Hi guys!

First of all, I would like to thank each and every one of my readers, especially those of you who review. Without your reviews, this story wouldn't have gotten as far as it had, which brings me to my next point. Due to a review I received a while ago that I just found recently, I have decided to rewrite this story so that I can expand on the characters a little more. But, I have no idea when I'm going to be getting to that, so in order to be fair (kinda) to you all, below I have written out the basic outline of what happens in this story so that I don't leave you all hanging. After I have rewritten the story (and finished it), I will repost this story, but I'm not going to be taking it down until then. So, if you would like to wait to see what happens, don't read below this bolded area. If you would like to know what happens, be my guest and read below. Don't feel required to review to this, but if you have any input on the end of the story or if you have any little things that wouldn't affect the storyline but you would like to see (like more of such-and-such character or whatever), then please review and I will try to work those in if I can. Thank you again for all of your support and reviews!!


Ok, so basically the rest of the story was going to be Cain rescuing DG, defeating Zero with DG's help, and taking all of them back to the OZ where Zero and the Longcoats (those who survived the battle) would be put on trial and sent to prison. Andrew would find out that DG is back and they would reschedule the wedding for a few weeks later. DG would be talking to Cain about different things and accidently let it slip that she was only marrying Andrew for the OZ, not because she loved him. That leads to the question of who does DG love, and she refuses to tell him and storms out of the room. Azkedellia and Glitch decide that something needs to be done (which I hadn't figured out yet-I'm open to suggestions). Everything goes according to plan, and DG and Cain decide to get married and take Cain takes the place of Andrew and they all live happily ever after.

So yeah, that's the basic plan. Like I said, I'm open to any and all suggestions about anything that has to do with this story. If you would like to see some fluff or smut or something of the like in this story or anything else, just review and let me know. Thanks again!