Disclaimer: I DO NOT own this anime………I wish I did though.

Only You

Chapter 1: Another Year

Glasses clanked and people chatted while others got the party decorations ready. A brunette from in the middle of the room burst out laughing (The wonderful character MIKAN! Duh) as students turned their heads to look. Right besides her was a boy with black hair, was angrily staring at her with his dark ruby eyes. (I think you can guess that.) Behind him was a blonde boy (Ruka) with blue eyes looking at her in bewilderment.


As casual, Mikan was on the floor face first. Standing above her was a girl in black hair with beady purple eyes. (Hotaru) In her hands was the famous BAKA gun she invented about a year ago before arriving at the academy, so her messy friend wouldn't touch her. Slowly everyone backed away knowing something was bout to happen.

"Hotaru… why did you hit me?" Mikan sobbed still laying on the floor stretched out.

"Baka. Keep your whiny voice down and I won't have to use force." Hotaru said coldly as she walked away from the scene.

Mikan sighed as she sat up letting her head tilt to the side, "So mean…"

Ruka made a small smile and walked over to poor Mikan and put out his hand, "You better get up before Sensei comes back."

Mikan nodded and graved his hand letting him lift her up. When she was finally up she dusted her skirt and thanked Ruka before she ran after her best friends on the other side of the room. Ruka watched with a tint of red on his face. Natsume also watched still leaning on the wall. He looked away quickly as Ruka walked back to him.

"Mikan are you ok?" Anna asked worriedly rushing to Mikan.

"Yeah. Thanks for asking. How are things going here?" Mikan replied going back to her cheery mode she usually was.

"Just fine Mikan-chan." Yu said appearing from behind the huge "Happy New Year" sign.

Mikan took a deep breath and happily sighed, "Since things are done here I'll go out for a bit."

"Mikan, make it here before midnight. You don't want to miss the New Year advent." Nonoko said happily placing down a chemical bottle.

"I know don't worry! See ya around!" Mikan cheered running out of the classroom and outside. Light cold winds brushed her whole body as small flurries touched the ground. A huge smile spread across her face and she took off towards the Sakura trees.

Inside, Ruka glancing around the room strangely and keeping an ear out for the noise he loved. A wave of worry flushed him, as he couldn't find what he wanted. He turned to Natsume, who was sitting at his desk silently sleeping with a manga book over his face, and quietly asked, "Natsume…have you seen Mikan after Hotaru hit her?"

Natsume plopped the manga off his face and looked at Ruka unemotionally, "No."

Ruka nodded and stood up out of his desk and walked out of the classroom. Only Natsume, Hotaru, Tsubasa, and Misaki knew he liked Mikan, while Mikan couldn't sense it even if it hit her in the face. Ruka finally gave up after he searched the whole building and returned to the classroom. He then ran over to the group Mikan hung out with and asked, "Do you know where Mikan is?"

Hotaru raised her eyebrow as she read her book, "The dummy went out for some air. She'll come later."

"Thanks." Ruka thanked and returned to his seat next to Natsume who seemed to fall asleep again.

Back to Mikan: She felt so awesome as the breeze sweep over her closed face. Her motionless body relaxed against the Sakura tree Natsume and her shared during the school day. She wasn't asleep but close to it. Time ticked by and soon she was asleep not realizing the time.

It was now 11:40 pm and every one of Mikan's friends started to get worried about her.

"She's usually here to wake everyone up. I wonder where she is." Anna said yawning a bit.

"Really. It's freezing outside, so I don't think she's out there." Nonoko said laying her head against her desk yawning.

"Um…maybe we should stop by her room to see if she's there." Yu protested sipping on some water.

"Right. Come on guys lets go find Mikan." Anna answered standing up leading the group out.

Everyone followed from that group except for Hotaru. When Anna reached the door she turned and asked, "Hotaru aren't you going to come?"

"Why would I search for that idiot?" Hotaru answered coldly still reading.

A sweat drop slid down their heads as they left her evil aura. Ruka was slightly tired, but he over heard the group planning and walked to them, "I'll help."

"Thanks Ruka." Nonoko and Anna said sweetly as they left.

Natsume sighed and stood up walking after Ruka. Hotaru smirked and flicked a tiny camera on his shoulder. Money signs flashed inside her head as she read on.

Mikan woke up shortly after the group left the room. She stood up and stretched. A little yawn peeped out while she started walking out from under the tree's gaze. Suddenly she felt a tug on her skirt from behind her. Mikan turned and saw that a plant caught onto it. She happily took her time trying to remove it. But after her 10th try she started to get worried. Mikan was now forcefully tugging at it and trying to break it.

"Stupid plant let go!" Mikan yelled at the plant struggling against it.

The plant showed no signs of letting go. Mikan was still tugging when she felt another tug at her back. Her eye flinched with anger as she saw another plant gripping on her.

