up to the door where he was standing.

He turned and his jaw dropped.

"Hermione!" He held out his arms and she fell into his embrace.

"Why'd you leave me?" he murmured against her hair.

"I was Teliqua. I never did. I thought you liked Shaylie." Hermione's words came out in a rush.

"Hush." Draco said. "I know. And it's all right." He pulled back, and dropped to his knees. "Hermione, I don't have a ring yet, but I just know that it was torture when you left. And after finding you, I was so blissfully happy. So, will you marry me sometime in the future?"

Hermione laughed. "What, no wand?" She dropped to her knees too, flinging her arms around him. "Oh, yes, Draco! Yes!"

Mark watched on with a highly amused face. Why was it he never got the girl?



You guys cannot believe how relieving it is to have this story done! The weight (along with guilt) is leaving!

I'm sorry it wasn't longer, but I knew I'd just delete it if I didn't finish it!

Please review!
