. Miracles Happen

Please read my story and I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, Disney does.

Robert awoke to a familiar sound for a week now, the sound of someone throwing up in the bathroom. He quickly shook off the cobwebs in his eyes, jumped out of bed, grabbed his robe off the end of the bed and ran into the bathroom. He grimaced when he notice the nightgown clothed redhead hunched over the toilet gagging and softly whimpering. He quickly went down on his knees, gently pulled back her long red hair with one hand while softly rubbing her back.

Even after a year of marriage Robert couldn't stand to see his wife either sad or hurt. It tore him out inside and made him want to gather her into his arms and kiss away the tears and fears. Plus it made him want to hurt whoever had hurt her. He liked it when Giselle was happy with her happy go lucky attitude where she viewed the world through rose colored glasses and her love to sing whatever had come to mind no matter where she was. Those were two of the things that had made him fall madly in love with her in the first place.

"Sweetie, are you ok?" He whispered in her ear as he continued to whisper sweet endearments into her ear as he rubbed her back. He felt useless he didn't know what to do to help Giselle besides comforting her while she was sick then tucking her into their bed and holding her until the morning hours.

" Robert, I don't feel so good. Is this what you would call an "illness"? I don't think it is very fun?" Giselle moaned as she gagged into the toilet though nothing came up as she had already emptied last night's dinner.

"Maybe you should go to the doctor and have you checked out. It could just be the flu that is going around the office." Robert said in a gentle voice as he got up from the floor to wet a washcloth and then gently dabbed her forehead as he eased her up into a standing position while supporting her with an arm around her waist. He greatly guided her into their room and eased her onto their bed; he covered her with the duvet. He tenderly stroked her hair while looking lovingly at her. He leaned over and kissed her forehead while promising to call the doctor in the morning. He went over to his side of the bed and climbed in, he inched his way over to his wife's side and pulled her into his arms with her head into the crook of his neck. He gladly let sleep overtake him.

AN: Hope this story takes, it was my first time posting a story onto the website.