(A/N) ok I would firstly like to say… I didn't come up with this idea. It was… Lanna-misssunshine's you all should look at her work. She is a wonderful author. Anyway, I would just like to say… I hope you guys like this. This one should be a better story then my last one because I actually do have an idea of where I'd like this one to go. As BloodStainedSoul said I am very obsessive when it comes to my writing so I like to know exactly what every line is going to say before I write it down. But, this time, I have a pretty good outline of the way I want this story to go…. Now it might change in the end, mind you… but my imagination is a scary thing sometimes. It spits things at me faster than I can type… anyway, enough of my rambling… this is an embarrassingly long author note… so one to the story!!

BPOV… for now.

I was depressed. And he could read it on my face. I knew he had to go hunting every now and then… but it always made me sad to have to see him go.

"Bella, Love, you know I won't be gone long. What is two days, anyway? I hate to see you this upset. I love you." His velvet voice almost made things better. Key word being, almost.

"Edward, you know exactly what it does to me when you leave. I can't stand it! And this time Alice is leaving too. What do you expect me to do? Smile and wave?" I said frantically. Edward got an evil glint in his eye. This was not a good sign. Oh he wouldn't, would he?

Before I had time to tense up, he sprang at me and we flew all the way from the dining room to the living room couch. His arms were around me like a cage, protecting me from the outside world. His face, not two inches from mine was incredibly beautiful. It was breath-taking.

I took the only chance I knew I would get before Charlie got home. I let myself plop down on the couch to where I was under him, all his weight held up by his arms so that not an ounce of his weight was on me. I locked my arms as tight as I could around his neck. I threw myself into the kiss. I was being way to passionate about this. This kind of thing would get me into trouble one day if I didn't get changed soon. I liked the sound of that. Getting changed soon would change EVERYTHING up. Edward would no longer have to be careful with me; I could put as much passion as I wanted to into the kiss, without getting hurt.

I had forgotten to breath.

I fell back onto the couch with much satisfaction. It took me a minute to catch my breath and realize that Edward had scooted all the way to the other side of the couch and was pinching the brim of his nose. 'Great job, Bella!' I scrutinized myself, 'There you go again. Making things harder on everyone around you. You good for nothing…' But my thoughts were interrupted.

"I'm so sorry, Love. It's just so hard to be careful, when you are so tempting like that." He kept his eyes closed. "No need to worry. I'll be ok I'm a few minutes."

He still wasn't breathing. I watched him cautiously. "I'm going to go, uh, finish Charlie's dinner. He should be coming home soon." I stammered. I hadn't fooled him. His ice cold lips were at my ear in less than a second.

"I'm fine, Love, I just needed a moment to refocus."

I looked into his eyes. They were sincere. I watched them slowly change back from black to the deep butterscotch I loved to see in his eyes.

"Finish Charlie's dinner." He reminded me. What had I been making? I couldn't remember. I walked over to the kitchen.

Judging by everything I had set out, I had been re-heating left over lasagna. Easy enough.

The microwave beeped at the same time I heard the cruiser pull up in the drive way. As I turned to get the plates and silverware I had stacked I noticed Edward had already set them out and was walking quickly towards me.

"I'm sorry about earlier, Love, I just wasn't paying close enough attention. Now do you understand why I must be so careful? I love you, Bella. I couldn't bare it if I ever hurt you."

And with that his ice cold lips touched mine; they were passionate but more cautious this time.

"Much better," I mumbled.

"I couldn't agree more," he sighed and let go of my waist, settling for my hand, "three, two,… Charlie." Edward greeted.

"Edward. Bella." Charlie greeted back, finally not having to fake a polite tone. "Mmmm. Lasagna, my favorite. Would you like to stay for dinner, Edward?" he asked though he already knew the answer.

"No thank you, sir, Emmett, Jasper, Carlisle, and I are getting ready for a –"

"Camping trip." Charlie interrupted, "Bells has told me all about it."

"Well, I'd better be going." Edward glanced at me.

I walked with him to his Volvo. The walk was too short. I still hadn't quite decided how I was going to convince him to stay, though he clearly needed the hunt. 'Selfish, selfish, selfish!' I screamed at myself in my head.

"Are you coming back tonight, or are you leaving tonight?" I almost begged him to stay.

"I'm sorry, Love, but I do believe that Carlisle wanted to leave tonight as soon as I got home." He looked sad. "I love you."

Then he kissed me, again like before, on the couch. Not smart. I pulled away this time. I was scared for a moment, that he might kill me.

"Good thing you are the responsible one." He muttered something under his breath too low for me to hear. He took my hand and kissed it quickly, then revved the engine and sped away.

