Summary "Evil? I'm evil, yes. Things have to change, and I will do it. In every possible way."

Category - The Boondocks

Rated: T



Nothing suffocates you more than the passing of everyday human events
Isolation is the oxygen mask you're making children breath into to survive

I grew up in this shit. People look at what the power tells them to look at and they see what the power tells them to see. The truth...people don't want truth.
People want only the bliss of ignorance, an excuse for their laziness. 'It not our fault, they tell us to do it' they say; too lazy to find a decent excuse.
No, I'm not talking about niggas. I've expanded my horizon: now I talk about everyone.
People...selfish, stupid, detestable and useless people.
They claim. They scream. They do nothing.
Sure the Government does a great job: so great that people love to know they being are watched. People want the safety of Government rule.

And when we were good
You just close your eyes
So when we are bad
We'll scar your minds

I always hated this. People have to be free, willy-nilly even. I can't stand that somebody rules over us, and if that somebody is a complete idiot, well... I have to attack.
I've tried so hard to make people understand, but no one listened to me. They laughed. They picked at me for telling them the truth. It only proved my case more: people love to be chained.
So I became what I'm now: a terrorist. A poor description, but what can I say? I am what I am.
Oh, please... I obviously prefer not do what I do now. But sometimes you have to scream to be heard, and when you want to talk with an entire nation – a nation build with stupid, selfish, lazy and detestable people - the only way to scream is make something explode.

And this part, I have to say, is pretty funny.

You'll never grow up to be a big rock star
Celebrated victim of your fame
Just cut our wrists like cheap coupons
And say that death was on sale today

Obviously these tactics scare people, and the Enemy overuse this fear - like they always had, anyway - against me. They brandish me with some many terrible things.
The enemy screams that I'm crazy, bloodthirsty, that I want to destroy the American Dream; that I'm a psychopath.
They say that I kill innocent people 'coz I'm psychotic. They think that these deaths were meaningless.
Not true.
Is just that I have to be heard, I have to scream and innocent people die in the process. But these deaths aren't meaningless: I respect them.

They are the necessary cost for the new world order.

The death of one is a tragedy
The death of one is a tragedy
The death of one is a tragedy
The death of a million is just a statistic

And please, think on this: what costs the most, the freedom that I offer, or the useless wars the Government wage?
Compared to them, I'm just a novice killer. I eliminate few necessary people, they entire generations... for what?
I want freedom for everyone but sacrifices are necessary. Stop complaining and listen to me, so I don´t have to scream.

But I'm not a slave to god that doesn't exist
And I'm not a slave to world that doesn't give a shit

I'm not fighting for a god. Religion is a luxury to calm the masses.
People deserve freedom, not fairytales. God is the crib of new contrasts, and contrast remove freedom.
And I'm certainly not fighting for a Government that probably will never honor me.
No, I'm fighting for me--for my ideals.

I deserve to be call terrorist for this? If so, then yes, I am a terrorist.

Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

I'm looking outside my window when my cell phone rings. Shit, this is not a good sign. If they call me, something's gone bad.
I answer at the second ring and so came the first surprise: it isn't Caesar, but Riley. Fucking strange.


My brother is panting, and it's a bad sign. Fuck.

"Da´ others are dead."

...Double fuck.
I have to stop a second to understand where my plan could go so wrong that not one, not two, but three people died. I don't see anything that could be so fucking wrong.

"But I killed who did it."

Oh, really good, so now I've got some dead cop and three people dead. What the hell could go so wrong?

"And I left da´ explosives where ya´ wanted. Probably da´ explosion will burn da´ bodies."

That's real good. The plan probably was gonna work, and no evidence of the... whatever it was will remain. Good brother.

"Excellent. The building is already blown-up?"

As I say it I see out of my window, fire coming from where the building was.


And while my brother ended the call, a spontaneous smile was born from my lips.
It's beautiful. Perfectly beautiful. Caesar, Jazmine, would agree with me if only you could see it. Ah, sweet anarchy.
You were probably my only friends: I'm happy that at least your last job was this.
Thank you.





'The Boondocks' original characters are © Aaron McGruder.
'The Fight Song' is © Marilyn Manson.

We all love SnowSistem. Paraphrase me! -hug-
The part 'Ah, sweet anarchy' is from her, and I have to say… I love the word 'anarchy'. Fits perfectly, innit?
And review me. The next is Jazmine, then Cindy, Caesar and last Riley.
'cause schizophrenia is GOOD! Share it! Yee!