Chapter 14

Universe, meet The Doctor and Rose

The TARDIS had already made Jack aware of what was going on and was more than willing to offer her his assistance. While Rose and the Doctor were getting ready, Jack had managed to slip the TARDIS, unnoticed by the Doctor due to help from the old girl, out of the Time Vortex and into the HUB, where he had arranged to pick up the few people the TARDIS herself had requested be present.

Dressed all in white, Martha, Donna, Sarah Jane, Gwen, Ianto, Tosh and Owen had all been told of the magnitude and significance of what they were about to be apart of and witness prior to entering the TARDIS and they all stood in silent respect as Jack piloted the ship to their destination. They were about to be introduce to the Lord and Lady of all of time and space.

The TARDIS materialised on Saturn's Rings, an appropriate setting she thought, and extended her force field so that her occupants could stand outside her doors, an invisible floor so that it seemed like they were floating in space. Everyone took their positions either side of the doors as Jack waited next to the console for the pair to arrive. The Doctor and Rose entered the control room, greeted by Jack who, after getting over the initial shock of seeing Rose, smiled and bowed to them both.

"My Lord and Lady, if you would follow me." They nodded at Jack and followed him to the open TARDIS doors; he stopped them just before the passed over the threshold. Rose and the Doctor stood stunned as they looked out at where they were and saw their friends smiling back at them.

"What's going on Jack?" The Doctor asked warily.

"The TARDIS asked me to help, this is all her doing, and we're here because we love you both and have been asked to bare witness." Jack replied raising one eyebrow in amusement at the Doctors obvious confusion.

"Bare witness to what Jack?" He asked his friend who seemed at the moment to hold all the answers.

"The beginning." Rose said before Jack could answer and she squeezed his hand.

"It will be okay Theta, trust me there is nothing to fear."

The Doctor looked into her eyes and nodded, then motioned for Jack to continue with whatever it was that needed to be done.

"Alright then Jack."

"Yes Sir!" Jack mock saluted the Doctor and smiled as he turned around to face the open doors of the TARDIS and stepped outside, and in his most official tone Jack spoke:

"It is my distinct privilege and indeed my greatest honour to present to you, The Lord and Lady of Time and Space, Protectors of the Universe for all Eternity. The Doctor and Rose meet the universe……….Universe meet The Doctor and Rose." And as The Doctor and Rose stepped out of the TARDIS, Jack dipped his head, followed by the others, in a bow of respect as the two met the universe together for the first time, even the universe itself seem to come to a stand still to pay its respect to this moment in history. Rose and the Doctor smiled as they felt its silent acknowledgement and acceptance. Rose squeezed his hand as she turned to face him, her entire being glowed as the lights and colours of the planets rings reflected off her gown and eyes giving her an almost ethereal presence.

"There's one last thing that I want to show you Doctor, another gift that you also now possess and in time you'll be able to use it as I do." Rose laughed. "Funny that the roles are reversed, me teachin' you this an' all." He returned her smile and chuckled; still delightfully confused that she couldn't help but giggle and smirk a little at him, knowing that what was to come next would absolutely warp even his superior Time Lord mind. Rose extended her left out in front of her body palm facing down. The Doctor watched her intensely and she squeezed his fingers between her own as she rolled her outstretched hand back over and in her once empty palm was a small golden orb about the size of a golf ball hovering just a few millimetres from her skin. She smiled in amusement at the incredulous stare on his face focusing intently on the ball that had appeared in her hand.

"If you think that was good Theta then wait till you see the rest,."

Letting go of his hand she turned to face him so that the orb was cradled in her hands between them. For a moment he was unsure what she wanted him to do until he felt his hands move as if of their own accord to splay out over her own, enclosing the light in the circle their hands made. Rose closed her eyes to focus and the orb began to spin and glow, faster and brighter at every passing second. Beautiful silver, gold and green hues began to emanate from the orb washing out in an ever increasing intensity of waves which made a slight 'wobbing' sound as it radiated from between their hands. The others watched on in awe.

"You'll like this part my love." Rose smiled as she continued out loud.

"You can remove your hands my Doctor; I've absorbed enough of your energy to continue this part on my own, I will be able to compensate for you until you have learnt to control it."

"Learnt to control it?" Rose only nodded and he continued. "What is IT Rose?"

"The Universe." Rose replied in an almost ethereal voice as she took a step away from him.

And with those words her arms dropped to her sides as the glow of the orb intensified again and silvery golden green light began to swirl around her slowly from foot to head until she was bathed in light, her hair had broken loose from the back leaving only her crown as it swam behind her. She opened her eyes and smiled at her mate as he stood as equally astounded and bewildered as the rest of the company present. He could feel the power coming from Rose as she approached him, but when she pressed her lips to his, he could feel that the power he was sensing was what she was allowing him to feel, only a fraction of what she currently held within her, the combination of their essence, the power to destroy and obliterate………..but also the power to restore and recreate entire universes and civilisations. She broke the kiss and nodded to him in understanding as she felt his fears for the enormity of their power.

