Prince Of Tennis

Baked To Perfection

Fuji X Sakuno

Sakuno's birthday is coming up and Fuji wants to get her a perfect present. He was deep in thought on what he was going to give her during class and tennis practice. Suddenly he got an idea, the perfect present. After practice, he hurried home to make his present leaving everybody perplexed.

In his kitchen he searched for the ingredients to bake a strawberry shortcake, his perfect present. Even though he can't bake well he decided to try. A couple of hours later the kitchen was in a mess and the cake in the oven.

Back at the tennis courts

'Ne, Sakuno-chan, do you think Fuji senpai is hiding something?' Tomoka asked suspiciously.

'W-what are you talking about, Tomo-chan?' Sakuno answered innocently.

'He's probably hiding your birthday present,' Tomoka simply stated.

'Ehhh! N-no that's n-not…' Sakuno started.

'Well I've got to go! Why don't you go visit Fuji senpai?' Tomoka announced leaving.

Maybe I-I should Sakuno thought heading for his house.

At Fuji's house

The cake was finally ready but it didn't come out the way he wanted. He just finished decorating the cake when the doorbell rang. It was none other than Sakuno Ryuzaki the girl he loved for so long.

'W-what are doing here Sakuno-chan?' he said.

'I c-came b-because I was w-worried about you, Fuji senpai,' she stammered feeling her face turn a bright crimson red.

Little did she know Fuji was as red as tomato because of her last statement.

'Thank you for worrying, Sakuno-chan,' Fuji answered.

'What's that Fuji senpai ?' she asked pointing at the irregular shape on the table.

'You've got me, that's your present but I didn't bake properly…' he began, and got cut off because Sakuno's lips pressed against his.

'It's perfect.'

Hoped you liked it! I'm not really sure if the title fitted the story though.

Anyways, please review!!!