"I have no time for this!!!" Mikan squeaked now trying to run away. Quickly another plant rapped around her stomach and legs causing her to flop down onto the ground. "What's with these plants?"

"I got her know." A whisper scratched the air above Mikan.

Mikan looked up and heard another voice, "Shut up she might hear us."

"Hey retards let me go!!" Mikan yelled up at the tree with her fist in the air.

"Crap retreat." A voice said.

The plants around Mikan dispersed and Mikan got up. Quickly she left her anger there and ran back to school.

The group where in her one star room looking around.

"Mikan's not here." Yu said looking in the bathroom.

"Where is that girl at?" Nonoko said looking at her watch, "We better get back! I bet she'll be there."

"Ok." Everyone answered rushing back to the classroom.

Mikan panted and halted right in front of the door, "Can't give up…COUGH… only a little left to go." Mikan took straight off with all her power.

The clock in the classroom read 11:58 pm now. Quickly the group of searchers came running in and dropped onto their desks panting. Yu looked around and told everyone, "She's not here either."

"Hotaru. Have you seen her?" Anna pleaded sadly.

"No." Hotaru answered FINALLY placing her book down and looking at everyone.

"I'm sorry guys!" Mikan said out of breath coming into the room and falling to the ground in exhaustion.

"Mikan-chan!" Anna cried out hugging her.

"Where were you?" Nonoko asked sitting down besides her.

"Ruka was really worried." Yu said smiling at her.

Ruka flushed red and turned his back to Mikan. Mikan laughed and clutched her fists.

"Does anyone know a plant alice?" Mikan asked getting her breathing normal.

"I don't why?" Nonoko asked.

"While I was sitting outside. Plants started to capture me." Mikan answered.

Natsume over heard and glanced worriedly behind him. Ruka also paused. They both thought of the devil that sent Natsume on horrible missions, Persona, he might be targeting Mikan now.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The whole class screamed popping and bursting party favors.

Mikan cheered, until she felt a stare on her. Mikan turned and there was Natsume staring at her with nothing in his eyes. She stopped cheering at looked at him. With a cute smile and wave she signaled Natsume that she knew he was looking at her. Once Mikan turned away Natsume blushed and made a tiny smile.

Once the New Year passed the class left to finally go to bed. Mikan traveled by herself like every night. Natsume's face was still stuck in her mind. A small tint of red showed on her cheeks. Mikan reached her room carefully, without waking anyone up. When she opened her door and flicked on the lights she noticed a body by her window looking out.

Mikan sighed and closed her door and proceeded to the bathroom to get dressed while the shadow watched her. Once Mikan was out she walked to the shadow and sighed again, "What do you want now pervert?"

"Hn." Natsume answered looking away from her.

"If you came here you must have a reason. If you don't I'm going to bed." Mikan replied walking to her bed and laying down.

"Oi Polka." Natsume whispered among the room.

"Hai." Mikan said clapping off the lights.

"I'll be guarding you for a couple of days." Natsume resumed.

"Why?" Mikan asked yawning.

"I've got reasons." Natsume said turning to her lying on the bed.

"I really don't care right now. I'm about to pass out to sleep." Mikan whispered.

"I'll be sleeping here tonight." Natsume said walking to the other side of the bed and slipping under the covers.

Mikan shot up blushing, "Why!"

"Shut up. You'll wake people up." Natsume yawned laying down.

Mikan calmed down and laid down blushing, "A guy sleeping in my bed…is that bad?"

"Goodnight." Natsume yawned falling asleep.

Mikan nodded falling asleep besides him. Slowly time passed. First Natsume was hugging Mikan close to him before turning around. Second, Mikan hugged him close too, but they stayed that way.

"I love you Natsume…" Mikan said in her dream.

"Oi. Wake up."

"Wake up!"

Mikan slightly opened her eyes seeing Natsume's eyes so close to hers. Their noses were touching too. Mikan closed her eyes again and reopened them getting a fuller see. Quickly Mikan gasped and flushed red. Natsume just looked at her waiting for his chance. He let no one see that he loved Mikan, not even Ruka. Then he thought, "We're old enough…" (Natsume 15, Mikan 14)

"Natsume…" Mikan gasped.

"Close your eyes." Natsume ordered staring in her eyes.

Mikan gulped and closed her eyes fast. She actually forced her eyes to stay shut. Suddenly she felt a warm press on her lips causing her to open her eyes. Natsume was the one kissing her. His hand was on her neck holding her in. Mikan turned a dark red letting Natsume kiss her. Slowly he let go and got up. Mikan was still shocked and still laid there.

"You better hurry. Class will start soon." Natsume said jumping out the window.

Mikan sat up touching her lips still blushing. But quickly she got ready and ran to school. Mikan could remember that Natsume was her first kiss and not someone who was nice to her. But a huge smile spread on her face as she ran to the classroom awaiting for another unexpected kiss.