"All is as it should be Doctor; there is nothing to fear, this power that was bestowed upon us, we did not choose it for ourselves, but accepted it, and therein lays the reason we are safe from corruption. The choice was made at the dawn of Time; we would become who we are now, to be here together." And he understood. Rose turned and addressed the group as she walked to Jack.

"You are all here because you serve a higher purpose, you help to control the balance, and you may think that protecting only one planet in the entirety of this universe is insignificant but you have no idea how important it is that you continue to fight, for one person protecting their home can be more powerful than any army."

She was standing in front of Jack now and she looked at him, deep into his eyes and saw the pain of loosing them both on the Gamestation, being left behind and having to endure all that he had to reach this point in time. She kissed him, and as she spoke into his mind, he was rid of pain and regret, instead feeling a great peace wash over him, and he knew that in this moment she, the doctor, the universe accepted him, no longer was he something that should not be, but a constant fact.

"I gave you life after the darkness Jack Harkness, not only because I could not stand to lose you, but because you too have a part to play in this, one day you will understand, some day far from now. But be assured my Jack that you are not alone. You are now linked to myself, the Doctor and the TARDIS, not in the way the Doctor and I are, but we all share a connection, you will be able to speak to us just as I am speaking to you now, you will not share our thought, but some feelings you will be able to pick up and learn to translate over time."

He erupted into a massive grin and nodded as tears of joy rolled freely down his cheeks and he welcomed all to see them. This was the happiest moment of his life, his two best friends whom he loved dearly and was over joyed to finally see them together in all their glory, and connected to them for as long as his immortality held out, deep inside he knew that one day it would end, but he didn't care, he was loved, he had a family and he finally had a home, and could just be himself. Jack shut his eyes and concentrated hard replying to her. "Thank you Rosie, for everything."

"You're welcome, and don't worry too much, The Doctor and me will teach you, you'll pick it up in no time." She winked at him as her tongue poked through her teeth as she grinned. Supreme Being she may be but still his Rosie Jack thought and smiled.

"Always." She whispered into Jacks mind as she returned to the Doctors side.

With one final glance around the gathering she smiled at the Doctor as he stood beside her waiting, knowing that there was indeed something coming that he would no doubt be shocked at but definitely enjoy. She closed her eyes once more as they ethereal light that surrounded her was drawn back from around her and intensified in a swirling torrent between her now outstretched arms; she splayed her fingers out at the universe as she released the orb, it launched high over their heads and with an almighty thunderous crash it exploded showering every last atom and molecule in time and space in the universe, in the most fantastical fire works display never to be rivalled in brilliance, imagination or intensity of colour. This was the beginning, the universe renewing itself in the wash of power and love.

The Doctor wrapped his arm around Rose waist as they stood admiring the show. Rose laughed as she felt him reach for the sonic screwdriver to run over her, a habit he had taken up a long time ago to reassure himself that she was alright. Just as he was about to activate, the screwdriver flew out of his hand and into Roses' waiting hand.

"I'm fine Doctor relax yeah?" She laughed at the unbelievable expression on his face.

"OOhh, you're gonna have to teach me that little Jedi trick Rose Tyler." He teased excitedly.

"You an' your sci-fi techno-babble Doctor, really, what am I gonna do with you?"

"Oi! You started it Vulcan Mind Meld indeed." He spluttered murmuring the last part.

"What? Well that's wha' it looked like at the time so just shut it, yeah?"

"Or what?" He said, and she knew by the look in his eyes that he was challenging her.

She moved back from him leaving a space between them no more than a foot wide so they weren't touching, and he caught the glint in her eyes that spelled trouble, not universe goes bang in 5 minutes, paradoxical trouble but Rose trouble, which for him could be worse.

"Rose." His tone wary. "Rose what are you……?" Her smile was daring, and he caught a tiny glint of evil fleck across her eyes as his shirt buttons began to undo themselves one by one revealing inches of his bare chest as they continued to open. He quickly grabbed at his shirt as the third button slid from its holder, and re buttoned himself and smoothed down his jacket.

"Rose this isn't the time or the place, I would kindly remind you to control your telekinetically related urges thank you very much." But she caught his eyes and he grinned wolfishly at her.

"Not now Rose, but soon." She felt him brush up against her inner thigh, sighing loudly in response until she realised he wasn't touching her, he was still foot away and she hadn't seen him move the whole time.

"There are still some things that you don't know about me Rose." The Doctor whispered lifting one eyebrow, desire plain to see in those two once brown now nearly black eyes.

"How did you………..?" But she was cut off, her breath hitching and her eyes fluttering closed as she felt fingers ghosting over her right nipple causing it to stand to attention.

"Not now, not here." She agreed almost breathless, she laughed and grinned at him knowing he'd remember these next words.

"Witchcraft?" She teased biting her bottom lip. He pulled her to him as he replied.

"Time Lord."