As soon as I got back in the house, Charlie was already through with his dinner. I cleared the table and filled the left half of the sink with warm soapy water. I dumped Charlie's soiled plate and silverware in the water and let them soak.

While waiting on the grease from the lasagna to loosen up a little off the plate, I squirted an off-brand table cleaner on the table and wiped it down. I threw the dirty dish rag in the wash, and walked back to the sink. I reached my hand into the water and grabbed all the dishes and set them in the other half of the sink. I scrubbed them quickly not second rinsing or anything I used to do.

When I was done with all the cleaning, I walked quickly up to my room. I was eager to see if Edward was going to actually show up to surprise me.

I felt my face fall when I saw that my room was empty. I rushed to my computer to see if there was a note. There was no note, but I did notice that I had left my memory stick at Edward's house in Alice's laptop.

I ran down stairs. I felt Charlie's eyes on me the whole time. So, I rushed to get my jacket on and when I was finished I ran into the living room, almost tripping on where the carpet starts and the tile stops.

"Whattcha so rushed for?" Charlie asked.

"I've got a major history paper due on the Monday we get back and I wanted to get an early start on it. But, I left my memory stick in Alice's laptop so I need to go get it." I said, rushing to get out the door.

"You shouldn't worry about all that school work you worry about, Bells, it's Spring break for goodness sake. Take a breather." He ignored my rushing mood.

"I'll take a breather when my paper is good and done." I said, walking from the living room to the front door.

"Be careful, Bells." Charlie called after me.

I sprinted as fast as my rain boots would let me go. I jumped into my truck, practically, and "sped" off.

When I got to the Cullens' driveway, I heard some loud music playing that I'd never heard before. All the cars were still there, of course. Maybe Edward left his music on. I mean he was pretty spacey this afternoon.

"I wonder," I said to myself.

Before going to turn off my silly fiancée's music I grabbed my memory stick out of Alice's laptop that was sitting carelessly on the couch. Then, I bounded up the stairs and started making my way to Edward's room.

I started slowing my pace as I got closer to his room. I quietly pushed the door open.

My heart stopped. I couldn't breathe. How could they do this to me? The love of my life, and my Best friend?!?!?

Alice was standing up, while Edward was sitting down, kissing in a way Edward had told me was impossible for me, if I was going to stay alive. I wanted to say something, but for some reason I'd lost my voice. They were apparently too busy to even notice I was there. 'I love you.' I mouthed to the man I thought I loved.

I turned on my heel, tears falling silently down my cheeks, I walked down the stairs. I could just feel my world collapsing in around me. I got to my truck and slammed my head onto the steering wheel. Then, everything went black.

I didn't know how long it had been or what had brought me out of my "slumber" all I knew was I was heartbroken.

"Bella," I heard Jasper's urgent voice, smooth as velvet, in my ear. "What's wrong?" I felt his hand placed softly on my lower back. I'd never noticed how much Jasper cared about me.

All I could manage to choke out was, "Edward," I coughed, "Alice." I coughed again, trying to catch my breath. Emmett stayed by my side, but everyone else went inside, lead by Jasper, to see what I meant.

"What's wrong?" Emmett had his arm around my shoulder, rubbing soothing circles right above my elbow. He truly was the big brother I never had.

"Edward and Alice," I coughed. I was going to continue to attempt to tell Emmett what had been bothering me, but I was interrupted…

There was an explosion of growls some I recognized to be Edward's and some I didn't recognize at all. I heard a window shatter. I squeezed my eyes shut.

Emmett pulled my head to his shoulder. "Shhhhh," he patted my hair, "Don't worry, we'll take care of them." He didn't understand. I wasn't worried about their safety like usual, I was hurt.

"He wouldn't dare?" Emmett challenged, suddenly very defensive "Oh, Bella," Emmett suddenly pulled me into a brotherly embrace. "I'll kill him." He whispered, before kissing the top of my head and pulling me out of my truck.

"I want to stay in the truck," I complained, trying to crawl back into my truck, but soon giving up knowing I was no match for Emmett.

"Stay away from me, Edward." I heard Jasper scream.

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, I was in Jasper's arms.

"Close your eyes," He reminded me. And we were running.

It seemed as if Jasper had taken two steps and when I opened my eyes Jasper was strapping me into Emmett's Jeep. He touched my cheek softly then ran around to the driver's side. I had enough time to blink again and we were speeding one hundred and eight down the Cullens' Driveway.

"Where are we going?" I asked breathlessly.

"Getting out of here. Unless of course, you'd like to go back. I figured we'd go to one of our other houses, if that's ok with you." Jasper said, looking at me.

"Oh, it's fine with me. Anywhere but here."

(a/n) you will be told how Jasper got home, and why he came home in the next chapter or so… I hope you like it so far.

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